Your daily reminder: Women who lose their virginity outside of marriage are a bigger threat to civilization than fiscal...

Your daily reminder: Women who lose their virginity outside of marriage are a bigger threat to civilization than fiscal, demographic, and political issues.

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White people are a fucking joke. White people have no respect for their ancestors or respect for promises; that's why when Asians kick white people's ass in their own countries whites chimp out about the '65 immigration act. Zero honor and willing to reneg on their father's promises.

White people have no respect for their children, and kick their kids out after having spent zero attention on educating their children apart from sending them to prison-like schools and drugging them up to behave. Then white people wonder why their daughters are addicted to nigger dick and their sons addicted to pornhub and vidya.

White people have no respect for tradition or nature, and never stop to think whether or not they should once they decide they could. White people are arrogant and ignorant, the most dangerous combination of traits in a person, and there's a whole fucking race of them.

Disgusting. But tell me how some people you aren't related to inventing war machines and conquering dirt somehow redeems you and your race.

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Not really but okay

Rampant sexual promiscuity is the root of fiscal, demographic, and political issues - at least those that are a major threat to the West today.

>a cultural phenomenon glorified by jews is a bigger threat than jews themselves


Go read J.D. Unwin, you dumb faggot. In every instance but one (which occurred after Unwin's death), sexual liberation was followed by severe civilizational waning (in which conquest by a foreign power was likely), or outright collapse. This was also noted by Sir John Glubb in "Fate of Empires."

Abstinence until lifelong monogamy is the only way to channel social energy into civilization.

No. That's a problem sure, but it's not as bad as unchecked immigration.

>Asians are teh best!
>Posts picture of Asian prostitute
Not really supporting your claim, no are you

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See pic related
Sexual promiscuity sinks birthrates, sows national disunity, removes male incentive for societal participation and protection.

With healthy sexuality, immigration wouldn't be an issue.

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It may be an undesirable trait for a society to have, but it's still within the rights of people to persue it. If you want to combat it, then do it through open speech and public discourse.

>With healthy sexuality, immigration wouldn't be an issue.
With a sane immigration policy, sexuality wouldn't be an issue because society would be forced into fixing it. You would hit two birds with one stone.

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>asian prostitutes wear more clothing than normal white women

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>poison sellers need poison buyers

consent can be manufactured.

>it's still within the rights of people to persue it.
Given that it's collapsed every other civilization, it shouldn't be. Human freedom isn't the highest virtue.

Solving immigration doesn't fix sexual degeneracy.

Slavery to desire is generally misconstrued as freedom.

>le quirky hipster self-photographer
I hate this stupid shit but still want to fuck her face.

Daily Reminder:


Yes it does. Economic incentive is one helluva motivator.

Sexual mores started falling apart back when the economy was doing reasonably well.

>Solving immigration doesn't fix sexual degeneracy.
Wouldn't hurt to solve it though, instead of hastening the decline there might be enough time for people to wake up and get biblical.

Yes. And restricting immigration would make the economy do worse until people returned to traditional sustainable values to make up for the deficit of cheap workers. It would also bring up the labor value of citizens already in the country.

reminder that technology is inherently chaotic and enabled a myriad of evils that were simply inaccessible to the common man. "Francis Bacon was the anti-chris"t~Joseph De Maiste

it's called jewish brainwashing
white people have cared about their ancestors and traditions for thousands of years
it's why kikes focus so much on destroying European cultures, much bigger threat than nigerians or somalis

Economic incentive is a major part of it, but it's also psychological. Lonely, childless women look to immigrants and refugees as surrogate children to protect. If they had their own children in a real family structure, their interests would lie in protecting the well-being of their family, and their motherly instincts would not be projected onto adult strangers. Fixing sexual morality fixes the root of the problem.

>leftists want to replace the role of fathers with the state

basically this if we're being honest