Alright boys, post em.
Rate mine.
> 0% Jew
> 0% Nigger
> 0% Gook
> Pasta Nigger
> Syrian and Lebanese
I actually like my Syrian heritage but fuck Lebanon.
Alright boys, post em.
Rate mine.
> 0% Jew
> 0% Nigger
> 0% Gook
> Pasta Nigger
> Syrian and Lebanese
I actually like my Syrian heritage but fuck Lebanon.
Other urls found in this thread:
>73.1% European
>I actually like my Syrian heritage
Fuck outta my country Mohammed
>Giving your DNA away
>0% nigger
gtfo tyrone
As long as you're an Assadist you're OK in my book, muttboi
>paying real money for an image to shitpost on Jow Forums
Gas yourself Shlomo
Is 23andme worth throwing shekels?
Yes it is
I've been thinking about if I should waste money on it because I want to confirm whether I have Norwegian ancestry. I might just buy, but after seeing how results can vary (23andMe and the other DNAA–storage–center) I've been hesitant.
>how results can vary
Tested this with my sister. Results were still 99% Euro and just a hair off (1%-4%). Its safe, I used
I meant different result when you purchase 23andMe and Ancestry. Maybe when winter comes I'll get around to it.
>literally paying (((them))) to give your DNA away
Hope you will be a good goy in the future or the cops might end up finding your DNA at a site of a murder
>Anne Wojcicki
>married to Sergei Brin
It's pretty accurate. The neantherdal variants are spot on. I don't have back hair or straight hair and I don't sneeze after eating dark chocolate.
That's why I like being Syrian. Hail Assad.
> Doesn't know the difference between North African and sub saharan nigger.
I can trace my family until 1800s and I have literally 0 Greek relatives.
They suck at assigning you to a country.
Nevermind, made up my mind I won't do it. It seems exciting but when you really think about it, it's stupid. I have zero reason to do it, after all.
Oh I see, its worth a shot at it.
Do you mind telling us who got ARAB'ed in your family?
I'm willing to bet some German bitch got ARAB'ed.
>A "whiter than you Mohammed" Mohammed
Can I be considered white? (Look white, act white and think white, also 8% non-white cannot change almost anything, and we are not counting that less than 0'x is genetic noise, that would make it lika a 6% nonwhite)
>giving your DNA to companies which sold the data to the FBI
yeah, nah
>family trees are reliable
>women are all loyal
use livingdna
If you do decide to go for it, wait for a promotion. I got my ancestry+health one for 130$.
El Goblino coming through
You should just do the cheapest of all and then upload the DNA raw data to Eurogenes in GEDmatch, wich is the most accurate of all the test (excepting genetic noise of course) also it gives you a detailed genetic distance and the closest region (for example south germany or nort Italia) as well as the admixture you have ( for example sicilian + south german + irish ) they also have ancient origins test (Indo-europeans, hunter gatherers... admixture in you) the best site to analyze dna
>giving the FBI your DNA
You do know that's how they found EARON, right?
That means one of your grandparents were lying about their nationality. :^)
I don't care if a fucking Jew made this. Think about it, wouldn't she have taken this opportunity to equate whiteness with Jewish? She made Ashkenazi Jew it's own category. Noble Jew perhaps?
My grandparents are pretty fucking Syrian. They were Catholic Syrians who got chased out by Muslims. Unfortunately they went to Brazil instead of the US.
Funny thing is, my dad is full blooded European. Even if my dad is 50% Italian (which is unlikely, he's probably around 80% Italian, which means 40% for me through his side) I'm 3/4 European. That means my mom, who I thought was 100% Syrian, is around 1/2 European herself.
say that to my face fucker not online see what happens
100% Appalachian
He's probably whiter than you Pedro
Wait...that doesn't make sense.
You said half your grandparents are full blooded Syrians....yet your mom is half Euro?
you should be embarrassed to post your race mutt
mine is the same but get rid of all the actual european heritage and replace it with 90% northwestern and 10% jew & med
You all know these companies sell your dna/results right? They also altered your reaults. Ansolute idiots.
This is a GREAT breakdown of why the establishment will try and DESTROY KANYE
The ENTIRE Kanye West TMZ interview Broken apart and dissected of redpills By 4chans # 1 News Source CHN!!!!
With commentary from then Filthiest Goyim Bellagio Sampler!!!!!!!
>Jews Kvetch over him
>M0ds and Janis cut benis off and become Trannys over his ORATIONS
>Russian tend to like cause hes christian
>Chinese Hate him cause he exposes AI
>Clintons Suicided him twice but was resurrected like Lazarus and Goku
From the FutureScape!!!!!!!°
Mein Neiggers!!!
Listen to this Esoreric take on Kanye West's entire interview THAT HOLLYWOOD DOESNT WANT YOU TOO SEE
The establishment HATES WHEN their Golems Fight back!!!
Kanye is OURGOY
He will destroy the Tribes of Hollywood
Ecelebs need to awaken people AND NOT MAKE ANY MONEY LIKE DOCTORS OF OLD...
T. Patriot WHITOID
>did I spell it right Israel??
Hello fellow mutt.
Just saying, but why would you care about having some native in you? I personally don't think it's a big deal, it's probably the only ancestry I wouldn't exactly reject being mixed with (only a little bit though,like less than 1/14th)
I don't have that jawline but I do have blue eyes. My uncle (mom's brother) has green eyes.
Oh hello aztec.
I wish i had some native american percentage instead of jewish.
Well, I thought they were full blooded Syrian. They sure look like it, and they've never hinted at being from elsewhere. In fact they still have family in Syria.
Maybe they're just mistaken and have some European.
my heritage is primarily English
I think someone got cuckold'ed...
>tfw you know you're a mutt and don't need to send your DNA to a 4th-amendment-violating company for permanent storage and usage in statistical analysis and subpoenas
ok then
More Native American than Elizabeth Warren.
>25% German
>12.5% Polish
>12.5% French
>25% English
>25% Scottish
What brand of tinfoil hats do you use?
I embrace being a mutt with open arms. My grandfather looks fresh off of a reservation and is a really cool dude. It'd be nice to figure out which tribe/group they're from someday.
Hello Tevye.
Had the pic in my old computer
>tfw 95% Irish
>tfw 4% Russian
>tfw 1% Assyrian
Feels good
>Ashkenazi Jew
Youre not white sorry
Also rate mine desu
Are you from New York? Trying to think of places that have Russian and Irish.
>less than 0.1%
>Off-brand white
>legay white
>white white
>hairy white
Checks out.
solid american white person. Would like to have kids with your sister.
>muttposters are arab mutts
>yes it is
t. jew
A Syrian getting cucked by an European fucking lel
0% Jew here (I’m op, posting from phone).
I’d rather be a pasta nigger than a jew
> no jew
> no nignog
I'm fine with this
2% Iberian
2% middle eastern
Le 96% face
Am I doin it right?
Don't have the pic rn because phoneposting
>25% baltic
>10% german
>40% west slavic
>15% north african/arab
My grandma was copt from Egypt.
suckit faggot
I live north of council bluffs but I was born in Omaha Nebraska
>0% nigger
>Syrian and Lebanese
Go back to the fucking desert achmed
Don't have the data on this computer, but I'm a 99% west european based tranny.
Am I welcome in your ethno-state?
u mad bro?
is there any way to do these without actually giving them your identity?
i mean, giving them your DNA is pretty much the biggest form of identification there is, but some spit with no name attached seems pretty useless.
am i in?
This is great datamining, comes to great use with my new profiling software
Are you Inuit?
Wait, if I'm part Based Nahuatl, do I get sent to the Reservation instead of the Ethnostate?
What's your percentage user
>23 and meme
wew mutt
You'll go to Aztlan.
>Italian and Levantine
Oh you're a neo-Ashkenazi.
I did one and got 0.5% Ashkenazi Jew
Fuck me
Fucking kill yourself. You’ll do it anyway bc of pronouns
Best answer fuck yeah.
I posted it here ().
You're fine desu
Finding someones DNA is an exact science. Assigning it to historical populations is a bit more of a craft. Different sites use different methods to accomplish this.