Do we need to reclaim the spiritual aspect of European Cultures? As an user said yesterday

Do we need to reclaim the spiritual aspect of European Cultures? As an user said yesterday,
>the spiritual heart of Whiteness is in the dark forests of Europe. The cathedral was built to mimic the effect of worshiping in a sunlit grove, the light filtering through the stained glass like the sun through leaves. The whole experience is supposed to awaken our primal spirituality so the Christians could hijack it. We lost a lot of our daily culture when we lost our spirituality. It drives the rituals, the festivals, the religions. That's really what we're disconnected from.
People argue white culture is non existent now is it because we need to revive our spirit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Self bumping with celt song

The's the a symbolic representation of the Tree of Life from the Kaballah user.

and this

I thought it was the celtic tree of life, either way every eropean culture has had a version of this symbol so i guess itss fine.

Yep, Christianity was the beginning of the decline of Europe. Until it is expunged from our nations, we will be unable to rebuild our cultures or our peoples.

I agree. We sleep indoors and work indoors. Going on a walk outside and absorbing the sun brings a good vibe to the spirit.
Maybe less people would be medicated for depression if we just went outdoors more often.

I agree, I have heard a lot of hunters here in the states say that they go out more for the spiritual aspect than anything.

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another song for the thread.

Don't die thread

It is already being expunged by reason. However it is deeply unlikely that the masses, having destroyed any thoughts concerning the immaterial will return to paganism because it is just as foolish. As materialism and wealth increase religion will continually fall until Europe and the US are nothing but a soulless band of hedonists. As this process continues, I honestly think that you will come to miss the days of Christianity when you see what the lack of a replacement does.

culture is nothing but a set of norms that are accepted in a place. so you have holidays you observe. you have common activities even if its from a spectator seat like observing nigger hand egg. rights of passage like seeing your father turn a simple tuesday meal into WW3 because he just wants to yell. what is it that defines the transition between childhood and adulthood? in the previous example its hating your father. for some cultures its a activity like eating a deer heart or something

cultures are defined by the norm in the area. what is common place

Reason leads right back to "paganism." The traditions of our ancestors were not illogical superstitions, they were refined observations of real phenomena.

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This. Greeks and romans butt fucking each other was the best.

Can you give me an example of one of the traditions you would like to bring back and explain why it would be more beneficial than abandoning ritual altogether?

seconded. bumping


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I Didn't know you belonged to the Department of Education

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White spirituality died the moment the Christians set foot in northern Europe and implanted the artificial spirituality of Christianity.

I just bought this book that details the history and esoteric meanings behind the runes. Pretty excited to read through it. One thing about getting redpilled is that I've been learning constantly about europeans, our history, our tradition, where we come from, etc. I don't think I ever would have looked into these topics in the first place if it wasn't for the jews.

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Yeah paganism is foolish but there ous a spiritual aspect we lost that we must find again

>implying all christians are as degenerate and insincere as burgers

Yes and we have forsaken our old norms for a lazier version of life that is now having a poor effect on our society.

Thanks for this user

>What is Yggdrasil

isnt that the eugenics tree
Funny i been thinking about that all night

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>implying the core of christianity isn't to make you a dogmatic slave regardless if you're aware of it or not
>implying it wasn't a problem before burgers
You're implying a lot of things there bro

I'd be highly interested in what we could do nowadays with rituals relating to the construction and use of mounds on telluric energy nodes. It's been shown that crops grown from seeds "charged" at the top of such mounds grow faster, are hardier, and have a higher yield in a similar fashion to seeds taken from crop circle formations.

Start reading books like the Eddas and Mabinogion in the future, and after a while you'll start noticing the common patterns between different European cultures

>what is the department of Education
Fools you have been taught by larpign whitches for the past 30 years

You confusing that other religions are mimicked a specific type of religion (Germanic/Celtic paganism in this case) when in reality these elements that you claim Christians mimicked are simply aspects of religion itself, that every religion will have.

Christianity and Paganism are both outdated, Fascism is the religion of the modern age, it projected these needed spiritual aspects onto a logical philosophy and political system. Specifically, Nazism was the rebirth of the archetype Wotan, no not Germanic Paganism itself, but the archetype of Wotan and all he represents, the god of storm and frenzy, the unleasher of passions and the lust of battle.

Realize that Religions change and evolve, and the modern age must have a modern religion.

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Oh look, a fascist talking about how following rules and living a life not for pleasure but to serve is wrong. Christian Britain was a paradise compared to what it is today.

the user had a point, but he forgot that the Nordics worshipped the sea, on the coastline, as much as we did in the woods.

it is still a saying in Denmark, that being Northern is being a child of the sea. We refer to the sea as "vort moderlige hav" -our motherly sea.

Whether someone is sincere about their belief in it or not it makes no difference, Christianity is an artificial faith. It's an amalgamation of Jewish traditions and Greek philosophy, a spiritual Frankenstein dressed in the customs of its host nations that has no basis in blood or soil. It thrives in Europe just like it thrives in Africa and the Americas, since it cares not about race or anything derived from it. Christianity is utterly devoid of substance and has persisted solely by virtue of its parasitic and subversive nature.

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Uhhh I'm not a Pagan, I explained why hating on Christianity or Paganism, why hating either is stupid. They both had great beauty and value in their time but now that we shift into a new age of reason and science, it calls for a new religion; Fascism - specifically Nazism.

And being castrated is better than becoming paraplegic, yet it doesn't mean it's any good in itself.
And just like before, you're implying a lot, in this case by taking words out of my mouth. Get some nuance and learn to differentiate between rules/responsibility for YOUR causes and subservience towards OTHER'S causes. You talk an awful lot like a slave who says "but master is good, he gives me food! Being free is dangerous!"

>deeply unlikely that the masses, having destroyed any thoughts concerning the immaterial will return to paganism
Yeah maybe a LARP paganism that fails to connect people. What you describe closely follows what Pike supposedly described. Persecution and abandonment and of Christianity, replaced by nihilism.

>against all civil institutions
Anarchism was a mortal sin in the early Church woops looks like Celsus has no idea what he's talking about, much less his comments on traditions make it clear he never went a Greek or Latin Mass

Not really, Christianity took many aspects like the dates of holidays and festivals, made old gods into either angels or demons, adopted pagan traditions and dances all to make the conversion easier

Your constant talk of slavery does not repel me in the slightest. I choose to serve God, as you choose to serve man. May it bring you what you desire. Having been given the greatest gift of all, a lifetime spent in humble service to God is all I can desire. As of causes, I have none. I did for a time chase money, drugs and women but it left me empty. All was indeed vanity. Out of interest, what are your causes?

Nice numeriods.

Info-Europeans are naturally polytheistic. Every IE religion was polytheistic. Europeans even tried to force polytheism onto monotheistic Christianity using the Trinity, saints, etc. The Arab religions are not a good fit for us.

We need to return to our traditional European faiths: Greek, Roman, Norse, Romuva, Slavic, Celtic, etc. Some of us are already doing that. But there's still a long way to go to get even a large majority of Europeans to follow such paths.

That means we must work harder.

They stole it from the Celts. The Caananites went to Eire to study ancient brehon law. The way of Oak will be back. They cannot destroy our mother europe. They can harm and hurt us but Oak Worship is in our blood through our ancestors. Cosmic order cannot be broken.

I know this, Christianity was a mix mash of Hebrewism, Egyptian mythology, Zoroastrianism and European Paganism, all centered around the life of Jesus Christ.

That is not to say though, that these religious elements of Christianity are only there because it absorbed Pagan rituals, holidays etc. One need only look at any other religion of the world and see similar aspects. Even in the most primitive of races we can see the foundations and similarities.

>I did for a time chase money, drugs and women but it left me empty
That seems to be a constant with those who dogmatically embrace Christianity: they fucked up and want to tell themselves that everything will be alright as long as they go to church on sundays. My cause is blood and soil, and my take on your example is that nothing will fix your problems but moving your damn ass and getting your shit together, and having a healthy white family should be motivation enough, not a promise/threat(heaven/hell) coming from outside. If you can't get your shit together and need some feel good "supplement", may I remind you natural selection is a thing, and regardless if men build churches who preach that nature is evil and should be seen as an enemy to be overcome, it always prevails. So you have a choice: work towards survival natural selection or not. And before you say it, this isn't a "Darwinian cult" thing, Darwin is a very recent fellow, respect and understanding of nature were a thing in Europe thousands of years before he came to be.
To use an example from your Bible, a christian is one who is willing to kill a family member to please his god. An European pagan wouldn't do that, because divinity IS the European blood, This is also why you can see religions such as Christianity and Islam flourish in mixed populations: their original blood identity is gone. Nowhere is the pope better treated than in Latin America, that bastion of racial purity.
>inb4 but I don't like the pope!
It doesn't matter, the Vatican has been the leading ruler of Christianity for centuries, and for a long time commoners couldn't even read the Bible(Both due to access and language), so to say there is a thing such as an "unadultered by the Vatican version" is absurd, therefore all Christianity has been influenced by the Vatican, like it or not. That's what happens when everything stems from one book, and not folk knowledge.

Too bad many of those are lost to time

Not that it negates your entire point but the Arabs were originally very polytheistic, and up until more recently than Euros. We didn't reject 'arabic' (Indian) numerals. Should we have rejected and not perfected gun powder because the chinks discovered it first? There is no doubt a temporary hit to the pride when adopting a superior, obviously foreign technology. But how much is a fleeting pride is worth in the end? I realize I haven't directly made the case for Christianity here however.

I'm still open to debating the issue obviously. And although I find it beautiful and think it did well for the ancients, I haven't seen too many good cases made for Paganism other than perhaps that it coincided with the hight of the Western Roman empire.

Along with its diversity, and flexibility (the king could be a god) it also seemed to show a flightiness. Perhaps this is why when faced with a religion who's followers were willing to die for their King, they adopted it rather than continue to oppose it.

Oh definitely the base is the same everywhere and Christianity is it's own entity but I do believe many European Christians buy into it because of the adopted pagan traditions.

Not really. We have records, statuary, inscriptions, etc. There are reconstructionist movements for Greek, Roman, Norse, Slavic, and Celtic religions. Is it continuous? Not in most cases (the exception may be Romuva and maybe Greek religions). Are the gods still around? Yes, they are. We just have to start talking to them again.

>white culture is non existent now
It's not. You fell for the meme.

That's true about Arabs. But Jews, the source of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, have been monotheist for a very long time. I consider Islam a conquering religion over the traditional Arab polytheism just like I consider Christianity a conquering religion over the European religions. But the Arabs are closer to the Jews in blood and culture, so it works for them; it doesn't really work for Europeans. We were polytheists longer than we've been Christian, and most of western civilization gained its foundations during polytheistic times.

I thought the Celtic religions were lost completely, do you have any resources I can see to find more?

What is it then?

We have betrayed our mothers & forgotten the face of our fathers!
Report to link provided to begin sanctification


It's broad and has many diverging forms, because whites are broad. But if you don't sense any of it and think there's nothing "white" left in the Western world then maybe you ought to move to a different neighborhood or stop going on Jow Forums.

Don't take the defeatist black pill, user.

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Portions of all IE religions have been lost over time. But we do the best we can with what we have. A couple of links:

Be careful with Celtic studies. Unfortunately, that flavor of IE polytheism has been co-opted by the Wiccans and other fru-fru neopagan groups (e.g. the Reformed Druids, etc.). There is a lot still available (e.g. the stories, the languages, descriptions of rituals, etc.), but don't get drawn in by all the books from Llewelyn and other pagan publishers, as they aren't really following anything like traditional Celtic practices.

This. There is a very core, underlying culture between all Europeans that emerges once you read the myths and stories of these cultures. It exists and will remain, you just need to see it.

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Yeah that was what I thought it all was now was neopagan edginess. But I will check this out user thanks!

We just need to awaken to the message that every race prefers their own kind and that it is scientific.

Join the movement and share the videos.

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I recently watched a lecture about Evola which mentioned how it's been observed long since that
Right movements start splitting along predictable fissures. The first mentioned being Christianity vs Paganism.

Most of the talk in unrelated but here is the lecture.

stop shilling your shitty fuckin videos

Natural selection isnt a thing anymore. We live in a welfare state. A man can get away with never working a day in his life. Having a family is no surefire way to satisfaction either. 42% of marriages over here end in divorce. Also your comment about the divinity of european blood makes little sense to me. The fact is, your legacy will matter little after you go, who will bring you back to see what comes after? All your labour and toil amounts to nothing in the end, as the fool and the wise man both end up the same. Your dream of returning to a homogenous pagan europe will never be true, and even if it was what good would it do you. Had it been the ideal world you speak of it being it would have survived. All is vanity. Your point about christianity only establishing itself in multicultural populations is also false. The europe that adopted it was almost entirely white. How you can say that britain and ireland were in any way mixed upon their adoption of it is beyond me. I struggle to understand your reasoning but i hope you find what you are looking in your goal of destroying christianity and embracing tribalism of old.

I'm glad I could help. Good luck with your path, user! May the gods favor you!

This link is in there, but this is closer to the original than the Wiccan BS:


This looks like a good site, too, even though the organization is now defunct:


You as well friend

muh holy sacrament

polytheism is niggerism in another dress

Christianity is Judaism in the same dress.

Stop shilling, I see right through your facade Schlomo

I hope you saw the other links I posted above.

thought that died out in like 2015

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You worship Schlomo; you drink his blood and eat his flesh.

Catholicism is the ultimate antidote to Scholomism friend, look at le Inquisition

I did thank you user

Not trying to be a neopagan but Catholicism has failed me, it seems more like a religion of submission and control rather than truth and freedom. I'm just looking to seek knowledge and nourish my spiritual needs. Starting at what my ancestors believed is good, it means I can find truths from that and add them to the truths I know. If this leads me back to Christianity so be it.

But monotheism is also shit tier

my heart is for the forest
thanks for this

It's beautiful isn't it user, I wish the language wasn't dying.