Science hate thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

list of things that are PROVENBYSCIENCEtm

>remove your appendix its useless (if you remove it expect gut problems, only exeption is appendicitidis)
>remove your wisdom teeth they are useless
>Ritatlin CURES high activity children (well use a facy diagnoze for high activity to appear smarter)
>SSRI cure depression (they dont CURE it they just buzz you out, they have a place but they DONT CURE)
>race doesnt exist
>racism is hereditary in white children
>climate change caused by humans - FACT!
>your life is pointless and you are just a coincidence in the universe

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why do you hate facts, reasoning, evidence, and logic? or are you just mad that they don't agree with you politically?

Isabel Warner the lab tech with a B.S who calls herself a "scientist".

>facts, reasoning, evidence, and logic

Science is a buzzword for bugman

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gotta keep that funding coming in.


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"Good payment, good relations with the boss and colleagues ... are the chief aims of these human ants who excel in the solution of tiny problems but who cannot make sense of anything transcending their domain of competence."

Feyerabend (Against method)

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all male biologists Ive met were supreme gentlemans

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i'm all for science, just need to remove jews and shitskins

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>Hank Green
kill me

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>Keeps posting stupidly titled "Science hate thread"
Does this reek of false-flag to anyone else? it's like he's trying to astroturf by pretending to mock fags in science but in actuality posting screencaps of the thread title and going "look how much these crazy alt-righters hate science itself"

yeah, I think that biology as a scientific discipline has nothing to do with modern definition of 'species' children learn at school, but rather the ideology of tolerance and equality

I mean, come on, if there are so many other different species capable of producing FERTILE offspring, why consider africans and europeans the same 'species', if we are so different

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>but this isnt true SCOTTISH science!!!!!

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I removed my wisdom teeth because they came in sideways.

look at his filenames lmfao

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btw are you the same Croatian who argued against evolution multiple times on this board?

It's all women except
>Women doing "Science"
>Making science a trendy pop thing that they try to bend to their reality
I think I may have found the problem.

Holy fuck we are better than animals. Yes every single person on the right is a human and the same fucking species.

You are falling for the we are meaningless evolution is real meme.

>are you the same Croatian who argued against evolution multiple times on this board?

yes. it was a Popperian critique of evolution.

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>every single person on the right is a human
there's legit no reason to believe that
see ()

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I believe in creationism and evolution.

Humans came from god.

Niggers came from monkeys.

did these bitches really have to make their bridge take a knee too?

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>>race doesnt exist
Race is a social construct, species is a biological construct. Race only exists because humans are somehow above the laws of nature. Science answers this by saying: "stop asking antisemitic questions goy, that's debunked pseudoscience".

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I don't exactly remember what arguments you had, but that was something really new and interesting, people like you is why I come to this board

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lol is there any theological argument to this?

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Christfags actually believe this hahaha

Not all science is bad

> Chad Innovation

> Basedience
Social Sciences

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Only ignorance and fear of being wrong leads to hate of science.

Shit s.o.y got filtered


That looks like a biology lab, they aren't really scientists.

>they just buzz you out

>I don't exactly remember what arguments you had, but that was something really new and interesting, people like you is why I come to this board

t-t-thanks! quality of posts and originiality kind of declined after pol became popular, I dont mind memeing doe.

Ill reopen those threads soon. Are you familiar with Poppers critiques?
Antiintelelctual reactions to debates about evolution highlight many of the problems science currently has.

>Only ignorance and fear of being wrong leads to hate of science.

how about current science is an irrational multi billion con?

>le STEM is based

you have no idea how söy phisicists are.

>they just buzz you out

buzz you, i.e. zone you out.

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petri dish washers larping as scientists. haha

It's not science itself, but the pretentious nu-male cult, that has grown around it. And ironically enough, they will be the first to dismiss research on sensitive topics, like race and IQ or gender dysphoria, because it doesn't mesh with their progressive delusions.

>Are you familiar with Popper's critiques?
for my sanity's sake I try not to read jewish authors

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i was severly sick and tired for months because of an inflamed appendix, it almost ruptured and killed me. You're a fucking retard.

>for my sanity's sake I try not to read jewish authors

not an argument, his critique is pretty basic - evolution is Catch 22 theory. as scientific as "Jesus is coming back soon"

>i was severly sick and tired for months because of an inflamed appendix, it almost ruptured and killed me. You're a fucking retard.

its good to see people talking about themselves and sharing their experiences, but do you have a point to make?

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Zubron is pretty badass though

For all those future scientists out there!

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>buzz you, i.e. zone you out.
but that's not true.

how would you describe SSRI? maybe zone you out isnt the best way of putting it, but dull you our or smht?

Next level of degeneracy .
I got your bait

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Id describe the effect of SSRIs as "not feeling like I have a scratched record in my head constantly repeating negative things."

It's not that I like the concept, but it has me curious. How does some simplify quantum physics for children, let alone babies?

>be anarchoprimitivist
>use computers to spread your hate towards science and technology

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finally, a way for me to learn

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>science hate

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>his critique is pretty basic - evolution is Catch 22 theory
as much as I respect your dedication to this topic, but (((Joseph Heller))) is the author of the 'catch 22' concept, while (((Karl Popper))), is the guy whose philosophy ou use in your argumentation

I just don't like these (((coincidences))), but hey, there's always room for reasonable doubt

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Why not? Can't you write a phd thesis on how bad you think universities are?

You're defective you should have starved but since the cruel system allowed you and all your future kin to suffer we will have to gas you

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I bet it wouldn't be accepted by the (((university leadership)))

Benzos zone you out for sure a few minutes after you take them. But ssris take 1 to 2 months before you notice a change and it can be gradual. The only "zoning out" might be from normal side effects with any medicine but they go away after a week or two. It's a slow process to saturate your brain with serotonin to bring up to healthy levels. The ssris make you a zombie meme is retarded. I still have my full range of emotions, I still get sad, happy, angry, annoyed whatever but instead of being said or anxious that causes a downsprial I can just pull myself out of it. Benzos is what cause people to zone our and are highly addictive and those should only be used during legit panic attacks that you cant come down from and your heart beat or blood pressure are ij the dangerous lebels of heart attack or you're gonna kill yourself if it doesn't stop

post grad assistants aren't really scientists. There's really a handful of people doing anything innovative. And most of academics aren't. They just recycle other people's work and masturbate to their academic title.

The real scientists aren't really interested in politics, for the most part.

for how long did you take them tho? My pops took ssris for over a decade now and I don't know what to make of it. They stop working after a while and when he got on some new compounds he became insufferable cunt. Now the old cocktail is weaning off again and he's alright, but he behaves like Xan from Baldur's Gate series.

by weaning off I meant they don't work as well anymore.

Them growing in sideways wouldn't make me starve. I kept them for a while, they just cause a slight discomfort when I ate certain foods.

>race doesn't exist
why do they try so hard to make me hate them

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from a political standpoint, it's nonsense

if you're a rare class and a in a career, you don't need to talk or tweet bout it. It's already obvious you stick out

By drawing attention to it - and being mediocre or meta - you're creating stereotypes against yourself. You're not really helping affirmative action, but instead, creating segregation.

You're separating yourself. You're not assimilating into STEM and integrating yourself, you're appearing like you're a foreign object that's sucking the life out of it.

Why? You're posting inventions or innovations. You're just taking STEM, spewing propaganda about it, and not really bringing any furtherance to STEM itself.

So, from a political standpoint, you won't last the long game if you try to snowflake.

These people who tweet on twitter about being in STEM are the same people you see doing the lecture and conference circuits. Rarely are they even making shit. They're taking the cause and using helping minorities to fill their own bellies, at the expense of the coffers of STEM groups.

>lab techs are scientists


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>that moment when you realise science would of advanced a lot faster if the axis won world war 2

I think you mean jewish hate thread science is useful desu.

I've been on lexapro 10mg for about 2 and a half years. I was on an snri for about a year 6 or 7 years ago and for the most part it worked better but killed my dick and the half life was 20 hours so everynjght before I took my pill is start to feel the withdrawal effects and they sucked. I missed my lexapro before and didn't even notice. But since I've been on lexapro I've been seeing a therapist which I've never done and that's helped out a lot. I know the dosages can become less effective over years and you have to go up sometimes.

Why do you always make this fucking thread with the same fucking picture? Did some PhD touch you when you were a kid?

There is almost nothing more cold and redpilled than biology and you would not even have arguments without us. Hell, we are the ones going into social studied and tell them that they are wrong. And we are the ones who are visited by angry leftists carrying sports whistles and megaphones.

So in short:
Fuck off, croatia was a mistake.



They can be scientists all they want in their professional lives, the moment they "take the knee" or make any socio-economic statement they can't make it as scientists, since science has nothing to do with social issues.

>From propositions about fact alone no practical conclusion can ever be drawn. This will preserve society cannot lead to do this except by the mediation of society ought to be preserved. This will cost you your life cannot lead directly to do not do this: it can lead to it only through a felt desire or an acknowledged duty of self-preservation. The Innovator is trying to get a conclusion in the imperative mood out of premisses in the indicative mood: and though he continues trying to all eternity he cannot succeed, for the thing is impossible. We must therefore either extend the word Reason to include what our ancestors called Practical Reason and confess that judgements such as society ought to be preserved (though they can support themselves by no reason of the sort that Gaius and Titius demand) are not mere sentiments but are rationality itself; or else we must give up at once, and for ever, the attempt to find a core of 'rational' value behind all the sentiments we have debunked.

lol okay bruh

Holy shit Hank Green sprayed my screen with so much estrogen trying to be an alpha rock singer I got erectile disfuncion for a week now.

Remember 30 years ago when weak men like that were shamed and shunned for how cringy they are? Now it's something children are taught to inspire to be. Some low T guy who never achieved anything in life other than being a generic liberal "educator", aka, reading a textbook/scripts written by someone else.

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I don't think anyone here hates actual investigation and philosophy, aka, actual science. I think this thread is about """"science"""". It's about people who brag about science but are ultimately completely disconnected from reality. It's about men who talk about how they fucking love science, but they are nerds who do not have successful scientific careers and their sciency loving culture never helped them in their personal lives looking at how they are all low T nerds who never enjoy pussy and dominating women.

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wtf is vidcon

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Fukin' gold

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Those women definitely don't have 12 cats each.

You are confusing research with "science".
Notice how people use the word science when they try to describe something they don't understand but want to sound smart.

>I don't think anyone here hates actual investigation and philosophy, aka, actual science. I think this thread is about """"science"""".

dangers of science cant be underestimated, redpoeeloed magapedes defend science because IQ etc. but dont see 2 steps ahead and how science often bites people back in their magapede ass and how it is being used right now to propagandize egalitarianism.

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>Demand evidence
>If you say "it's just a theory"
What's the rest of his shirt say?

Legit my wisdom teeth are all fucked up but by just brushing my teeth every day they're fine
Should I get the surgery?

idk but check out the cringefag/bugman in a labcoat on that pic

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what are the axes?
labels and units please.

> be me, in biochemistry phd program
> everyone is a raging shitlib
> every organization for graduate students is either about women, non whites, or fags
> professors are some of the most neurotic, immature, narcissistic and unprofessional people I have ever dealt with in my life
> blantant affirmative action and special treatment for women and minorities
> all of the criteria we are judged on is subjective and basically depends on whether or not the professors personally like you
> witness blatant misuse of grant money
> some bitch in my program finds out I supported trump because I liked him on faceberg
> prints out screenshots and tells everyone in the department
> life has been a living hell ever since

Don’t fall for the science meme. I like the idea of science but most “scientists” today are scum who need their funding pulled immediately

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You know that all those women working in science just get money from the government to do their little experiments. Literally white men producing real value in society -- their money gets taken away and given to women.

At what point will society mature enough to say enough is enough, women aren't intelligent and we should stop paying them to produce no value, but suck civilization dry.

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>professors are some of the most neurotic, immature, narcissistic and unprofessional people I have ever dealt with in my life


Im OP, but I feel you user, I genuinly wanted to stay in academia, but its a really place for disgusting anti-intellectual makes me so bloody pissed and sad when I think about it. Hang in there bud!

>"Good payment, good relations with the boss and colleagues ... are the chief aims of these human ants who excel in the solution of tiny problems but who cannot make sense of anything transcending their domain of competence." Feyerabend (Against method)

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read pic rel if you already havent. it deals about the (((academia))) effect

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that's the point bro

I'm sure no biologist would ever say race doesn't exist, like they wouldn't deny dog breeds exists,
But a thing that doesn't exist is RACIAL PURITY, as those are just results of human favorness to similar humans, thus creating a belief that all the other races (or "breeds" rather) are just results taintation of the "perfect human", this is something every race does.
>Sorry for ruining a joke

Thanks man and I haven’t read either of those and I will definitely check them out.

Once I’m done with my program I’m out. Fuck doing a post doc.

Out of curiosity what did you do after academia??


Janitors on the floor, presumably cleaning. Big deal.

Lol, you sound like the biggest vagina on campus.

Stop being a faggot blaming everyone else and put in the work you conservatard.

thread should've been titled Pop-Sci Hate Thread

> academic PI detected

Your day is coming faggot.