We should invest in space explor-

>we should invest in space explor-

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Big companies do not help human progress

As president Eisenhower once said, every ship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

If anyone is to leave Earth, it is likely to be the privileged few. But I will guess the hardship of trying to establish humanity on a strange world would be beyond them, as it would require a certain kind of toughness and grit which I doubt they'd have.

On the other hand, working class people who grew up in less privileged socioeconomic circumstances will be better prepared to handle hardships and are better candidates for space colonization. But I doubt rich white capitalists will allow that.

Capitalism is shit. Everyone knows that. The right has never defended it in any way. Stop listening to neo-cons.

Have no fear muh goy the market will sort it all out, the only alternative is communism!

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Oh no poor people die! OOohoOO nOooooo so bad.

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Eisenhower sounds like a fucking retard

next life learn a skill that's valuable enough to make a living.

>quoting a cunt who forcibly starved to death 1.1 million prisoners after 1945

yes, it's shit for lazy r-selected paraistes

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bezos himself isnt worth that much, he's a CIA nigger asset so they effectively have control over his every last cent.

which is, in truth, more worrying

We should invest in space exploration, just not Bezos' company.

send robots to build wonderful infrastructure and buildings on new planet or awesome space station. have lower classes build needed goods to send to new planet or space station. rich leave when complete without shitty low class people. no grit required. watch Earthlings fuck each other over to provide and goods or services that robots can't provide to rich oasis. hahaha fuck normies

Fuck off obongo leaf/10

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>muh poor little nazis dindu nuffins

>forcibly starved to death 1.1 million prisoners

Should have starved ALL of them.

I choose space exploration over gibs any day

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>Feeding fecund parasites versus feeding innovation and scientific research.

>Cheap foreign laborers send all their shekels back home and rely on government programs

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If you are in ON make sure you vote for Ford on July 7, he's a big fat blowhard that will make Canada great again

>a large number of Amazon workers rely on food stamps
I don't know why. I worked there a few years ago and I wasn't making bank, but I was able to pay for everything and not eat Ramen noodles. It was an easy as fuck warehouse job even though they employed niggers.

hi where are the proofs

>easy as fuck warehouse job even though they employed niggers.
>88 Checked
The problem is all those niggers spend their cheques on bling and sneakers. When I had a min wage job I also made out fine, I even budged enough for a shit car

Those dumb fucks are probably like Mexicans, living 10 per room and sending every dollar back over the border

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Space exploration >>>>>>> feeding millenial scum.
Even if the exploration only results in pretty wallpapers for my desktop, it will still be worth more.

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Those people are low-paid warehouse workers.

I'm completely OK with underpaying them so we can get to space faster. It's a reasonable sacrifice for future growth.

Neither does communism.

>It's a reasonable sacrifice for future growth.
Absolutely Ancap

>if the exploration only results in pretty wallpapers for my desktop
here you go user

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As Neil DeGrasse-Tyson said, it would take the Voyager probe, which is travelling through space at 56,000mph, 80,000 years to reach that nearest star, which is almost 4 light years away.

It's unlikely that we'll ever develop the technology to enable us to travel even that far. And then it's just as unlikely that there's a planet capable of sustaining human life even if we could get there. And even if so, the indigenous species may have something to say about our imposition on their living space.

However, our astronomers have identified some planets with life sustaining possibilities, such as Keplar. At only a mere 50 light years away it's looking like were gonna have to face reality. We can either make it possible to preserve the biodiversity of our own planet or accept that we'll splutter out at some point in the near future if we continue as we are.

Given the choices, from that perspective, Your best bet is to stay on Earth and do your best to fight the excesses of destructive capitalism.

Besides, what happens if we do manage to escape and reach another habitable planet - do we start fracking there too?


And here I thought the scourge of the leaf might be coming to an end

If bait, good job

You're right we should instead steal the money he made from voluntary transactions and redistribute it among the poor who will surely save that money and not spend it on consumer goods.

We should also force a minimum wage on amazon workers that makes either the workers effectively unhireable, accelarating automation and increasing unemployment, or if marginal profits allow for it, raise the cost of goods sold on Amazon effectively producing a net decrease of real wages across the board.

Or better yet we should go full commie and all be equally hungry

>implying big government does
meme flag every fucking time

Obama leaf strikes again. Fuck trying anything new, just feed the niggers

If they want higher pay, they can get better jobs instead of just packing boxes. Those are supposed to be low-skilled, low-paid positions.

>it would take the Voyager probe, which is travelling through space at 56,000mph, 80,000 years to reach that nearest star, which is almost 4 light years away.

Exploration itself can be done quickly.
Manned missions?
That's a different matter.
But a small spacecraft tied to solar sail could reach Alpha Centauri, the nearest extrasolar star, in a few decades, and travel throughout the entire solar system in days.

>do we start fracking there too?
We have an entire galaxy worth of planets, what we do with them is irrelevant.

>Your best bet is to stay on Earth and do your best to fight the excesses of destructive capitalism.
No, fuck that, i'll take the first affordable ticket Musk or whoever brings in the first space airlines and get the fuck out of here as soon as possible.

How many people in America starved to death before foodstamps?

>dude everything is perfectly calculated by our bezos and musk overlords and cannot be improved

don't you understand that supplementing shit pay with govt assistance IS socialism

Get rid of the government assistance then

Kill yourself to remove the impact you make on the environment.

We can already live in space perpetually. We have the technology. Earth is the womb and the greater universe our maturation.

We have had the unbelievable 1 in 10 trillion good fortune to be born on a planet with life. And not just life – with great abundance, beauty, and mystery. And there are demented, craven assholes who want to trash the planet with man-made climate change and then try to colonize some unknown, desolate rock careening through the galaxy? Fuck you.

>As Nei-

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>We have the technology
>Earth is the womb and the greater universe our maturation
Yes, but we have a cancer known a niggers and jews. If the US just pumped cash into a real space program we would have hit Alpha Centuri by now. Or maybe they have...youtube.com/watch?v=LUbocGYUdwQ

The world will become desolate no matter what, we have the choice not to die with it.

>to be born on a planet with life

Dumb leaf. Of course you were born on a planet with life, because you ARE life. You couldn't have been born on a planet without life.

>unbelievable 1 in 10 trillion good fortune to be born on a planet with life.
Yeah, you can't claim that. Humans were put on this earth to multiple and expand to the stars, any other goal is nigger tier. Keep protesting the Trans Mountain pipeline faggot