I would like to hear some of you idiots defend this moron. He claims that blonde hair is to allow your body to get more vitamin D, yet skin all over your body absorbs this, not just in the scalp. Then he goes on to say in this video that blue eyes are for seeing at night. So which is it? Are blonde hair, blue eyed people supposed to be out during the day to absorb vitamin D or are they nocturnal? I am surprised that this guy has as much support as he does considering he probably has an IQ in the 90 range. youtube.com
Varg fags
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I'm not defending what he has to say at all his books are shit
like really really shit like as if a christian wrote them to make pagans look stupid
No one takes varg seriously. He's just a funny meme.
Bullshit, i see his threads all the time.
If you're a fan of his music it's really amusing to see him out of jail making videos now
Do you have any good sources of information on paganism? I have been searching around with little luck, most i can find is that paganism is witchcraft.
No, it's usually fags like you posting this fag in some shit thread for no fucking reason. What? Does this guy live rent free in your head or something?
>I'm gonna post a varg thread nobody gives a shit about and call them varg fags, gosh these pol guys like varg so much. Fuck them.
Kill yourself, faggot.
Aww, i found one of his faggot supporters who is ass blasted.
I watched this video of his and realized that he is fucking retarded, probably suffering from the same mental illness as yourself.