Defining national socialism

Hello pol, I want to know: how would you define national socialism ?

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Doesn't matter. National socialism will never be taken seriously again since ww2. Rebrand.

All this Hitler dindu, gas the kikes, is shilling. You seriously think any of this is going to appeal to normies?

The question still stands, but I'm curious of what you would envisage for a 'rebranding'

The closest thing we will have is a civic nationalist platform with governmental and cultural policies that subtly promote white births and health families while disguising it as good for the whole nation(which it will be, because whites make great nations).

Just depends. If you’re talking about Hitlerian pre-war National Socialism, you should look into Lawrence Dennis, an American National Socialist political scientist. Dennis took his cue from such German National Socialist theoreticians as Dietrich Eckart, Walther Darré and Gottfried Feder, but also from the American populist tradition of the 1890s, the Grange, the pre-Marxian socialists, and the old Populist Party. He did a great job at collaborating NSDAP NatSoc theoreticians and their work, and he pretty much explains what the “Socialism” aspect of National Socialism is. Here’s his wiki bio

I’m mentioning this because there are some people who say Hitler was inspired by Marx. This isn’t true. He was a Socialist but a pre-marxian German socialist. Just read the Communist Manifesto yourself (free pdf here:

In it, it mentions “reactionary socialism” in its table of contents. See the C subsection “German or “True” Socialism”. This is the Socialism Hitler advocated for. Not red socialism (although Hitler’s NS had more in common with Marx than many people are willing to admit).

You should also read Friedrich Nietzsche (“thus spoke zarathustra” and other works), Charles Darwin, Madison Grant, Joerg lanz von Liebenfels, Richard Wagner’s Parsifal, Alfred Rosenberg, etc

I wouldn’t necessarily consider Hitler to be right wing, in fact I’d rather consider him to be on the prewar German Left and not the postwar right. Hitler hated Capitalism, Democracy, Internationalism and Christianity and he definitely wouldn’t approve of a lot of these modern-day “neo-nazis”.

fuck the normies, and gas the kikes.
you'll go first.

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You have to dissociate it from Hitler and let the hitler shit be in-group esoteric knowledge. I'm generally a capitalist but at the core of my beliefs is that the economy should be run for the good of the nation. So if importing a tonne of immigrants increases GDP or deporting them lowers it but it improves the lot of the Irish people in the long run then you say fuck GDP and do what's good for the nation. That kind of decision-making is what NS is. And since we live in a different world from the NSDAP and have more information than the NSDAP the idea that we would just take their ideology and transplant it here and now is retarded. Their race stuff is especially kooky. It was probably still more accurate than the tabula rasa garbage that came after but we have way more information to create a new race ideology with now.

Hitler hated Christianity, WUT?

In terms of Canada and America I think I see your vision.

I think our situation in North America is quite different from others because we also have a Native American population here.

I still think the Native American race deserves companionship, in Canada at the very least.

Just watch Cultured Thug’s video titled “Hitler’s religion”. He thought Christianity had weakened the minds of ethnic Germans, and is what made them tolerate the jewish tricks. It’s basically jew worship, just look at your average southern evangelical who listens to Texe Marrs. These people would let their daughters get fucked by niggers and would hold the shit colored ape with an even bigger smile than if the baby were white. They’re such cucks. They will also disown their own children if they ever dare question Israel or (((God’s chosen))). Germany had this same problem at the time. Christcucks who would sacrifice their own nation for some middle eastern rabbi called jesus.

And no, 99% of “church going trad chicks” are really coalburners who think it’s all good because there is neither jew nor greek, amirite?

Christianity or not, some people hold our views on race-mixing. Churches can enable white breeding and that is an asset., No ?

nazis were not allowed guns you high school dropout

*Some Christians*, rather.

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Sure. but Hitler wasn’t a Christian. He was a Deist at best. The “positive christianity” thingwas just Hitler’s way of trying to convert the Christians/Catholics into the NS faith, but it didn’t work.

Interesting that you feel that way, cheers

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Enacting a welfare state once you've exterminated all the parasites

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How do you deal with the fact that many Natsoc supporters are drawn to it ironically/with intent to offend? That seems to be among Natsoc’s strongest assets in attracting people in the current zeitgeist.

>how would you define national socialism ?
Civic-nationalism except treason is taken seriously and prosecuted.

Just give it a new name and forget about Hitler. If we call it "socialitareanism" no one will notice.

>inaccurate memes again

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It was a political party that advocated the 25 points listed.
Basically, it's "One People, One Country, One Government".
People call that "One People" part racist, but any people can become national socialist, not just Germans.

Attached: 25 points of the National socialist party.jpg (1115x2500, 1020K)

That's Hearsay