Keep the thread in English, otherwise mods will prune it.
If you're from Spain, join the /esp/ discord -- Si eres de España, entra al discord de /esp/: discord
(join them together -- juntalos)

TL;DR of the case
>San Fermines (Pamplona)
>A group of 5 men (La Manada) meet a thot (19 years old)
>They decide to have group sex
>Go to a bar bathroom but its full
>Go to a nearby hotels looking for a room to (as said by the manager) fuck
>They cant find a place
>They finally enter a building
>They do it in the same entrance
>They record it
>After finishing they stole the girl's phone and left her there
>Two people find her crying in a bench and ask what happened
>She says she had been robbed
>After 10 min she says she has been raped
>Media Shitstorm
>Everyone goes Apeshit
>Trial happens
>La Manada contracts a detective to spy on the girl
>Even more shitstorm
>More trial
>2018 comes around
>2 of the 3 judges sentence them to 9 years in prison because of sexual assault with prevalence (not rape)
>Third judge decides to absolve them
>He writes 200 pages out of 370 in the verdict explaining why
>Terrible Media and Social shitstorm
>Everyone goes completely Apeshit
>Every politician, even the Government crtiticizes the judge decission
>Judges and Prosecutors associations support the discrepant judge
>Personal data of the girl arise
>Police is after the people who released the data
>Even more shitstorm

Attached: nos.png (4000x4006, 806K)

Other urls found in this thread:


TL;DR: in Spanish
>San Fermines
>Un grupo de 5 sevillanos (La manada) conocen a una chavala (19 años)
>Quedan en tener sexo en grupo
>Van a los baños de un bar para hacerlo pero está lleno
>Van de hotel en hotel buscando habitación para follar
>No encuentran nada
>Se van a un portal
>Lo hacen ahi mismo
>Lo graban
>Al terminar roban el movil de la chavala y la dejan ahi
>Dos personas la encuentran y le preguntan qué ha pasado
>Dice que le han robado el movil
>Tarda 10 minutos en decir que la 'han violado'
>Tormenta mediatica
>La manada contrata a un detective privado para investigar a la chavala
>Más tormenta mediatica por esto
>Más juicio
>Llega la sentencia
>2 de los 3 jueces les condenan a 9 años de prisión por abuso sexual con prevalimiento
>El tercer juez les absuelve
>En el sumario del caso escribe 200 páginas de las 370 páginas totales desmontandolo todo
>Histeria másiva en las calles
>Los politicos y el gobierno critican al juez discrepante
>Asociaciones de jueces apoyan al juez discrepante
>Tormenta mediatica
>Protestas y huelgas
>Se revelan datos personales de la denunciante
>La policia va a por los que revelaron los datos personales de la denunciante

>In the interval between the seconds 00:16 to 00:22, we're able to hear moans and gasps, of non-specific origin and content as well as a voice record of a male who maintains a brief dialogue, with a content similar to: " Do you want me to put it in you? - "Yes." - "til the bottom, okay."

Attached: 1.png (826x628, 72K)

>That they affirm that, when the denouncer takes the penis of one of the accused and performs masturbatory movements on it, perhaps it happened that she did it to keep her balance and avoid falling down is so grotesque that it makes unnecessary to abound in this consideration

Attached: 2.png (807x615, 72K)

>No, I did not speak, no, I did not scream, I did not do anything, so, uh ... that I closed my eyes and did not do anything, you can interpret that as ... uh ... like I'm submitted or not.

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First :dab:

Attached: IMG_20180326_220032_663.jpg (1024x1280, 159K)

First for Eternal Quiliños

Mujeres a los campos de concentración.

Attached: er.jpg (636x358, 42K)


>tfw the thought police is active in Spain

Attached: 1523668730823.jpg (201x195, 12K)

Remember that if sometime you lose balance you can always grip a polla

Attached: Suelo mojado, agarrense a pollas.jpg (830x728, 58K)

The purge was a hoax, don't believe the survivors.

Remember to ask CNI which are the best posts




Previous La Manada feminist shitfest thread

Suicidate Hermano



Si es así indica tu nombre de usuario

Suicidate Hermano



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Para cuando una monarquia absoluta

Attached: hyperdab.png (261x250, 59K)


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wtf is wrong with you, why are you here?

>unironically defending rapists
the absolute state of Jow Forums

With the current fag King? Fuck no.

t. planchabragas
They're not rapists

Its a known homosexual and male predator who rapes truck drivers at gas stations for the joy of it.
Other than that he works cleaning rooms at love hotels for the pleasure of drinking fresh cum from condoms in shot glasses.
If you wanna discuss about manada ask questions,just ignore him and say quiliños soplapollas manleto


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Why would you trust the media on this?

They are fucking degenerates, but the woman is a whore too because it was consensual. The feminists wants it to be rape so they can start publicly prosecuting white men.

They're not rapists though, read the damn sentence you retard.

hmm no sweetie, I'm not a subhuman criminal

I went to valencia. Why do you let so many niggers in Spain? Does spain not care because they already have nigger in their DNA?



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claro, porque a esta situación hemos llegado sin monarquía

>shoot them before they land
>EU complains
>let them come in
>europeans complain

It's getting annoying

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En vista de que la tipa esta es gorda fea de cojones, seguís pensando que es un putonazo? A mi me da hasta un poquillo de pena, seguro que cuando el Alpha cachas ese se puso a darle rollo se le abrió el cielo a la monguer.

Attached: viogen_abono_pa_mi_huerto.png (726x453, 18K)

>be against degeneracy
>literally support a bunch of rapists
You faggots are either contrarian or just retarded. Either way you are degenerate scum and needs to be wiped from Spain.


t. roastie
They're not rapists.

>"omg guys i wanna suck you and fuck you all at the same time!!!!"

3 hours later

>"omg I WAS RAPED!!!!"

am I reading this correctly?

how do you do my fellow arabs?

Hello friends.

one thing is to support the rapists
other thing is to support the judge and truth

La Manada is a bunch of degenerates but also is the girl


Yes. This is the girl eating ass.

Attached: Screenshot_20180502-215819.png (720x1280, 753K)

Rasista, please return and give yourself in to the diversity police

Attached: policia del pensamiento, no no es coña.jpg (800x531, 247K)

Amen shur


>the truck is real
fuck my country up senpai

>Thinking it is still your country

Attached: Orwell.jpg (576x768, 56K)

>getting trips with a forocoches slang
just disgusting

Is VOX reddit?

Attached: Abascal hipster niñorata.png (1080x1920, 691K)

Further proof.

Attached: postureos sanos.png (1080x1920, 1.14M)

There were 6 degenerate there only because one happened to be a woman she was awarded 50k euros while the rest were put in prison.
Either they push all for degeneracy or all of them were as inocent.
You can't simply regret something anD claim it was awarded rape.



Dude, when this thing first came out I was convinced that this was a case of rape. It made sense. I mean, it's possible to get a girl to agree to have sex with 5 strangers, but it is far more likely that they raped her.

As a lawyer, when the sentencing came out, I inmediately thought I had to read the entire thing, just to see what all the fuzz is about.

I tell you, the sentencing is long. The first half is the actual sentence, which has the support of 2 of the 3 judges. The second half is the particular opinion of the dissenting judge.

When you start going through the first part, you start to realize there are many details that the mainstream media has completely avoided. You see that even though the main sentencing defends it was an agression but not rape, it is still vague when it comes to the consent or lack there of.

Just a few things I haven't read on any news outlet.

>She sits next to one of them on a bench. After talking with them for a bit, she says that she got up and said that she wanted to go to her car to sleep. After this, they offer to walk her to the car, at which point they take the opposite direction, towards a bar. She knew the way to the car, she had done the same trip a few times during the day, yet she still went with them to a bar in the opposite direction of her car.
>After failing to get to the bar's bathroom, they went to a nearby hotel. (Hotel Europa). In her telling of the events, she says that she overheard one of them telling the guard a fake name and roiom number, the guard then told them they weren't on the guest list, and here is when it gets interesting. THE GUY WHO SAID THE FAKE NAME AND NUMBER ASKS THE GUARD FOR A ROOM TO FUCK IN. Then the guard suggests two hotels nearby. The name of the suggested hotel is Leyre. The order of the conversation was as I have said here.

She even consented

Pillo Sitio!

Bruh, she didn't say 'yes', it was the other guys, he asked if they wanted to take her deeper inside the portal. This is in the next paragraph.

Don't spread misinfo.

Wait until you get to the second part. It is a very intense read if you've been watching the news from time to time, because it debunks everything that has been said. It is a big fat red pill.

How long till the vid is leaked?

>that son


>How did she know the name of the hotel Leyre then? she knew it because iot was the name the guard suggested the guy right after being asked for a room to FUCK IN. What this means is that, according to her version, she overheard the entire conversation except the part where they ask for a room to have sex in. This conversation has been retold several times by all parties involved, they all agree on the order.
>After leaving the hotel, they walk for a bit. Here comes another thing that doesn't add up. On her first declaration she says that they were walking down a street, saw a woman ringing a doorbell, one of them jumped to the door to keep it open as one of the other started kissing her. Inmediately after having the door opened, they guy she kissed and another one grab her by the arms, pull her inside the building and cover her mouth.
>During the trial it has been proven that they actually had a few drinks next to that building, hiding in a garage entrance. When the woman appeared, she started kissing one of them. The guy that walked up to the woman actually had to get in the building, fake living there, get into the elevator, reach the second floor and then return downstairs to open the door for the rest, all of this because the woman who opened the door was suspicious. When this guy managed to open the door THEY WERE STILL KISSING. This is something that has been glided over like it was aids. NOBODY MENTIONS THE DURATION OF THE KISSED, SOMETIMES EVEN ITS EXISTENCE.

I don't know, there are just so many things that don't add up. Maybe it's just us being contrarians, but there's definetly more to this than what the media is portraying.

No, it isn't.

Nuevo hilo internacional!

I don't get it. Can't they just show the video? That would prove that the girl consented

>She dropped the whole having her mouth covered and being pulled violently in in her latest declaration, she also changed how at first she was thrown in the cubicle, stripped naked and forced to have sex, after which everyone left running. The latest declaration admits that she walked to the cubicle voluntarily, she wasn't thrown to the ground and she actually kept her shirt on for the duration of the act, after which they left one by one as to not make noise.
>One of them claims to have eprfomed oral sex on her. She denies this. Then another one of them had anal sex with her. According to her version, there was no saliva in her ass, she had never had anal sex and was being forced to do so, yet she had no injuries. Ask any gay guy. This doesn't add up.

christian morality, sorry black friend

Are you a brainlet?

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Salsa por favor!


Alfonso please


I gotchu bro.

Just take the boys and the slut and execute them, they are just too much of a hassle for being less than 10 people.

>trusting "leaks" from elespañol on this matter
Pedro J gets sodomized and pissed on by a feminazi picapleitos of the worst kind. He has been peddling nothing but garbage about the trial.

What we know is what's in the sentence (from the criminally biased part of the document, where they put words in her mouth, say she's crying, etc.)


Bad logic. Same reason France England Germany does. Leftism.

Get a grip on yourself, podemita.

My great grandad killed a Guardia Civil during the Franco reign.

You wish goat fucker.

la manada are degenerate scumbags

they're innocent from raping her though

nice shop

That doesn't mean it wasn't her who said it, just that they're not implying she was the one who said it. How do you take from that the following mental gymnastic? "he asked if they wanted to take her deeper inside the portal"
Are you a real brainlet?


Idiot. The only reason that they are mad is because they would have pinned all next rapings of the muslims on whites. Now they can't do that, it's still all the muslims that do the most of the rapings.
Do you think any of those left wings care about the girl?? No only what will happen after.

todos contra nos??

If a girl eating your ass is rape, all filth of this world would be behind bars. Kinda of a positive.

Old Castilian for 'us' (nosotros)

If you say yes and eat ass, it's not rape, come on.
If she says no after sex, and they still penetrate, it's rape, but not what happened before.

pasar el video cabrones\share the vid you fuckers

Nadie dice nada de ETA

Son hombres de paz ahora, totalmente reformados. No hubo buenos ni malos. Me lo ha dicho Ebole.

Nobody cares anymore about a bunch of losers who accept their inferiority

>todos contra nos
Todos contra Nos, Nos contra todos

Zapatero made ETA, who was about to disappear, the rulers of Basque Country. Now they no longer have a reason to exist as a terrorist group, as the objective was fulfilled.
The first thing they did, was to import half of Africa there. Funny how deeply ingrained racists such as ETA push for the blackening of Basque Country, now they are they ones getting culturally enriched (media does not report this).
The fastest way to destroy Communists, is to let them govern themselves.

Hi :) what do you guys think of salvis?

Quiliños comepollas