What in the everloving fuck is wrong with hapas?
What in the everloving fuck is wrong with hapas?
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lmfao is this real
Nothing, they just don't belong anywhere. Not white enough and not Asian enough. They do relate to 2nd and 3rd generation Asians though
It's an abhorrent Canadian photoshop
This is what I want to know and the story behind the image if it is in fact real.
You're not allowed to post porn here.
I go out of my way to avoid any sexual pictures or arousal and you post this shit.
this is not pornography. this is high art. can't you see they are in an art gallery full of upper crust art afficionados?
they are racemixed frankstein-mutt nwo mongrels born out of white mens fetish of asian cartoons. would you be normal if you were that child? they also look like fucking faggots and you just want to assault them and punch in their disgusting beta faces when you fucking see them
When I think of Canada nowadays, this comes to mind. So what are you bunch gonna be by 2050? French-Chinese?
its mattress girl.
google her.