%17 or 183 Billion dollars of this states budget goes to Illegal immigrants


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>6 of the 7 most expensive cities to live in are in California.

>The price of living in San Francisco, you could purchase 2 new cars every year.


RICO charges when?

the state is going to collapse and when it does the remaining people in that shit hole are going to swarm the rest of the nation like a plague

>unemployment at %11

thats not even cost effective. at 17% of 183 bil just hand them each half a mil since you dont have even 1 bil illegals in cali

who let the beaners get 17% of that? bet its some coal burning (((faggot)))

>thats not even cost effective. at 17% of 183 bil just hand them each half a mil since you dont have even 1 bil illegals in cali
Don't even know wtf you're trying to say. Can you be less of a retard please?

>the highest taxes in the nation cant keep the state from breaking under 1.3 trillion dollars in debt

some user posted the other day about california possibly splitting into 3 separate states and it was apparently legit being talked about... how likely is that to happen? would it make anything better?

The next Dem will just bail out their bad behavior like usual


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all depends if who runs each new state if its more of the same people then the downward spiral will continue.Also, what happens to the massive debt?

California is the future. You can raise taxes on the increasingly minority whites but math is a bitch.

and the illegals are going to swarm right along with everyone else. looking for those gibmedats from other states

The democrats are desperate to get the rich whites to stay in California and pay this large spending.

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Better than I thought considering they're like 1/4 to 1/3rd the population here. I'm not exaggerating. I would say in Southern California no less than 1/3rd the population is illegally here. I hear them talking about it all the time now in public places because they're worried about getting deported. "Oh I really really need to get my green card, my uncle was walking me through the procedures." Just metric fuck tons of illegals.

good luck with that. the globalists and tech companies that fucked that state over will have to keep it afloat

>american mathematics

no surprise. everyone knows how shitty our schools have become. I thin the kikes are deliberately keeping us stupid so they can remain in power here

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The future

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Rich whites just import more illegals

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How is it that we can go to space, but we can't build a wall

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I almost feel guilty for leaving California. I lived in a decent red district of Los Angeles county. Almost like leaving a sinking ship instead of going down with her.

liar. its ~4.3%

right wing retards making shit up again

nope. the very californians who bitch about california are the ones who caused the problem. bane needs to take over that state, close it off, hold them hostage with nukes. no survivors.

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don't worry i'm not moving to your nigger town

never gonna happen unless the ring of fire rips the state in half.