Who here fell for the STEM meme? How can you stand your robot job while sitting next to Wang...

Who here fell for the STEM meme? How can you stand your robot job while sitting next to Wang? I’m sure the autism helps though, right?

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Whoops, didn’t mean to use a meme flag.

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>getting a job in STEM
Don't know how it is in seppoland, but you don't get a job in STEM here unless your a chink or poo.
t. Masters in EE and working security.

All of the engineering jobs around here offer entry level salaries but require 10+ years of experience. Of course no American actually applies, which is what they want, so they can legally hire Raj instead.

>People think the autism meme is fact.
People truly are beyond retarded.

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>frog poster
Thanks, you just confirmed it’s true

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There's no cure for ignorance it seems.

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>trying to justify being incompatible with society

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>get hired by company
>the new hires are myself and three indians
>at the end of the two week "training and trial" period, all the indian new hires get fired

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>still make less than plumber doing robot work

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Bump, kill all stem fags

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No Changs or Loos in the physics department, here. The only Asian is a Kazakh born in the Soviet Union, which is cool.

>physics department
So basically a daycare for autistic people because I know you guys aren’t developing new ideas

>because I know you guys aren’t developing new ideas
How interesting, you've been to my department of physics too? How did you like it? What about yours?

It gets worse - sometimes I sit on wang and it hurts!

>Italian Physics

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>be me
>work with mostly Poos
>job sucks
>have to do tons of diversity training
>poos don’t mind it or even seem to understand
>no gf

Might kill myself im so lonely

I like STEM because it caters to my autism but the thought of sitting in a cuckbicle all day and interacting with Pajeets and chinks fills me with horror. I think I'll just choose flying planes as an autism-friendly career.

we already took ur women white boi, just do it

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Lmao you diversified cucks
I mean we are approaching amerimutt percentages too but STEM here is either russian or jewish, and jews are just as autistic, so we get along

>russian stem program

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Enough to hack your elections, Tyrone

Fucker has the patchiest beard ever, damn

>be me
>always squatting
>never comfortable unless legs are up
>people question why I always put my legs up
>find out recently I'm part Russian

It's fucking genetic, reeee

>tfw think I have autism but adult testing is expensive, time consuming, and inaccurate

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CIA currently tracking you, hacker. It was her turn

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not true
and the plumber has to touch poopoo

In all seriousness, what the fuck is wrong with MDE fags and their autistic anarcho-primitivism?

>admits to being autistic
>uses autistic as an insult

The ocean is so frightening. Watching this pizza get tossed around in pisswater when it should be sitting safely on a stone in a kitchen is sincerely unsettling.
The pizza is you, my friend. The pizza is me and you. It's comfort. Civility. Familiarity. Home.
And yet there it floats, coldly amidst the briny spray, only moments from becoming too saturated to stay on top, in the sun. It will then fall claim to davey jones, and disintegrate into pieces to be caught in the stomachs of plated insects that make their way beneath those currents.
It would have been hot on a stone, on a table with checkered napkins, sliced neatly and passed around to the tones of warm conversation, glass pitchers clinking against cups.

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make friends with the poos, dude.
your real job is to survive.

I sense a fellow Liberal Arts student

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Wtf are you biggers talking about? I'm taking a shit right now in an engineering department that's over 50% white and 100% Male. Everyone has a PhD and we make 150k.

The guy on the right needs “makes 150k, employeer sucks his dick so he doesnt leave”

>makes 150k
>lives where a studio apartment costs 800k
Wow let me bow down to you and your eternal autism

KYS shill. Stop remaking the same shitty thread.

I live in midwest. I literally moved into the richest neighborhood after graduation. Not every engineer works for a social media site in Bay Area.

>mindless repetitive job gets replaced by robot anyways in 5 years
And that would be right underneath

>automation engineer who designs robots to take jobs
>loses job to something he created

Lol why not. The I will have become a god. Your jobs been replaced long ago anyways.

in other news the grass is green

this, they are just larping from a long time