Thoughts on Mikey Enoch?
Thoughts on Mikey Enoch?
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Controlled opposition
Looks like a downie
He has good taste in beer at least
One of the major leaders of the white resistance
We need to give him our help and support on every opportunity
why does his face look so weird
and he claims to be norwegian wtf
Have you seen his "debate" with "Tree of kangs"?
Yeah, no, he can go and fuck himself into the afterlife breh
There's something odd about his eye sockets and eyes
What did he do?
Mossad agent, honeypot owner, and husband to card carrying jewess.
He looks like a young Al Borland.
he's a jew.
Mossad officer.
he claims half Serbian half Norwegian
I enjoy his podcasts. he needs to go to the gym far more often and count calories though.
His real last name is Peinovich and hes Jewish. I'm not an antisemite so frankly I don't care but I find it fascinating that nazis look up to this guy!
He's not good at debating, couldn't even beat a nigger. He's good at pontificating and rambling.
It is delicious.
One of only two tolerable personalities on the whole of TRS
Who's the other one?
> rubles
Who? Altright is done, by the way.
Richard Spencer's quit and is broke from lawsuits. And, to add ICANN shitcanned his website. it's ogre
By the way. lol
There is absolutely no doubt that Enoch, like Weev, has partial Jewish ancestry. Phenotype, mannerisms, thought patterns make this clear.
>t. part Jew
My nigga. I always knew he was /ourguy/.
weev has proven he's a man of better character and integrity at least. I like Mike, but... well, all you really need is Eric Striker, put it that way
>get warned about the eternal anglo
>ignore warnings
Duh, guys... how come stuff be like it do?
Seems like a fat loser and probably is a fat loser
Based Mike peinowitz
A semi-articulate nerd with a spurious past who has transformed into an alcoholic plagued with insecurity due to be doxed and ostracized from 99% of the world that now lives in an echo chamber wherein the effort he points in is close to 0.
Dumb. Never watched him and never will.
He’s up against a fleet of Jewish lawyers and thinks he can represent himself? The only thing he’s going to be saying soon is “and would you like to supersize that today?”.
savage and accurate
Couldnt they all make a killing in gay porn though. I know the jews would shower them with shekles for it
Nobody can debate tree. She's too stupid to understand what's going on and, has a team of jews that chat with her giving her answers. Rc Maxwell does the same shit. There's a reason people stopped showing up to her show and it's not because of being btfo. You can only run into a wall so many times before you go over it or around it.
Lol you're kidding right? Weev a constant liar and proven Jew? Weev is the only one that I consider actual controlled opposition.
You guys would probably hit it off real well then.
Isin't Enoch, like Spencer, a Jewish name?
what’s the difference to mike cernovich?
Didn't he get doxxed and then use that to boost his career by embracing the exposure? That's pretty heroic to me as someone who is too afraid to even hide behind proxies and shitpost on social media.
You're not wrong, but the way Enoch came across in the debate with her - as opposed to Spencer - would not resonate with an audience member who is open to having their mind changed. Eric Striker would have a field day with that baboon.
Redbar me
Yeah like Enoch Powell. :/
Enoch is not his real name tho
So why would he choose a jewish name
Antifa please leave
Enoch Powell. Are you new?
He ordered a bloody Mary,
Was sitting next to him in pic.
Seems genuine and articulate. Does good work, love his podcasts.
He has good taste in booze, no denying it
Well weev has history of lying has admitted to being a Jew his mom admitted it and so has anglin after his fight and in a conversation with cantwell. Anglin claims he knows weev is at least 1/8th Jew. There is no way besides a DNA test I will not believe he isn't Jewish. I was willing to over look it until he became a destructive force.
on the wrong side of this infighting situation
How is he controlled opposition?
He's as huge a snowflake as the SJWs
He loses his shit when he gets questioned about minimum drama happening in the ethnostate community or him hooking back up with his Jewish wife
>who's agenda are you working for by asking these questions
Ask Santa Claus for a thicker skin, Mike
He and his co-hosts have become increasingly lazy. Day-drinking before/while recording, lack of actually preparing anything for the show, poor quality all-around, etc.
Pretty accurate. I like the sounds he makes when he gets mad tho.
A kike who needs to be strung up on the dya of the rope
Richard Spencer is one of the few "alt-right" figure heads that are trustworthy for whites in that movement
When push comes to shove he can't defend his positions that well and doesn't appear to be that well read.
i'm baffled as to why he is siding with a subversive kike and an anonymous ironybro over people who are running for office and have skin in the game. enoch and spencer have serious inferiority complexes and attack anyone who seems like they're challenging their "leadership"
He got doxxed and he lost virtually everything, guy.
He lost his Job, his Jewess with big khazar milkers (I think he was divorced/ in the process of divorcing before the doxx tho), and he lost his ability to get pretty much any other job in the future, even though he seems to be a competent programmer.
I'd be a short tempered alcoholic too if I went through that shit. He has the persona of the least c
cucked person on the alt right, and it's pretty funny hearing him get pissed off.
You can't read? He became a destructive force. How you ask? By pushing anyone guilty of doing anything he has done or still does but, has not leverage on away from the "movement". Working with Vaughn for over a year engineering divide in the "altright". It's (((pure coincidence))) everything that has happened over the past six months played out as seamless as a movie script.
What exactly is going on with Mike and Nehlen?
I haven't been following this, is he actually speaking out against him or what? (I'm assuming you are referencing him)
>being a Jew his mom admitted it
My mom said I had a great-great Jewish grandparent when under pressure from antifa, you lying wignat scum.
>Working with Vaughn for over a year engineering divide in the "altright".
I have not worked with Vaughn since the election ended, you lying wignat scum. Vaughn, by the way, is a hero and has only done good things, and you fed informant worshipping pieces of trash deserve spit in your faces
...Okay, you're just a fucking retard.
Don't hold your breath.
who knows, he refuses to comment on it and instead shuts down anyone who questions it. my guess is, like spencer, he can't stand the thought of someone else being the "leader" which is why they both shit on trump constantly and cry about muh optics
Cryptojew. He looks like Harvey Weinstein.
Andrew, did you oppose Enoch from being able to stay in the alt-right circles when he got doxxed?
No way youre weev for real
no, i had no position on it whatsoever. whatever people will do, they will do, and if people don't like it they can disassociate (or uselessly shill Jow Forums with lies and half-truths for the next decade)
yeah no way weev browses pol or uses a computer
you can hit up the ricochet on my site for confirmation if you are a doubter
You're a proven liar as you're not weev so your argument can be discarded.
You seem to be the only retard here. This shit is right in front of your face just you plug your nose doesn't mean you won't taste it.
Oh, you're one of those people...
They shit on Trump because he's not doing ANYTHING he promised. He's the president. He has executive powers, yet he can't even stop the fucking caravan. Not to mention Trump missing the Jew wall with a Yarmulke on. Oh, and where's the wall? Why hasn't Hillary hung from a noose?
Trump was put in place to pacify the growing movement of whites who want their country back. This isn't Mike's or Spencer's opinion, they think he's just being blackmailed or some shit, no Trump married his own daughter off to a like and just brought John Bolton in, he's a Shabbos Goy.
You know the drill pic and timestamp
>Affluent guy living in Manhattan hosts a website that makes fun of jews and niggers
How many coincidences does it take does before people see Mike for what he is?
Phoneposting btw, autocorrect sucks.
Kissing* and kike*
nah, i don't have a paper and pen around. you are free to verify via the ricochet i have listed on my website, but i'd rather wignats not try to contact me, go talk to your precious fed informant leaders instead
jeez, nobody can slowly come to hate jews and niggers when living around them in new york
Yeah I'm just going to go to (((your website))).
cantwell is a self admitted federal informant that wore a wire to charlottesville, filmed private events where antifa wasn't even present and gave it all up to the FBI. you're either a drooling retard, or a shill from kikes or feds.
>pay attention to ME and ONLY ME goy
You've had plenty of opportunities to make a point, and you refuse. Eat shit.
is there something wrong with jews?
Will he ever explain his half Jewish fag enabling wife doing a piece about Ovening gays on tds ?
>Manhattan is hot for a white ethnostate, it's borderline Kentucky
>Just trust me goy
Mike hasn't done anything that helps the kikes to my knowledge, I'm currently sending him 10 shekels a month so I'd like to see some evidence mike is somehow controlled op. I listen to TRS podcasts when I'm working, that's why I'm a pay cuck, but after all the TDS episodes, strike and Mike, FTN, none of them do anything to subvert us, I'm Mikes a kike ill disovow him immediately, but he's one of the most vocal about not letting Jews in the movement, so I don't see in what way he could be subverting it, he avoids all infighting.
i get it, to join the movement somebody has to divorce their job and leave all major metro areas behind to prove their purity, we can only have rural people in appalachia in any dissident right movement, like those TWP guys, they were great.
yeah we get it agent rubenstein, we get it entirely
jews don't ask this question, ever.
>this captcha took 3 minutes. this site is unusable
He does not say that.
>I'm currently sending him 10 shekels a month
He's irreversibly damaged white identity politics by associating it with constant racial slurs, hate, and larping about gassing Jews or us wanting to not die. The demographic problem as a whole doesn't threaten our lives but will simply marginalize us and remove us from representation eventually. We need to win victories that make marriage more fair and less harmful for men, we need to add men, whites, and straight people to protected groups. We need to replace affirmative action with colorblind laws.
Is that our end goal? No, but these are all important steps that if we can't make, then we will never make bigger steps. I remember a time when he was saying the alt right could get our own politicians, but now anyone associated with him on any level has absolutely no chance to win anything. We would use money to buy off politicians of our own. Instead we wasted money on legal defense of people that can't help us at all.
There is no movement or end game out of this guy. It's like his goal is to normalize racial slurs and that's it. But all that does is make us more likely to say things that can get us fired.
I was listening to the Daily Shoa at work and got a call and took off my headphones. When I hung up it went back to playing the show. I panicked and silenced it right away but when I hit play again they were dropping all kinds of insults on Jews. If it had played that there is no way I would not be in trouble.
I've never listened at work again. It's too god damn risky.
Yes, and I earn over 10,000, that's not exactly a lot, and until I have a reason I'm not going to inconvenience myself and give up my membership.
Titus is a trash ironybro
You're the one that refuses to see the points being made. There's more than enough evidence right in front of your face. Like I said I didn't want to believe it either so I didn't. Most people ignored it just as you are now.
TDS and S&M aren't even that edgy, and TRS is now hidden by Google so normies will rarely even find the site. When he's debating Mike keeps it pretty civil, the Alt Right has been overly edgy since it's "creation". Mike isn't the cause of that, remember the daily shoah is not a very serious show, if you want seriousness listen to strike and Mike or other podcasts.
I didn't realize that we where planning crimes at these events. Man I guess I should have worn mask. Maybe I'll just skip the country. It seems to work for you, if you are who you say you are.
the FBI can persecute you and put you in prison for false crimes (they certainly did that to me, and many others)
that you think it is okay for people to wear a wire, record events, and give the footage to feds marks you as a likely snitch yourself
> t. Mr. No Points