Alex Jones just called out jewpiro

he's making up for hopping off the trump train.

Attached: aj.png (1920x1080, 302K)

Other urls found in this thread:

please tell me you didnt actually screenshot your name and profile picture

Top fucking kek.

i don't care about my profile nor do i care about anonymity if you have beliefs you should be able to stand beside them regardless of the repercussions.

Dean Tulipane

This happened yesterday.

what's good user?

Stop milking old news for more publicity faggot.

Attached: 1501113390168.jpg (2518x1460, 994K)

Dean Tulipane

ah your right tho i don't check fb every day

what's good user?

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Why are you even on Jow Forums then you normalfag redditor?

Oh, you'll care :)

just because i don't care about anonymity doesn't mean all people who share my beliefs don't care.

it's not the first time i've done this, won't be the last. Anonymity is for cowards who can't say they hate what the jews do publicly in fear of societal retaliation.

also hi robert kruger wherever you are

Hope you are feeling hungry because 10 jumbo size pizzas are on the way.

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Go for it bud but do me a favor order mexican instead?


I tip my fedora to you fellow ribbitor.

Idiot. You're going to get doxxed now.

i've never been to reddit but thanks i guess.

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Attached: Dean Tulipane.png (860x384, 17K)

feel free unafraid and unashamed to stand by my beliefs you don't have enough with this image to do serious damage.

That would be the cringiest dox of all time. Dont we have better shit to do?

yup that's me but the phone is disconnected wouldn't bother trying it.

>nonymoty is for fags


>if I act super cool about doxxing myself nothing bad will happen
>if I act super cool about doxxing myself nothing bad will happen
>if I act super cool about doxxing myself nothing bad will happen
Meanwhile at OPs browser - already on 10th google page "how to delete Jow Forums thread"

you can try to impose your fears on me all you want but do your worst Jow Forums i stand by what i say

I almost feel bad for little Dean.

Daww it's cute that you do but completely unsolicited

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You are overplaying it too hard m8
When will redditors ever learn?


No surprise, they all deserve to die in nursing homes like the vermin they are.

The same time Jow Forums learns to stand by what they believe in public for how can we create change if we are unwilling to face the conflict that coincides thereof.

i see your old school mother fucker dean

does the guy in the FB photo look like he's in his 60s clearly not all the information you guys are gathering is accurate.

Good point. Why dox and harass this idiot? It's not like he's leftypol or a nigger. He just needs to learn how to use the snipping tool instead of print screen kek.

Attached: 2ee.gif (287x344, 134K)

Your posts give me great enjoyment.


God damn lmfao

What about your friends?

I'm glad they are serving some purpose user.
IKR i really would love to see them go at it but i think it would force AJ to name the jew.

I'm on Jow Forums i share my views publicly anyone you see on that friends list probably already hates me.

Ben would mop the floor with basedboi alexa

unlikely because Ben can't even be honest about the deepstate let alone who controls it. Alex can do both, he just edges along the line mostly but if he had to he really could name the jew probably put the pieces together better than anyone so far.

Fair enough i guess. Ready for antifa mobbing you? Got guns?

I just got your account and routing number fool hahahahaha!

At least consider your friends' privacy.

I would pay to watch alex name the jew right to shapiros face.

so happy for you larper there is no money to be had there.


i thought vampire bat got sentenced to decades in prison why is he still shitposting on the internet?

i mean he's clearly lost a lot of his base after hopping off the trump train this may be the way to get some of them back especially considering his Jordan Peterson response.

It's really fucking telling that little benny was a #neverTrumper and now after Trump won he pretends to support him.
Jews have no backbone.

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he tries to pretend he's fair and balanced when really he's just shitting on trump as close to as much as he can while still trying to keep a conservative base.

Yeap. He's a complete two faced cunt.

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Remember his listen and believe attempt?

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Alex jones is the king of the cock tease. He never names the jew.
Alex sprinkles hints that he will expose the deep state, while running supplement and filter adds non stop, and never revealing too much of worth

Alexa is for suckers

I look at Alex as the gateway redpill, if it wasn't for him i never would've bothered to start questioning the reality presented to me so i never would've found the jewish connections and i certainly never would've made it to /pol
but if he debates shapiro we may see batman break his one rule.

better pic

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I bet ben will ignore it and act like he's too good to go on aj's show.

Good, because you spent it all on self defense firearms, right?... i hope so because antifa just doxed you and they are coming bike locks in each hand
But lucky for you and us all
We have the 2nd still
And jew drained your account shopping on budsguns online to defend yourself right?....right?

I hope so desu that would be fantastic

would love to see them try also all my money is in crypto obviously. Unless you find my safe deposit box i've got nothing to worry about.

What? No im not coming I'm not antifa, I'm just worried about you senpai


>Doxxing yourself
Can anyone really be this fucking stupid?

>posting on Jow Forums anonymously
Can anyone really be this fucking cowardly?

Attached: 7f8.gif (250x141, 453K)

Don't confuse Opsec with cowardice. Crash test dummies paint themselves up for the job.

there is this program called "snipping tool" on windows.
Literally helpes you make a screenshot of only the post-

>having Cortana enabled

end it all now

Isn't there a "How to not be a fuckwit" copypasta for new friends? Or does he just need to LURK MOAR like the good old days?

lol your daughter is hot I used to party at your house top kek

Newfag's these days are incapable of lurking. It's 2018 remember, and everyone's dumbass opinion needs to be heard!

numbnuts still using print screen. Boomer confirmed.
Debate theme.

Think I was here for like 3 years before I posted anything more than a simple "nigger" or "kike". This place used to be full of Guys, then it was boys, now it goys. Fucking hell man. What happened?

At least we know there's one nigger in this thread that doesn't glow in the dark.

Attached: Live-Free-or-Die-NH.jpg (590x390, 241K)

>mfw retarded mutt doxxes himself

Attached: KmLEDGtE_400x400.jpg (400x400, 29K)

Watch this interview!!!!!! Kanye full TMZ interview with Bellagio Sampler's awesome commentary and red pill breakdown

Kanye is ALERT and he doesn't wanna be in the illuminati anymore HE JOINED PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!


You faggots are too lazy to do anything anyway

>t_d cuck
>Has kikebook
>Doxxed himself
Go away normie.

Is called hiding your power levels faggot.

Same. This is what happens when Eternal September arrives at your online community I suppose.

Or it's not actually him and he faked it to get an army to attack poor Dean for hurting OP's feelings?

Your also a boomer.....

Well we were still fucking with nasa along with Jow Forums

I admire your boldness and shamelessness

Unironically leave Dean alone. His daughter was a good person, I knew her.

Please stop posting grandpa.

Dean the mean machine

But why HERE? Do you not know where you are?

Alex shabbos Jones and Ben the filthy, scheming kike Shapiro are not "well informed". Jones receives shekels for being a good goy and Shapiro is an Israel first, browning of America foreskinless subversive jew. Spend more time with his sister's tits.

Attached: ZomboMeme 02112017164443.jpg (960x544, 84K)

Someone photoshop him posting loliporn and send it to his friends. :)

/ptg/ and plebbit happens and Jow Forumsacks tensions are rising higher that they will be forced to kick plebbitors out by deleting their threads doxxing the mods.


Dean isn't anyone we should target. He just needs to lurk and learn.