I-I'm not a racist! I'm a race realist!

>I-I'm not a racist! I'm a race realist!

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>i'm not a jobless loser!
>i work with social media!!!

>Races don't exist!
>we need to help the black and latino community!
Wow, I never knew being a dumbass was so easy

Are you seriously this retarded? There's a difference between "biological race" and "a group clumped together based on perceived racial characteristics."

i'm a racist tho

no,i really hate niggers

So a biological race does not equal a group clumped together based on perceived racial characteristics?
I think you may be the retarded one

I am racist. I do not deny it. If you think you're not racist then you are delusional. Minorities will never respect you if you are guilty of either of these things:
1) Heavily compensating for race
2) Assuring them you are not racist
If you do both of these things they will hate you and for good reason. Black people will enjoy the company of skinheads more than they will enjoy a race denier.

nigger you are clumped with the other niggers based on your thought trait

>a group clumped together based on perceived racial characteristics

You mean like some sort of biological race having similar characteristics to one another?

PERCEIVED. That doesn't mean these characteristics are real or actually matter.

So you deny basic principles of biology and genetics?

so ur a liberal?

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Niggers, or Africans as some like to call them, are the worst race. Race is biological. We discovered this from molecular genetic analysis like 10 years. It’s how companies like 23andme can pinpoint your exact race. But since you’re a nigger, all this probably means nothing to you

You mean like how these characteristics are empirically perceived and therefore allow the grouping of people into distinctive genetic lineages known as races?

>"a group clumped together based on perceived racial characteristics."
you mean culture?
define racial characteristics

Do you deny the fact that you are talking out your ass with an elementary understanding of both these concepts?

>race = ethnic group
You're a retard.

I'm just a racist. There isnt any real difference to me. Being a realist just means you know whats going on.

Races are a part of many ethnic groups that are closely genetically related. You’re the retard. Japs and Chinese are both Asian but slightly different.

What you just did is called a deflection into an ad hominem fallacy. I will interpret this as a "Yes, I deny basic principles of biology and genetics" from you.

>poisoning the well
Thanks for confirming you have no argument.

Thanks for confirming your argument is structurally invalid and you have no way to rationalize this.

Not really. You're arguing semantics.

I am a racist and I believe racism is a natural human character trait, which is only being erased in western civilization while being prevalent in current non-western nations.

Why are you trying to control me by forcing me into a societal experiment a large majority don't believe in and is currently catastrophically failing?

There is only one race.

The mutt race.

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It's not racist to point out that black men dominate athletics, and that Asians dominate the sciences. We're different OP. Race realism

Absolutely everyone on earth is racist.

Exactly, it's no more racist than noticing that Aries are highly headstrong and Leos are egotistical.

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Especially those who think they aren't.

You’re a fucking retard. There’s emeprical data to back up his point. You can’t compare it to astrology. Honestly, you’re only hurting your side by being this autistic

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Sure kid

Races is just a reference to ancestory and relatedness. Self-described race corresponds with cluster analysis data upwards of 99% of the time. Moreover, variations between races would allow for the classification of subspecies if we used other animals as our barometer. Also, there are differences between races in height, skin color, organ size, eye color (distribution), hair texture, hair color (distribution), propensity towards diseases, ability to consume foods, size of limbs, athletic performance, hormone levels, muscle composition (fast twitch vs slow twitch), etc.


The position that race is just a social construct and not a biological reality makes little to no sense when considering that even a child can distinguish between races, members of one race do not give birth to members of others, and that by analyzing people’s genomes, we can determine the race they belong to and their ancestory (the more markers used, the more accurate the results and the more a person’s self described race lines up with the genetic evidence).

Why would you link me that random video about Trump? Nothing is going to change the fact that most niggers are stupid.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_size (scroll to race)

>its racist to not associate with people who are more likely to commit crime.

I'm racist. But I can make exceptions for individuals that transcend the limits of their shitty races.

>Quoting Wikipedia
and the snippet isn't even particularly convincing

He wrote under the trailer park memeflag

You’re supposed to go to the primary sources at the bottom

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that makes you a retard mate, you might as well become a centrist at this point together with your faggot flag

You can call us a rascists who beliefs this stuff blindy as much as you want, but right now, we are right.

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>And ignore the critique

He didn't ignore your critique if it even can be called that, he in fact answered it.

Honestly more credible than "I'm not a racist, I only hate white people."

>Are you seriously this retarded? There's a difference between "biological race" and "a group clumped together

self report is over 99% accurate. so no, not really

Lmao, I live the charmed life in Gods country. You wish you had my view right now city cuck.

I am a race realist so of course I am a racist. Only reality denying retards and virtue signalling liars are not racists.

>he doesn't proudly call himself "racist, but without any hatred"
>when accused of being antisemitic he doesn't respond "I am merely a judeo-critical judeologist"

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Look man, all I’m saying is every sociological study ever conducted on race ties in perfectly from what we know about evolution, and the anthropology from 70,000 years ago. And now we have geneticists proving there’s racial differences in DNA. At some point you can’t deny race matters.

Just a general question

What's wrong with being a racist ?
Seriously. Why is being a racist supposed to be wrong?

Is it because of xenophobia, are people with different phobias bad people?

Does disliking other races make someone a bad person? Why?

My opinions is my own, the more pressure is added the harder i hate, its a human reaction and this is the exception rather than the rule.

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But muh niggers can be racist!

Equality is an idol that is worshipped as an intrinsic good.

Ergo, to those who worship equality, racism is a sin.

don't try to argue with it user. lefties think that nature is a construct, and that in the state of nature, everyone is perfectly equal. they think this because they naturally are inferior in some way and like to pretend that without "social constructs" they wouldn't be on the bottom anymore. truth is, even in the state of nature, they would be.

>even in the state of nature, they would be.
That's because the idea of society being separate from nature is illusory. Human civilization is as natural as a bee hive or an ant colony. Incidentally, did you know that ants practice war and slavery? Some subspecies have Queens that hijack existing colonies and trick them into killing their genetic Queen.

I'm a racist

i dont hate you tho :(

i dont hate you either
But i reserve the right for all people to hate anyone.
Thoughts should not be policed or criminalized.

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ethnic groups are just a more defined racial group than the general layout
just like how blacks are divided between afro-americans, afro-european, afro-lationos, congoloid, pygmys, east-african/somalians, etc.
Also just like how the white race is divided between eastern meds, western meds, franco-normands, britons/celts, anglo-saxons, nordics, germans, (allegedly) balkanic slavs, western slavs/polish-balts, eastern slavs and finally suomi and finno-ugric populations.
how can you be so retarded

Haha holy shit, those groups aren't part of races. They hate each other.

Yea that's retarded, I am racist for one

>im not underage faggot

>IM OP !


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That may be true, but they're still part of the same overall race, whether they like it or not.
I never said it was all sunshine and whatnot being a race realist.

you're depressed and have bad friends

Jow Forums is a board of love now
Avoid making friends while on substances.
repair yourself first then you'll meet better people if you
are experiencing depression. the worst thing you can do
is surround yourself with depressed people all the time.
all it does is create a codependency circle where everyone
uses quick fixes to make themselves feel better.
whether it's getting wasted, doing drugs, or whatever.

read this and every link in it
then start here

also pick up something you've always wanted to do
or something you know you should do like volunteer.

stop talking shit also. people who constantly get you
to talk shit probably talk shit about you too.
so work on making friendships with people who want to
create stuff.

Jow Forums is now a board of love.
If you read this I love you.

although I agree that the 'state of nature' is a speculative concept, i disagree that the idea of nature should be abandoned. certain modes of living are certainly more favorable than others and certain people are, no matter society they find themselves in, desired for beauty, athleticism and intelligence. only commies think that nature is a pure construct and should be abandoned, and i invite them to eat thumb tacks.

Love can only bring so many together. Hate unites us all.

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Holy shit guys it's a real true retarded liberal not a b8, dont see that every day.


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>be remote island of aids free white people
>one dark skinned fellow shows up
>one year later 0.01% of the population has aids
Should the elected representatives of the island:
A) Spend money on propaganda encouraging more social interaction with dark skinned fellows and import the most uneducated of them, the ones most likely to have aids.
B) Not spread aids. Limit travel and have strict tests for visitors, especially dark skinned fellows and gays. Because they have aids.
Not being racist infects you with aids.

I am both

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GTFO. This board is for real racists only.

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>Hate unites us all.
too true

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Is it even fully possible to abandon the idea of nature? Social darwinism is still darwinism. To be beautiful, to be athletic, to be intelligent, these things are what causes an individual to be more desirable.

The problem is that no matter where this conversation goes it has one conclusion: People who believe in Equality shriek that accepting the idea of eugenics makes you a Nazi.

I don't know how there's so many Atheists who believe in natural selection but think applying it to humans is a travesty.

"Love" is an overly simplified concept for morons. Greeks had multiple words for different kinds of love. Friendship, Family, Sex Partner, Platonic, etc. You uneducated fucking mutts can't even conceptualize how complex love is or how thin the boundary between it and hate really is.

I don't mind other races as long as they stay in their own lands and don't shit on my streets.