What even is the democrat platform these days? Do they believe in anything other than free shit?

What even is the democrat platform these days? Do they believe in anything other than free shit?

Attached: Democrats.jpg (400x356, 35K)

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guilt and self loathing

Fuck Drumpf and Fuck White People

That is a very strong question. It forces democrats to have some introspection that may lead them away from their self destructive path. We need to ask more direct questions like this


Now try something that's not a spook

Hi Stormfront, equality is the natural order of things. Read Rawls.

They like to fuck kids and gib gibs.

>equality is the natural order of things
I genuinely want to see you justify this.

>instead of debating my point I'll refer you to an obscure book
It's all so tiresome

Wow you guys really are out of touch with who your enemies are kek. And as for your bullshit no, equality is not the natural order because there has never been a time in history when any group was equal in any meaningful way.

You're talking with a faggot shill so I'll give you a real answer

Equality is very much so NOT the natural order, and that's precisely what makes it attractive. This also explains why liberals and leftists are impotent, not only are they not acting in accordance with natural law, but they refuse to see the truth of the situation.

Making blacks immune to the law and removing any expectations of civilized behavior or common courtesy from them.

Free shit? Try again, sweetie.


Enacting sensible gun reform. Protecting the health care of millions of vulnerable Americans that Republicans want to take away. Taking action to prevent climate change and protect our environment for future generations. Stopping the hatred of women, people of color, and our LGBTQ citizens that has been perpetuated by our current administration. Need I go on?

Attached: 8356acd9fd63559201569bccce4c7e7964c76beac1b9e0605704cb5ca4de0135.jpg (2742x1935, 1.21M)

Equality of outcome is actually the opposite of natural

No, we're Berniecrats now. Corporatist scumfucks can get the hell out.

1. Killing babies.
2. Faggot shit.

That's it. That's all they care about.

>equality is the natural order of things

Daily Reminder that Liberalism is a mental disorder, and we need to bring back forced institutionalization.

>look at my appeal to tradition!!! Progress = bad, tradition = good!!!!
You can preserve your heritage while moving forward, retard, it's not hard.

>Read Rawls
No now fuck off kike

1. Destroying America.
2. Causing death and destruction globally.

That's it.

Yeah, let's forget the Demorat party is the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws, racism, the KKK, etc., etc., etc.

Tell that to your leaders.

>Enacting sensible gun reform.
taking away 2a

>Protecting the health care of millions of vulnerable Americans that Republicans want to take away.
free shit

>Taking action to prevent climate change and protect our environment for future generations.
what action, exactly? giving money to China is not action. over-regulating small businesses is giving money to China

>Stopping the hatred of women, people of color, and our LGBTQ citizens that has been perpetuated by our current administration.
taking away 1a

Hey, while we're at it, let's forget that it was Jacksonian Demorats who made and broke every single treaty with the Indians, slaughtered them en masse, and moved them west to die on reservations.

Let's forget all of that.

And let's forget that the GOP was birthed in the abolitionist movement, and had to fight a civil war against Demorats in the North and South in order to have a free America.

Let's forget all of that, too.

So tyranny, gibs, and fairy tales. Gotcha.

I like how the buzzword is 'gun reform' now, since 'gun control' made your motivations too obvious.

They have 3 points:

1) Get rid of Trump

2) REEEEEEE on everything

3) Gibs


>Read Rawls.
Just read Marx. It's the same shit

Look at your appear to novelty. The difference is that your appeal is based on resentment, ours is based on pride, heritage culture and science.

>what is the Southern Strategy
You dipshit, all the conservatives moved to the Republican Party in the 1970s.

Those are some nice feelings-based policies, user. I can see why single women, the mentally ill and shitskins are your key demos.

>protect our environment for future generations.
Still falling for that CO2 lie? Keep buying those smartphones goy. You're really saving the planet!

Attached: gook trash.jpg (926x364, 64K)

Damn I even subconsciously used "gun reform" instead of "gun control" in my trolling attempt. That shows how deep the media is brainwashing us.

That's not entirely the case. Some states, particularly the midwest, have voted reliably Republican since the Great Depression. Some states like West Virginia voted reliably Democrat up into the 1990s. Then you have the famous county in Kentucky that voted for every single Democratic candidate in its history until Donald Trump won it in 2016. You can't just point to the 1970s and say "they switched".

Hell, in my state (North Carolina), most of the adults I know are registered Democrats. Our legislature was controlled by Democrats all the way up until 2010. This despite our state voting for Trump and generally being considered conservative.

Attached: 33APJ_Smt1X1pvg-shPp5gQrS5NsN-5Sfy4ayU54aFA.png (1024x298, 153K)

Fuck it, I'll take the bait.

>gun control
First of all, which part of 'shall not be infringed' is unclear to you? Secondly, please run on gun grabbing. I beg you to do so.

Nationalized healthcare works so wonderfully, it's so great to have to wait 5 years to have a surgery. Unless you pay up, of course. Obamacare was such a great experiment that in many states you can't even get it anymore. It's a scam to make young people who don't need insurance pay for old boomers who ran your country into the ground.

>LBGTQ etc. = fuck straight white men
A black guy has a 500 point advantage over a white guy when it comes to admissions to UC Berkeley. Affirmative action is cancer. Equality of outcome is an even bigger cancer.
I also happen love the phrase 'people of color'. Not only it's not proper English (French people say peuple de couleur, in English we say colored people), it's also racist. Blacks are all the same, dark hair, brown/black eyes. A white person may have blonde hair, red hair, brown hair, dark hair etc. Green eyes are also exclusive to whites.

> man-made global warming
Biggest hoax of the century

A real issue, but it's much bigger in Asia than in Europe/US

love Mexicans
fuck wypipo
fuck Drumfp

Out of 22 Dem senators who voted against the 1964 CRA, only 1 switched parties. Out of over 1500 legislators who did so in state legislatures, 14 did.

1) Keep black people on welfare
2) import millions of illegals
3) raise taxes to pay for illegals
4) dictate to businesses/gov't institutions how they must provide bathrooms to accommodate all 57 genders in their parties
5) Gut the Constitution and eradicate the Bill of Rights

I cannot figure out why their message does not resonate with educated citizens?

Attached: democrats party of tolerance.jpg (800x878, 75K)

Spiting strong white men in favor of basedpersons and savages.

Berniecrats = turn America into Venezuela
Why not just move there asshole? We don't want to eat our dogs here.

Attached: bernie socialist sign.jpg (456x331, 35K)

They are the party of the non-White. Their platform is to take from Whites, particularly White men, and give it to everyone else. Every single thing they do and believe can be boiled down to this simple fact.

Try again loser. Warning, this picture will trigger you back into your safe space.
P.S. what tide pod if your favorite flavor?

Attached: autobalancedwhiteblack.jpg (742x473, 82K)

Democrat icon, the King Nigger, added 10 trillion to the debt and gave everyone leech in the DemonicRatic party a free phone. To them, that's why he is the best president (and so smart!)

Attached: obama if i had a city.jpg (108x125, 3K)

economic policy
>give me free shit and make someone else pay for it

foreign policy
>apologize for being a privileged white nation, lose in trade deals because standing up to other countries is racist

While I do believe that we have to stop polluting our world in order for us to survive I don't believe that it is causing climate change as the Earth has been hot cold hot cold hot cold for fucking longer than the human race has been alive. There were two ice ages and two hotter climate periods during our time on this planet and I highly doubt that the first humans had fucking any industry to pollute