Nothing is happening;

Nothing is happening;

-Fat Kim is not nuked
-Assad is undefeated
-Crooked Hillary is not in jail
-There is no wall
-Israel still exist
-Drumpf is not impeached
-Mueller stalled
-Ukraine stalled
-Hezbollah are asleep
-ISIS doing nothing
-Jow Forums is up
-Your mother didn't die in her sleep
-Yellowstone didn't deliver
-Putin is asleep
-Snackbars don't drive trucks anymore

Time to hit the exit bag

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World peace is the biggest happening of them all.

Sounds like the Golden Age of peace has begun..

fuck that!

>world spiralling into proxy war and political jailing
>the internet conspires to give the chaos candidate a chance
>surprised when the word enters an unprecedented and unpredicted era of peace

But Trump's lawyer paid some roastie off...

>tfw youre ready to die but it never happens
felt grandpa the same?

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the problem with peace is that there's no comfy stream

No worries, my consecutive numbers and ID says something is gonna happen soon. Praise kek

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