Americans think they got a left-wing problem

>americans think they got a left-wing problem

Attached: leftmonkeys.webm (398x224, 2.95M)

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Seeing as the only "left-wing" are paid employees

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one molotov cocktail coming right up

Why didn't the driver run them the fuck over?

I woulda ran them the fuck.over
Holy shit

She would be charged with homicide.

What will the rioters be charged with after the blood dries?

he cute

Is being killed by rioters preferable to that?

>America is not quite as bad as Brazil
Small victory, but we're heading your way.

>Psychotic mob assaults your car, trying to kill you
>Run them over to escape
>Cops come to arrest you for homicide
>Run them over to escape
>Military comes with an attack helicopter
>Get a sweet jump off a ramp and run it over to escape

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I'm just answering your question. Tbh I would have ran over them

As soon as that door was opened i would have slammed on the gas. fuck that shit

So did they actually kill her? And why did they attack her in the first place?

Thats not the US you goddamned liar. Look at the license plate.

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learn to read dummy he didn't say that was america

At that point I think they would have had a self defense case

That's definitely not America.

Holy shit, the zombie apocalypse has actually started.
And they really ARE brainless.

iirc it was a protest against our current president, Michel Temer. The driver (a woman) is fine, since the police arrived on time.

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Can you even read?

In Brazil? I doubt. Shit like that happened before and the driver got prosecuted.

We have a real genius over here.

What's the context for this? Who's in the car?

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S-stay safe, user...

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i'll never understand why protestors think it's a good idea to stop cars and smash on the windows and try to get in.
you're standing in front of a half ton machine that can run you down in a second.

Bolsonaro will be president, don't worry

I'm fine, thanks

They know 90% of the time nothing will happen to them and if something does happen they can cry on social media about how capitalism is bad and how fascists are trying to kill them and other shit like that.

If only our wishes were to come true...

If the average Brazilian is a savage,

... this is exactly what I expect from leftist communist PT scum of Brazil.

Achievement unlocked.

I bet Hitler is glad he didn't retire to Brazil

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Most PT militants are brainless retards. They either defend them because gibs or social marxism.

Not even niggers have self respect anymore, they used to kill that kind on sight.

Doesn't seem like a good idea to do that in the US.

>be fat norwegian
>bullied all his life for being fat
>escape to America the land of fat to feel normal and start studying there
>make the wrong turn while taking his elderly mom, the only person who has ever loved him, on a road trip trough America
>take the wrong turn and suddenly stuck in a parade/festival
>people start yelling at him and threatening him
>try to get into a parking spot but get his car surrounded by angry americans and have to leave
>at no point be in any physical contact with his car and any human, no one sustains any damage or are physically touched by the car
>mob of angry americans are now following him and his mom while they try to get out of the city slowly
>suddenly get punched in the face by an angry american, breaking his nose
>drive away as quickly as he can, while no one gets hurt or touched by the car in anyway while his nose is bursting with blood
>immediately call police and ask for help, but get met with armed swat police and handcuffed
>get sentenced to 7.5 years for aggravated assault with a weapon (the car being the weapon)
>in American prison he breaks his neck
>wasn't allowed pain medication and wasn't allowed to see a doctor for a month
>just had to lie there in his prison cell in excruciating pain for a month
>prison no longer allows Norwegian media to contact him
>is now stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life
>recently applied to get executed but was denied the request

Free Larsgard.

Attached: free larsgard.jpg (224x225, 9K)

what in the fuck

Reading this made me angry.

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Well, fuck.

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Holy Fuck...

Anyone who drives over protesters and rioters should get a fucking medal

I don't stop for protesters because this happened:

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