Wat do? She's literally destroying my family's reputation.
Other urls found in this thread:
kill the bitch faggot
Sounds like your mother needs Jesus.
No she isn't.
tell the police he beat your ass
It's this guy.
Stop calling her your mother
>broken family
just remember to stretch your boipucci a bit before taking the BBC
is it this guy?
She'll pay the toll like all degenerate race mixers do.
you idiot
the obvious answer is to rape her
after all this time alone she has become a crazy maniac because YOU refused to service her with your dick.
now is the time, since she cant bear any children at her age, it is perfectly viable to thrust your penor into her vulva for maximum efficiency
Yeah! She's this nigger's woman now, wite boi
Is this her?
>implying a spic is better than a nigger
You mad whyte boi?
she's not your family anymore, user
Are you 12? Tell her it's disgusting and dangerous to date niggers. If you can't handle your own mother, shit nigga you gay. Alternatively grow the fuck up and stop caring about a whore like your mom.
African American fellow of low class and moral integrity
Of course he's mad. His mother has turned to beastiality to get her rocks off. Disgusting.
>MILF dates black man while 2X social omega son sits in basement, posting pictures of frogs and screams about niggers on the internet
Fuckin nice
Ignore these shill threads
>pic related in the last half-hour
Make sure he doesn't nut in her so she won't spawn halflings
Its well known the only good outcome of single moms is to be the fuck toy of the boys in their 20s and 30s.
OP put up with all her madness during his puberty only to miss the good part of his crazy childhood to a nigger.
You idiots are so easy to bait.
Ask to live with your dad then the courts will have your mom pay your dad on top of it
they're pretty funny, so who cares lol
Daily reminder that Japan got nuked TWO TIMES and then surrendered. You can't say anything you laughing stock of the world. Japan is known around the world for child porn and eating raw fish and getting obliterated during the war.
An hero
Kek, good. Get fucked OP.
topkek as they say
Post her feet
It was you who bitched and moaned for help after Germans isolated your nation and erased any military pride and fleet. The impact on the island was so traumatic you never got your super power status again.
Not to mention substandard and shitty chinese cartoons
Who's to say they are all fake?
These threads are just the unfortunate reality of the west. If you can't see that then you probably live in a very sheltered neighborhood, nowhere near a city. Oh and also you're an Aussie so it's not as big of a problem there as it is in the states or a few European countries.
chain dat nigger and make him your/her slave...
Make her give you a blow job, for being a degenerate whore.
Don't speak to me. 54% of Peru is living in POVERTY. Go get some grains of food you peasant then come back to me.
you got a licence for that banter, mate?
You can either fight it, flee from it, or accept it.
Personally, I would be unable to accept it.
Given this, you can:
1. Get the fuck away from her. Let her know why.
2. Talk to her and tell her how strongly you disapprove.
3. Have a nigger stepdaddy and jerk off to nigger cuckold porn.
The only license I own is one that allows me to traffic your sister into England.
>Who's to say they are all fake?
>ask for advice
>people try to provide it
>haha baited!