goddamn, do they want the beta uprising?
because this is how you get the beta uprising.
Goddamn, do they want the beta uprising?
That's one interesting way to commit suicide.
The roasties of 2018 have become chronically prolapsed STD hostels. Despite their steady dribble of viscous snail trails, their dangly beef curtains, even their near constant harvesting of new strains of HPV and gonorhea, Chads and Betas line up to service them, to wallow and worship in beefed out body horror. It's been said the bow-legged sluts of our era are now so rotten, their eviscerated vaginas actually "spit" every time they take a step. Sometimes with an audible queef, other times quiet, these whores jettison whatever melange of fluids are sloshing within their polygamous caverns. It's not unusual to spy spotty trails and blood tinged puddles wherever the posterior of a sexually liberated woman has rested.
>many CEOs of big tech companies were incels at one time or another
this chink doesn't even understand the people she works with
they should fire them and fill the vacant positions with poc and women. It's not like autistic supernerds with no social skills and obsessive personalities ever created anything ever
top jej thanks desu
She means "young white males"
doesn't take long to go full retard these days
>we're going to bully even further now the sexually frustrated mentally ill men who are already on the verge of snapping
>100% worried
>You need to discriminate and terminate your most productive employees!
This is why letting women vote was a mistake.
Wait, what are they expecting people to do? Should they fire them? Get them laid? I don't understand the implication. Are they supposed to be bad employees?
hasn't she been irrelevant since she was fired from roddit and got btfo in court?
Best post of the afternoon, user.
yeah, poking the suicidal bear that has nothing to lose. what a great idea
I hope they will get them laid by paying for hookers and cocaine
I think she's suggesting they should fire them for being "potential terrorists." This gets creepier and weirder by the day.
man this is the most retarded group of people created in post-modernist society. I mean I thought the "alt-right" was bad enough, but incels? I mean they don't even have a work plan or objectives, all they are is a bunch of men that are tired of being marginalized by society.
we could use this, many incels are beta orbiter cucks who whiteknight in vain hopes of getting some pussy. If we could push the libtards into an all out attack many of those losers would get redpilled hard
CEO at big Tech Co.
"We are going to hire hookers and get them all laid."
>someone who hasn't had sex yet wants to
Wow, a real danger to society. We should just kill or jail them all right?
Can someone explain to me what an incel actually is?
i can't wait for innovation in tech in the US to grind to a full halt because of the women can be engineer meme
involuntary celibate, basically a kissless virgin
We could easily counter this with memes of attractive guys are incels. Nothing gets women more in a twist than good looking guys who hold out.
My favorite new pasta
If big tech fires their unmarried autists, that's at least 3/4 of their productivity burned.
I wish I was an incel, instead i was chasing pussy and doing drugs and now work a dead end job
how the fuck is that a crime or something that CEO should be monitoring.
Lmao at the virgin shaming from the "progressive left"
to any incel out there: It’s not worth it.
The constant normie bullshit and pressure by some nigger dick loving roasty, just to stick your dick in her high mileage wet hole will make you more suicidal than being an incel ever could.
Having sex is not a mandatory part to a good fulfilling life.
hey incels, if you go crazy, make sure to go after the right people and don't sperg out on your roomates or some random roasties like elliot.
A dude drove a van into people in toronto and then wrote a manifesto about "incel uprising" autism shit. Media latched onto the new word and are using it to further attack "the alt right" "Jow Forums", whatever other bogeymen they are after this week.
Basically they're saying that weirdo virgin nerds are probably terrorists.
Ellen Pao’s nigger husband cheated on her with a white guy.
>its too much
if you fought half as much as you made threads crying they would be done already
Reading things like this is making me become increasingly radicalized.
in fact big tech companies aren't hiring enough African American males
fuck knows but they are making a massive mistake. Incels would be a staunch ally to these morons if only they left them alone, betabois and orbiters are the ones protecting them from themselves in the tech industry and carrying most of the weight when it comes to running the show. Pissing them off is a bad idea
Guerrilla war is a bitch. There's tons of literature out there on it.
goverment funded gfs when
Amazing. Well done. Pure pottery.
Though she's smiling here, one may detect around the corners of her eyes and mouth the subtle signs of itchy discomfort brought on by those bright lesions dazzling her vaginal beef. Hammered and pummeled into her vulva, the rich ecology of her mudflaps teem like a pungent swamp, and not only ensure her immune system remains engaged but also induces whoring behaviors and personality traits. The modern roastie pussy is a Darwinian experiment the likes of which Earth has not seen since the Cambrian period. Inside each roastie contends countless STDs, conquering the vast vaginal tissues, carving warts and blemishes along their inflamed war path. It is not easy for any given Papilloma virus or Gonorrhea spore. There is truly no moment of victory or rest for the sexually transmitted organism, not with the steady invasion of new bacteria and viruses. Nearly every sunset beckons the arrival of a new cauldron of microscopic animals born aloft globs of semen and beads of sweat. A pink salty crucible awaits them on the other side. There is virtually no homecourt advantage, either, only relentless genetic warfare. Certain viral strains may require specific tissues to thrive, lest they perish or are out-infected by more savvy STDs. And it's this ceaseless nano-scale brutality that has helped to rend and scar the tender flesh of her clam.
now this is shitposting
Yea cuz firing them won't be the trigger right
Goddamn I love this timeline. Virtue signaling roasties continuing into adulthood the time honored practice of picking on and excluding that weird kid in their grade school class. Beta uprising when?
Technically it's rape if you mandate they do something about it. Probably even more in Cali. Like half a shoah.
audible kek
I'm an incel.
Need gf asap.
>tfw nor party supports government subsidized gfs
They could save so many people.
South Korea's already doing it.
Japan went through this decades ago with otaku.
It's ok men are literally not people.
Betas better read before they go off half-cocked.
I am studying this shit right now
"The enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass; the enemy tires, we attack; the enemy retreats, we pursue. "
I am studying guerrilla, not that exact book
who /volcel/ here?
So are Americans going to fire people for being virgins?
>South Korea's already doing it.
Maybe, can't say, since I've never tried ~desu
Her role was mostly to be a scapegoat for whenever the reddit owner Alexis Ohanian fucked up.
Che and Mao have some books about it. It's worthwhile to read it. Their politics might be shit, but their tactics were effective.
I can't believe Twitter is providing a platform to hateful incelophobes.
It's an obvious way to reclassify young white male autists into something that can be demonised. A lot of CEOs would like to see them gone and replaced by socially acceptable employees who don't smell funny.
The Beta uprising won't work on it's own, but if you attach it to a movement with a wider appeal it has a chance of actually kicking off and you have a chance of actually getting your revenge.
Are the CEO supposed to ask? Should they do a test?
>wrote a manifesto
You mean a single twenty word Facebook post with no other context popped up just before his killing spree?
Beta Gobbels right here.
the sage in the name field is the icing on the cake
>What goes on in the privacy of my own bedroom shouldn't be the business of my employer or the government
What are you going to do about these, uhm, people who can't get laid!?
Yet another example where I wish that the left would just come right out and say what they really want. I'd have much more respect for then. Cmon you Ching Chong dike... Just say it, say what you really want them to do about it... You want to kill all whypippo. Starting with those lonely, sad, pathetic, weak white beta males.
Let's just stop playing games. Say what you want so we can kick off the race war now.
women can't be incel, so they'll never understand
Letting women control anything is always a mistake.
it's the leftypol word for kissless virgin beta autist
>only white men can be incels
why are western women so stupid?
Peterson noticed this quite a while back. There's a large and growing pissed off male demographic that could easily be weaponised if appealed to in the right way.
New roastie pasta!!
Also this made me gay
Oh that's a brilliant idea, fire all the guys who have only their jobs to keep going because these cunts have found a new target to bully. I hope this cunt gets run over by an incel she helped get fired for being unlucky.
we call them robots and wizards here. incels is some kind of reddit msm propaganda.
Pedophelia being illegal stops us helping vast majority of those poor Incels out there
That same roast used to be Reddit CEO btw.
This reads like Lovecraft describing some kind of eldritch horror. Which, when you think about it, is entirely appropriate.
having sex is normal.
If you aren't having sex you are abnormal.
That's pretty much it.
>hundreds of millions of muslims commit terrorism, support terrorism or think it's morally justified
>#NOTALLMUSLIMS, Muslims are the real victims
>4 incels commit violent crimes
>Front page stories, called entitled losers
Really makes you think.
It's the death cramps of this from how it was before. With the fem manipulation the beta vendettas were worse in the past and improving, roasties can feel it slipping.
They hate the fact that people now can reply with "bitch who are you?" when they try this shit and society is catching on.
It reeks of desperation.
lmfao, there's is absolutely zero shock in my heart over hearing that many women now want to make being a virgin illegal.
That pussy is all they have, and we all know bigger than their brain now.
>MFW lefties start rounding up social outcasts with the plan to concentrate them in one area for easy monitoring. A fun place, like a camp.
they are unironically going to meme the beta uprising into existence
good pasta 9/9
I couldn't follow what you were trying to say because I was so mesmerized by your choice of words. This was pure poetry.
>tfw your gov-subsidized gf is even uglier than you
strange how we don't hear this sort of talk from the left when mudslimes commit terror acts and other violent crimes
reminder that we asians use white incels to fuck white pussy by dozens. LOL
All these suiciders act alone.
Imagine what would happen if a dozen suicidals got organized.
>facebook and google collect your data and detect you're an incel
>sell this data to other tech companies so they don't hire you
>sell this data to the government so they monitor you
You're fucked if you are an incel in the Western world in the next decade. You are the new "terrorist" threat, as Muslims were in the 2000s. Count yourself lucky if you don't spend time in Gitmo.
I just hope the U.S. didn't expand its War on Incel Terror globally. I don't want to be kidnapped out of my country and held up in some CIA black site for being a male virgin in my 30s.