Top developer of world renown software compiler quits over the groups racist and sexist policies.
>The community change I cannot take is how the social injustice movement has permeated it. When I joined llvm no one asked or cared about my religion or political view. We all seemed committed to just writing a good compiler framework.
>The last drop was llvm associating itself with an organization that openly discriminates based on sex and ancestry (1,2).
When one of the greatest developers of all time feels this way, it must be a lot more common in the ranks these we think.
Either that or these people are living in an alternate reality
Brandon James
Nothing is safe from them anymore. What's that? All your want to do is contribute code to a compiler backend? First you have to provide evidence that you support wimmin (and some wimmin have penises, you racist BIGOT) and people of color. Also, how will building this compiler backend help gay acceptance? If you can't face these questions, you bigot, HOW DARE YOU THINK ABOUT CONTRIBUTING TO OUR PROJECT?! This project exists for the benefit of all groups except for white middle class cis males, not because people want to make a common backend for compilers! It doesn't matter whether you understand compilers and can make meaningful contributions that bring this project ahead, what matters is that you're not a cis white middle class male, or you at least hate yourself for being one.
Obviously the fact that like 90% of people contributing to the challenging projects that this world is built upon are whites or asians just means that there's INSTITUIONALIZED RACISM, SEXISM and HOMOPHOBIA in these projects, designed to systematically keep Gay Trans POC women out. Please please please ignore that there's racism against Asians too, otherwise our little theory falls flat on its face! Pretty please! I might even let you treat me to dinner!
Jesus Christ, these people don't understand how desperately companies like Google or Apple (who are in charge of LLVM and Clang) are looking for minorities to develop their software. They are fucking DESPERATE to prove how tolerant they are. They want the fucking equal opportunities bitches off their backs and they already disregard white male applicants in favor of much less skilled blacks or women. If you're a black women, you probably don't even need to know how to turn on a computer, yet every tech company would love to make you chief engineer.
Mason Phillips
yeah bro llvm refused commits from gay developers bro
Lucas Hernandez
Remember when that one gay black transwomen made that one pull request for her contribution that made LLVM 30% faster and produce 40% faster code? Chris Lattner and the rest of his LLVM goons personally drove to her house, raped her, crucified her, raped her some more and then set her on fire. Truly, LLVM is evil.
Cooper Evans
Someone should make a git hosting site that completely anonymizes contributions. No faggots collecting stars on their profile to inflate imaginary points on their profile, commits are evaluated only by pure code quality, etc.
Gavin Perez
>Rafael "Skin ain't white; Code ain't right"de Espindola >Rafael "If you have no dick, then 'merge' I won't click"de Espindola >Rafael "Suck my CoC"de Espindola
Zachary Jones
Taller ants will kill the west. Egalitarianism is the biggest lie ever told to humanity.