The west is collapsing cause girls won't have sex with me!

>the west is collapsing cause girls won't have sex with me!

literally pathetic. The west is fine.

Attached: camila pizza.jpg (1080x1080, 244K)

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>The west is fine.
This discounts everything else you said. Fuck off you jew rat

Nobody here thinks that. Fuck off with your incel slide threads you fucking faggot. Leave this place.

>literally pathetic. The west is fine.
then enjoy it
rest of us is checking out and you can have all the girls in this fine world you obviously like

>The west is fine.

if you want to get laid, go to nevada with $100. it's literally that easy. you're welcome.

>the west is fine
You're blind if you can't see that our societies are on a downward trend and have been for several decades now.

More niggers, less pay, fewer jobs, more debt, more social programs. Women have western civilization by the balls and it is only a matter of time until reality catches up.

Im married and have a healthy sex life

Women's voting is linked to deficit spending. Women use the vote to steal money and opportunity from men then look down on their victims.

I know people who got rejected by escorts and prostitutes.

I'm not joking. they simply say 'I will not have sex with you sorry'''

I'm a former addict so I knew a fair share of prostitute junkies.

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