This was posted yesterday and the responses were of low quality.
Does anyone else anticipate mass conversions to Islam within the UK among working-class whites? This is the group most affected by Islam and most disaffected by the destruction and loss of their own faith. They're burdened with more social and economic problems than any other segment of British society. Being within proximity to Muslims, they're ripe for conversions and doing so would give them status among otherwise hostile non-white groups.
What about America? This seems less likely. However, if a charming mullah endeared himself to a poor community while promising spiritual, emotional and economic relief, and in particular help with health problems, conversions would explode.
Again, like Britons, the American white working-class is degenerating at an accelerating rate. They're falling apart physically, spiritually, socially and economically. Life expectancy is declining, obesity rates continue to rise, unemployment remains high, salaries are stagnant or falling, welfare dependency has risen, illegitimacy is in excess of 50% and substance abuse has exploded, as have intentional suicides. In short, one of the following will be found within almost any white working-class or working-poor family: a son hooked on opioids; a father who's unemployed; an elderly parent suffering from costly health problems; an unwed mother covered in tattoos and bearing children from different men, aborting some seemingly at random.
This is a population waiting to be converted.
If Arabs and South Asians can practice Islam, so can working-class whites -- they have the requisite intelligence. Moreover, they'd probably thrive and rise to the top. White converts are showered with praise, it's the ultimate form of validation for Muslims. This points to a willingness to follow and respect white Imams and leaders, we'd form the priestly/upper-class very quickly and the best women -- our own and theirs -- would be thrown at us.
No. Islam is too degenerate. I like most parts of the religion but it condones child-marriage and slavery. I do like how it out-laws a lot of degenerate things, but I will never adopt it. The best religion would be traditional Christianity, pre-enlightenment Christianity which is anti-science which is an isse, but would tackle most of societies issues without allowing in non-whites and degenerate behavior.
Chase Murphy
Josiah Jackson
No. It's too degenerate. Child marriages, pedophila and homosexuality (with young boys). Also, it would come with the addition of non-whites into Europe and the Americas, which is unacceptable. Traditional (Middle ages) Christianity is the answer as it blends the good parts of Islam without allowing in the degeneracy,
Liam Howard
Odd. It refused to post the first one, so I had to re-post write it and then it posted both replys.
Jackson Baker
Working class whites are not interested in religion. Praying 5 times a day is even less interesting, no booze, no drugs would not interest them.
Jackson Young
>ripe for conversions they would rather kill the muslims and enjoy their country again that's the normal response
Chase Thomas
Degenerate as compared to what we have now?
Most of things people object to regarding Islam were standard practice for most of our history, through the 1700s and 1800s, until the 1950s in many cases.
Islam allows girls to be married off upon reaching puberty. Wow, shocking stuff.
Are you really suggesting that modern British culture, what's left of it, is less degenerate than the firm social and sexual standards of Islam?
Daniel Powell
I can verify the validity of this statement Those that scream "degenerate" are the people that need religion though. They wouldn't have friends without people being forced to be around them
Kevin Bell
Where did you get the idea that pederasty or homosexuality are at all acceptable under Islam? What about secular British society?
The Pashtuns are violating Sharia and were punished by the Taliban for their vile behaviour. Islam doesn't sanction pederasty, at all.
Asher King
>whites should embrace Islam
I agree. I think at some point we will have a wonderful exchange of cultural diversity... unfortunately
Again, most of the things people whine about regarding Islam are (a) actually desirable and (b) practiced by us for most of our history. Women should remain in a state of coverture with some basic property rights. Sexual standards should be enforced. Adultery should be punished.
Under Islam, would working-class whites become more functional or less functional? Under Islam, would whites in general have more children or fewer children? Would Islam improve our demographic standing?
Carson Ward
Oy vey. You don't want whites to NOT. Bomb you?
Luis Phillips
Islam is bad and just needs to be "modernized" (aka made into reform judiasm). Why would you want more kikes running around OP? Islam is already on track to dominate the world, just sit back and wait.
All Muslims worship a man who married and deflowered a 9 year old.
That's as far as the discussion needs to go. Anything entertaining the conversation beyond that is insanity. /thread
Jace Lee
Hang yourself you mong
Isaac Jenkins
If you look at 99% muslim countries you can see that the religion is bad. They do drugs, they race-mix, the act like animals. Traditional Christianity would serve to implement all that Islam would, but without the terrible parts. Old Europe was much better than current day Middle East. It would raise birth rates and prevent degenerate behavior.
Alexander Baker
Islam, like Christianity, is shaped to a significant degree by its adherents. The relationship runs in both directions: religion shaping behaviour and race shaping religion.
Islam as practiced within SE Asia is quite different, and not as barbaric some would say, as compared to Islam practiced in the Gulf states or Oman. Likewise, European Islam has its own flavour.
It's possible to de-Arabicize Islam, Europeanize the thing and leverage the religion to our advantage, socially, demographically and politically. Just as the Romans appropriated Christianity and repurposed it for their needs, we can do the same with Islam. Hitler was correct on the Islamic question.
David Cruz
OR, they could become a bit more conservative instead. Islam is conservatism mixed with incestuous mysticism. Nobody civilized needs incestuous mysticism.