What is with the the whole far-left and smearing? Even people come here and just try to destabilize the place by real underhanded means, as if they're methodologies are some sort of 70's government psyop.
You would think overly liberal people would have a strong morality to them, but it seems like they're more willing to be underhanded in order to protect or project what they want from a society.
What do you think of the psychology of slide threads Jow Forums?
(((They))) now feel like there has to continuously be crazy shit posted here all the time to justify the bogey man meme they've made of Jow Forums and Jow Forums specifically. Do they even limit threads anymore? Used to be 5 per IP max
Joseph Foster
I just mean the mentality of the media/social medias trying to smear people, or posters coming here to make slide threads.
To me, both seem very underhanded, they're very calculating. There's no sense of honour to any of it, in that these people are willing to do whatever to beat/shame the opposition into submission rather than forthrightly stand for their ideas, or even argue for them.
I just want to analyse it. It's very seedy to me.
Benjamin Allen
Their entire MO is to destroy. If they can't destroy something from the inside, like they'll use smear tactics, finances and any other method they can to destroy it from the outside.
Evan Flores
>You would think overly liberal people would have a strong morality to them The same people celebrate murdering children in the womb, murdering children in the hospital, murdering elderly in nursing homes, advocating for pedophilia and pedophiles rights, advocating for the abolishing of a persons natural right to defend themselves, advocating the forced theft of an individuals own profit to distribute to causes and people they may have entirely reasonable and rational moral objections to, advocating the intentional violation of immigration law and practice, advocating for increased censorship in all sectors both private and public, advocating for pseudo-scientific socio-political doctrines to be taught as dogma are the same people you assume to be moral?
Try again.
Bentley Howard
Women make up the body of the social sphere. If you smear someone enough, women won't listen to them. Why argue for the logic of your ideas if the main people you need to convince don't understand logic? It's better to make your views the only ones that are listened to.
Aaron Ramirez
>You would think overly liberal people would have a strong morality to them, Wrong. Liberalism is essentially virtue signalling. Liberals publicly gravitate towards the ideology that professes to foster "kindness and good will" to show society that they are kind and of good will. Of course, it's merely to conceal the fact they they themselves are not kind. To put it another way, Liberals are bad people that want to see themselves (and want to be seen) as good people. They assume that all people are really the same way- bad people that want to be seen as good, so the "institutionalized goodness" of the liberal orthodoxy is their method to that end. This psychology is seen in all of their opinions. For example, they don't understand how someone can own a gun and not want to kill people with it, because they themselves secretly desire to kill large amounts of people. (Actually, most humans have genocidal undercurrents to their psyches, I could expound more on it but it's basically evo-psych that I don't want to get into)
Noah Wilson
Jesus user, That's fucking rough.
John Peterson
He's a real red pill for you: these parasites are eternal outsiders. They destroy everything they come into contact with, their ultimate goal is something they've yet to realize themselves: they seek death.
It's why they are simultaneously narcissistic and masochistic. They are evil, evil beings.
Benjamin Flores
It's an ideology that promotes degeneracy and atheism, of course they lack morals
Joseph Wilson
blatant desperation, perhaps even death throes
love to see it climaxing, as the inevitable decline will evidence their final destiny
Ayden Ward
dangerous naivety and the thought that the ends always justify the means
Wyatt Campbell
In eben dem Maße wuchs wieder der Neid der gleichen Männer, die damals bereits Deutschland mit Krieg überzogen hatten. Die Herren Churchill begannen sofort wieder zu hetzen. Die Mister Eden und dann natürlich die Juden, an der Spitze ein Hore Belisha, und wie sie alle heißen, sie begannen nun ihre Hetze Jahr für Jahr.
Logan Baker
It is mind bogglingly Orwellian. I don't understand if they're trying to get us to some other viewpoint or make us more resolved in our hatred of the left.
I think about this a lot. They often so low energy and insulting to one's intelligence, I often wonder if it's black propaganda to get us to hate the left.
However with CTR, ShareBlue, David Brock's group of faggots, JIDF, /leftypol/ and whatever other sub-humans are operating on Jow Forums at any given time, maybe they really do think we're as stupid as all that.
That's very interesting because a lot of the people are very cruel, again the far left people, whereas the far right people are more forthright in the ideal even if the ideal is catastrophic or murderous.
I mean how many times have we seen people advocating for against 'terrible' things only to later be outed as actually partaking in them? Wasn't that the whole NeoGAF and Reddit thing recently?
Jason Baker
The left AND the right are agents of the matrix. Designed to give the illusion of vigorous and open debate, BUT ONLY WITHIN CERTAIN CONSTRAINTS. When someone speaks out and talks about subjects from a perspective outside those boundaries the agents of the matrix from both sides swarm in to maintain the status quo. These people tear down anyone that goes against "The Great Plan" because that's all they're there for.
That's why you have controlled opposition e-celebs spammed on Jow Forums constantly. Thats why all the "Prominent" (((thoughtleaders))) are attacking Kanye from both sides/
Eli Harris
Leftists don't have morality. They destroy it.
Dominic Reyes
Heh, let me try to summon the American poster who always ">45 posts by this ID":