Nafris vs Mexicans

Lets debate who has the worst immigrants. The US or the EU?
I only saw 2 Mexicans in real life that i know of. A pool cleaner when i was in the US, and some dude over here in Belgium. Obviously i have little experience with Mexicans, but what i can tell from media is that they are;

>Considered the worst immigrant group over in the US
>Participate in gang activity and organized crime (Cartels)
>Live like degenerates in segregated ghettos
>Nigger tier?
>Invading Mexican gene pool is too big to remove from US soil

On the other hand i can write a book about Nafris. They’re one of the largest and worst immigrant groups in Spain, France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Italy. Let me sum up why they’re the worst;

>Living like degenerates in segregated communities and ghettos
>Often radical Islamic
>Biggest terrorists (Look up the stats. Almost every single Islamic terror attack on European soil was committed by a Nafri. ISIS’s success was mostly because of foreign fighters who were mostly Nafris from North-Africa and Europe)
>Largest ethnic group within the prison system
>Gang activity and organized crime (It is estimated that half of the Cocaïne circulating in Europe is trafficked from South-America by Nafri groups in The Netherlands and Belgium) They’re also the biggest pimps and thieves out here. Not a single week will go by without a Nafri reaching the news because of a robbery on a store, jeweler, money transports or banks.
>Beyond nigger-tier. Nafris make actual niggers in Europe look like saints when it comes to chimp outs and degenerate like behavior (just look at the amount of riots in cities like Paris). We have a large black community in Europe that is made up from West-Africans, Caribbean people, Somalis and everything in between, but none of them can top the Nafri when it comes to ape-like behavior.
>Invading Nafri gene pool is too large to remove from EU soil. We’re becoming like Spain muts, but this time it’s entire Western-Europe’s turn.

Attached: StereotypeNafri.jpg (480x360, 27K)

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Reminder that north african mulattoid apes are NOT arabs. They are mixed race mongrels and mulatto rapebabies

Attached: Nafris actually believe this.png (778x516, 666K)


Attached: imm_1874817c.jpg (460x287, 48K)

Chimp artists

As an Iraqi I will gladly take Mexicans maghrabis are seriously bad the majority of maghrabi that come to Iraq only come to join Isis and to be criminals and terrorists

I feel sorry for your country. Nafris ruined it just like my country.

Thank you :)

Yeah feel sorry for you too

Honestly they're pretty much exactly the same. I might say yours are a little worse cause of the Islam but most Mexicans outside of the high-class Spaniards who don't come here anyway aren't actually Christians. They're basically every anti-Catholic propaganda meme personified. They unironically worship/pray to Mary, the Saints, and the Pope and barely know anything about Jesus. It's nearly Paganism.

The Catholic Church pretty much does what it wants here, you are spot on calling it anything but actual catholicism.
Most people that considering themselves know nothing of the actual religious texts but practice their own retarded rituals and shit