Clickbait titles are the best, aren't they? Seriously though, don't you think that these people are just begging for another attack of some frustrated, lonely man? It's the same people who run anti-bullying campaigns and other bullshit that turns kids into weak pussies. Anyway, sounds like the subject of Incels is popping more often becomes a tool to blame white males for merely existing now.
INCEL Uprising General
>begging for another attack of some frustrated, lonely man?
I love how the exact reasons were never given but people just assume shit anyways in order to fit whatever narrative they want to push
They can't stand against this
>Except for paladins
Why don't incels just jerk off as much as possible.
Hey women, men don't owe you right of way, you're just truckable.
They want to experience how it's like to put a dick into a pussy
>Why don't incels just jerk off as much as possible.
The seat belt gets in the way.
so just stop being a weirdo and talk to girls? I don't get what is so hard about it
>Seriously though, don't you think that these people are just begging for another attack of some frustrated, lonely man?
No faggot, because only the truly unstable idiots do this kind of shit
And instead of finding out why that guy ran over people in Toronto, these retard want to push another agenda
Honestly, I want to see more people getting run over, shot, stabbed, beaten, broken, and otherwise harmed and or killed.
So pls media, keep pushing those buttons.
its pretty funny that the media is flipping out about this instead of islam, what a upside down world
what would be the incel equivalent of admiral akbar?
well the media treats islam with kid gloves cause they might go nuts
why not treat incels with kid gloves for the same reason, even though the odds of an incel snapping are extremely extremely low
if they wanna play that game, they better play it fair
Bitter social retards with enough money to rent a van don't owe you a safe living environment. :^)
should incels claim victimhood?
the left loves victims of all kinds
maybe they'll give incels a sympathy prostitute, paid by the state
>putting pussy on a pedalstool
do americans really do this
Friend, let me introduce you to the tfw gf visa plan. Tech companies looking to import cheap labor from abroad can now strike a deal with their permavirgin Caltech engineers. A new visa class that allows a woman to work and live in the U.S., for as long as she provides sexual services for her host.
They treat "incel" as if it is a terrorist organisation called I.N.C.E.L.
These threads are plebbit-level cancer. Enough.
Sage all memeflaggots.
they think women are supposed to chase after them
when they smell like axe spray and old jizz
and wear nintendo t shirts