How Racist are you?

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Bin that baby

on a scale of microaggressions to ovens; induction furnaces.

oi ya got a loicence fo dat niglet

Just the right amount

Baby should be with its mom. This picture is degenerate.

About 56% for me

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This looks like a baby bin but it's actually an oven...

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I believe that the destiny of racemixers lies up there among the stars.
Without a space suit.

That baby is pretty dirty. I have a shower you both can use...

Her expression is one of sadness hiding behind a forced smile. You can see the subtle furrowing of her brow, frowning of her lips, and half a foot of distance between her face and her son's face. She's trying to hide her dissapointment, but she's not doing a very good job at it.
>t. autist


Usually whenever I see a nigger I must control myself; this doesn't always work, maybe one day I'll go definitely nuts and chop their limbs off with a chainsaw. as for the mudslimes, they make me ill but not enough to kill them, I just want them the fuck outta my country, like the gypsies, the spics and the slavs

Basically i just dont like nigger. Everyone else is prettt chill with me. Have a Sikh friend who's whole family is cool as hell, but they are all westernized.

Agreed, there is true pain behind those eyes

More than you think

Also: Where is the father?

Save your race, bin that disgrace!

I, like 90% of the white population of this country, am not even a little racist. I believe we should be judged as individuals and treated equally under the law. That does not stop the leftist from branding me a racist for holding those views. That doesn't stop the SJW from defiling the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King though.

thit that thing come out of her ass or her vagina?

was she constipated?

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> Italy
> White


Im not racist at all. I hate idiots and shitty cultures (ideas).

Both idiots and shit culture seem to concentrate in certain racial groups, but i hate nobody because of their colour. If you are a non idiot black with no shit customs and beliefs, i have no problems with you. If you are a white flatearther idiot, in the other hand...

Just happens that there are more dark skinned scumbags than white skinned do tue genetics and history.

Damn the homeboy that fathered that kid must be black like as Bridgestone tire if her whiteness didn’t noticeably lighten it up

imagine the fun of hooking up a speaker that triggers 5 seconds after the door closes that sounds like flames kicking on

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