Daily reminder that this is another "violation of attorney client privilege"
Daily reminder that this is how Hillary got away with her crimes. She hired her co-conspirators as legal council.
Daily reminder that the "Mueller Russia investigation" is loaded with DNC/Hillary lawyers
Daily reminder that you're being prepared for the biggest political takedown in history as attorney client privilege must first be tossed away so the DNC lawyers can become witnesses. It's all about public opinion.
Russia cuts oil exports to Europe & ramps up trade with China
>Russia’s largest oil exporter Transneft has said that since January 1, the country is pumping more oil to China, while exports to Europe have plunged. Earlier, Bloomberg reported that Russia will have shipped 19 percent less oil through its ports on the Baltic and Black Seas in the first five months of 2018, and sold 43 percent more oil to China through March.
>Chairman Pao mouthing off on Twitter about incels These creatures are all connected by some message distribution network. It's always so perfectly timed
Anybody who thought the Republican would lose the Senate paid no attention to the electoral map. It would be almost impossible for the Democrats to make any gains.
I asked this in the last thread but for some weird reason no one wants to answer me.. why is trump choosing to lie about banging stormy..? why is he choosing this tactic?
>florida >arizona >florida (new prisoner voters!!! yay) >indiana >neveda they could totally make gains there >west virginia >ohio might be taken by us maybe not I don't really see how we can make gains and they won't.
Jason Nelson
>My wife's girlfriend Every day we move further from God
This is the unfortunate truth. The soon Americans start to accept that America will NEVER EVER be a white majority again, the sooner people can start moving on with their lives.
Liam Jackson
isn't this basically the standard degenerate practice with mormons?
Charles Brooks
>Europe stirs up Russo-American feud to divide and conquer >Result is America demanding more NATO money and Russia selling their gas elsewhere
China is merely the more profitable market. So Europoors will be back to buying expensive Saudi or American in no time.
Jaxon Jackson
>Judgenap: "If Rudy wants the public to believe that @realDonaldTrump reimbursed Michael Cohen $130,000 and didn't know what it was for, didn't know that it was going to silence Stormy Daniels - that is unworthy of belief."
what the fuck is Napolitanos problem
Landon Miller
He's bi at minimum.
Jaxon Russell
>the fuck?
He's basically a teenage girl, mentally
John Lopez
I had one from each side pulled at 30AG the day before I shipped to OSUT. Your all a bunch of pussies
I'm afraid not >Of course, not everyone is going to want to get involved in a polyamorous relationship, and even those who do won’t necessarily find it easy to replicate the structure that we have. It helps that Mandy and I were friends before she and Cassie began to date, and that we’d each had success dating others casually without incident before Cassie tried adding a second, serious, long-term relationship to the mix. We talked a lot before and immediately after Mandy moved in about how to make things work and set some ground rules around how we’d show affection when all three of us were present, how many nights Cassie would spend with her versus with me, what contribution to the rent it would be reasonable for Mandy to make, and how we’d address it if it didn’t seem to be working out. Cassie felt strongly that she didn’t want a hierarchical structure where Mandy felt like she was second class, and while there were a few jitters early on, we’ve found that relating to one another as equal members of one family really works for us. In many ways, we’ve been lucky to make this work for us so well.
>Former U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg, now an NBC News analyst, says there's a high bar for having a wiretap approved.
>"The affidavits are typically highly detailed and carefully vetted by experienced lawyers," he said. "In all cases the wiretap must be approved by a federal judge."
>Rosenberg said that wiretaps are usually approved for an investigation into a current crime and not solely for possible crimes that have been committed in the past.
Ummm Russia can't afford the war in Syria so it needs to cut expenditures else where. Also why Putin is eager to meet Trump and discuss toning down the arms race.