Nashville mall mass shooting

Another mass shooting. When are Americans going to get rid of find and stop this shit from happening.

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When everyone carries a gun.

guns are guns. fix the masses
Jow Forums is a board of love now.
Avoid making friends while on substances.
repair yourself first then you'll meet better people if you
are experiencing depression. the worst thing you can do
is surround yourself with depressed people all the time.
all it does is create a codependency circle where everyone
uses quick fixes to make themselves feel better.
whether it's getting wasted, doing drugs, or whatever.

read this and every link in it
then start here

also pick up something you've always wanted to do
or something you know you should do like volunteer.

stop talking shit also. people who constantly get you
to talk shit probably talk shit about you too.
so work on making friendships with people who want to
create stuff.

Jow Forums is now a board of love.
If you read this I love you.

SPBP /thread
FP was sauce that shoulda been in the OP but OP was too much of a faggot to get it right

You cant have shootings without guns.

The solution is simple, we are the only country this keeps happening in.

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Oh my god

>4 people shot
>mass shooting
I hope they haven't shifted the definition that much, because this is really overuse of the term

What? Why are you giving some idiotic self-help trap advice.

I'm talking about stopping psychos from killing everyone. You all are insane, even if a psycho was to try and kill everyone, wirhout guns he's have to use a knife or a car.

If someone was to try and kill you with your choice of a car, knife or gun, which would you choose? At least with the car you can jump out of the way, a knife you can run from, you cant with a gun. You dont have a sporting chance of getting away.

>4 people
>mass shooting
i get that a lot of Americans are obese, but that's not the application this term is meant for.

Exactly. What is the role of law enforcement? Majority of people will say public safety, which is wrong. Their job is to enforce the law. Your safety is secondary or even tertiary to their main objective. Also, there is 1 cop per 10,000 residents on average. Always remember two things; when seconds count the police are just minutes away, and it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Just not true. We do have mass shooting stats propped up by false flags and MSM. But the numbers show that our crime and murder rates are significantly lower than countries with strict gun control.

How many times does this have to be said?

Mass shooting happen in a lot of countries. The most per population is Norway. Faggot

>youre trying to stop psychos from killing everyone. . .


When we get rid of the banksters, the CIA and the Zionist that are the one in charge of the USA and these False Flag terror attacks.

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There was 18 mass shootings in schools and 93 in the US overall this year ALONE. One cherry picked case in a place that doesnt have a total ban is not an arguement.

You cant have mass shootings if there is no guns. You need guns to kill masses of people.

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Wrong. USA 93 mass shootings.

That's 1 per 30million. More than the population of Norway.

You're response makes no sense to my post

How many were gang related?

Uk has less than 5% of the murder rate of the U.S. per capita according to the U.N. you lie.

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You know how many gun are in the US?

Sorry it was for

Where are a majority of these murders located? How many are gang related?

Dubz of love

Enough that its a miracle we arent dead. I'm tired of going out of the city and having to wonder if I'm hearing firecrackers or gunshots.

You say that as if I can't shoot back
There will always be a risk of an evil person harming me but atleast I have the right to defend myself with the same weapons they have access too

stop throwing around psycho, guns, and kill.

Jow Forums is a board of love now.
I love you.

I have a question for you

That's says one person, not 4 retard. Considering it's an American mall in the south, probably just another case of black on black violence.

No we aren't you fucking nigger. Hell, ching chongs don't have guns and they go on mass stabbing sprees all the time. This is such a problem over there they have security guards in schools armed with these poles to keep stabbers away.

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U.k doesnt have gangs. Because gangs are breed by the power of guns. If someone doesn't have the power to kill and commit crimes, they wont do such.

First, you can't prevent guns in a country that have fuckton of miles of borders. Guns are forbidden in here and I literally had more oportunities of buying guns offered to me than sex oportunities. Last month a guy was trying to sell a 9mm for 600$ for me.

Even tough finding guns is so easy, do we have mass shootings problems? No, but we have a fuckton of armed robbery. The problem is your culture. Blame it on the jew farm and constant social bashing on incels, the guns are only tools.

You must be joking.

>1 post by this ID

the advice can disengage rage drive.


You want to try English this time?

Youre from Mexico where everyone has guns and innocent people are being killed all the time. Which is another reason why we need to ban guns and not build a wall, so mexicans can stop dieing from gun violence.

If more guns equals more crime then why, sonce 1995, had violent gun crime precipitously fallen, when during that same time frame over 150 million guns were added to the civilian arsenal?

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4 shot in America. Makes national news for a year.

Communism kills over 100,000,000 last century. Nobody knows shit about it.

*has gun crim

For real tho

Tell you what-I'll give up my guns if you get rid of the all the blacks, puerto ricans, and mexicans. Deal?

I've never been into Kanye but I really think he is receiving the PlusUltra Transmission from beyond and is now polarized into the side of GOOD.

Basically kanye is going against hollywood, pizzagate, media, mental enslavement and the General establishment.
>redpilling an entire Liberal Bastion

This is a good thing and THEY want to silence this...
>hard to find Entire unedited interview

This is another TOOL and method we have to expose the world to the CABAL!!!

You will Enjoy this... kinda long but school is in session so sit down and get LEARNED

The cosmic great awakening is happening and WE ALL FEEL IT

Wake up

Sliding faggot

Do you love your guns so much that you would not turn them in for food? You love your gun so much that you would rather watch your family starve to death? ;^)

>mass shooting
This meme needs to die. One place being shot isn’t a mass shooting. But multiple places being shot up at once is

Why do people feel the need to shoot up public places? That's what they need to find out and fix

You don't need to give up your guns for food
You can use them to get food
Just ask any criminal how

>Unattractive armed man praising statistics with a pile of dead bodies behind him
>Statistics proves that per capita gun crime fell as per capita gun ownership and per capita conceal-and-carry licenses rose


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is this a teach a man to fish situation?


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Be honest OP.

You know good and well we don't have a gun issue. We have a non-white issue.

You want to take away guns from whites because you want to throw us all in fucking death camps.

Not going to happen mother fucker.

muh public safety is based in numerous laws you absolute monglet

18 mass shootings in schools? Must've been blacks doing it if it was kept silent about

>a total cuck who has never shot a gun in his life

>Youre from Mexico where everyone has guns
holy fuck you are dense man
go read some wikipedia

The UK has 10X more 'home invasions' compared to the US.
Feel free to disarm.

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>have guns
>starve to death because you suddenly forget hunting is a thing

Nigga fuck off yah faggot. My 15 guns haven't hurt a soul. Go isolate yourself with fellow whites in a gated community or suburb like all two faced liberal dick riders do.

Never. Now kill yourself, faggot shill.

Nice try schlomo...

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These 2 have never hurt anyone!

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>trusting anything the (((U.N.))) publishes

But mass shootings often take place in gun-free zones like schools. It's almost like criminals don't obey laws....

That reminds me, I should ask my Old Man about what he plans to do with his Hi Power now that Browning isn't making them anymore...

>Nobody knows shit about it.
Maybe in burgerland..
Most civilised places are well aware of the death toll caused by communist and capitalist ideology.

>Niggers and suicides means I lose my God-given right to defend myself
Get fucked, faggot

3 or more counts as a "mass" shooting. Even if the gunman an heroes and he is the third. Nasim for example.

Come get them.

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Then move to Mexico commie. No guns there. No crime either right?


>mass shooting
>only 1 person dies

why even take guns? Its clear gun nuts just want to fellatiate the 2A


My nigger

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Used to be a man was not considered properly dressed if he didn't have a weapon. If you're not armed you deserve to die.

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Who the fuck even goes to the mall anymore?

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I'll give up my guns if I can load my bullet into her chamber, if you know what I mean

Here's an unpopular opinion: so what? Say we do absolutely nothing about these. How many people die per year, total, as a result of some nutjob running around with an AR-15? Maybe a few hundred? We have plenty of gun murders per year, and plenty of non-gun murders per year, but most of those are between gangs. Mass shootings? They kill a relatively small number of people. If we completely stopped reporting on them, barely anyone would notice the number of people who die because of them.

No, most laws are simply policies. The SCOUTS ruled in the 90s police have no obligation to help anyone. They can watch you get stabbed and do nothing but wait. Sure, they are now obligated to apprehend the stabber, but what good does that do you? Police=policy enforcers. Mostly they just generate income for the state.

Good question. The last time I went to my local mall to return an item it was full of fat white women with strollers full of mixed kids.

AWww their is cute! AND a huge clutch of eggs. You must be so proud. What' their names

Nashville = Libtard trash. It is the only city in the state that loved Hitlery!

Its BROKEN PEOPLE who murder.


You also cant have freedom without guns, you fucking faggot.

Shoot me once, shame on you. Shoot me twice shame on me for not being armed. American sheep need to get their heads out of their asses. Let the right be armed so only leftists die.

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Guns don't kill people,
Minorities & liberal white trash do. Get it right faggot.

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notice no one who is dead has a gun

If you're not armed you're either leftist or left-presenting so you deserve to be shot either way.

You will be dead if you want my fucking gun.

Why give up our best card? The weak should be culled by the gun. Shoot them all until the only ones left are those with sense enough to arm themselves.

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I agree with you. Guns make killing lots of people too easy. Serial killers used to have to plan ahead, take their time, really put effort into being noticed for their horrific killings. Theres just no creativity anymore.

School shooters are getting famous too easily and are just going for a quick thrill. Hopefully when guns are finally banned we will have some really interesting and sadistic shit going on again.

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30k deaths due to fire arms in the US per year. Out of a 300million population. That means you have a 0.003% chance of being killed by a firearm, but only if you are suicidal, in a gang, in or near a black neighborhood, or a cop. If none of those things your chance is statistically zero. This means current levels of gun violence would have to increase by 1000% in order to have just a 3% chance.keep fucking with the 2nd, and see how high your chance will go faggot.

you have convinced me. I am ready to give up my guns. I want you to come get them. Specifically, you. Be waitin'.

That's right. The weak and pathetic die. This is the culling of the Eloi. From now on, hoplophobes will be called Eloi. They march, like lemmings, to their deaths.

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One. One person shot. Shooter surrendered. The dudes had a beef. But put on your tin foil hat a minute.....what if the deepstate was checking the security and response time? Nashville (antioch) has had 2 false flags and is a Democrat rats nest in a sea of red. They dem mayor just got ousted for fucking the crooked police dept guy that was making 2nd highest salary behind the chief. The chief was looking the other way while dude clocked in for overtime on the taxpayer's dime. TSU is there and also the deepstate"research" hospital Vanderbilt. I just keep getting a feeling something really fishy is going on in Nashville.

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>you can't have mass shooting if thare is no guns. you need guns to kill masses of people
you were provided with a link that shows you that your premise is false.
shill your shit elsewhere.

It was 1 just 1 is a mass shooting now!!

t. Eloi.
March to your death you hapless fool. Hoplophobes get the bullet.