Midwest Master-race

Why don’t you live in the comfy Midwest Jow Forums?

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because I've been contracting on the west coast for the last 5 years
I do plan on moving up north though to a significantly whiter and conservative state in 2020 maybe

I will say that Sioux Falls and Vermillion are probably some of the best places in the country.

The cost of material alone would be greater than that price.

Less than $10k per bedroom?

I do. Midwest is the only real part of America that’s left

it's full of niggers and beaners

come to minnesota the economy is way better and everything north of minneapolis is trump country

Tornadoes.. pa is much more comfy

Don't get any ideas, Eurotrash. We're full.

>implying tornadoes aren't nature's violent art
>implying SD gets many tornadoes

lawd, user.

The midwest is completely empty and boring. There's nothing to do, everyone is fat, and we're getting spic'd hard. Don't move here.

No jobs besides low paying shit. Job stability is high as well as the age of retirement. And there is a low growth for new high paying positions.

In my filed I am forced to go to the Southwest, the South, Colorado, or East Coast.

>could sell my shitbox with no land on long island right now, end up with about $500,000 cash
>buy decent amount of land in idaho, get part time job, put a good portion of the leftover cash in low risk investments
>no more vibrant diversity, high taxes and rat race
it's tempting

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No jobs for what I do.

Software sales

That house needs 50k in work

because big trashy cities are so much fuuuun.

>everything north of minneapolis is trump country

Never been to Duluth I see.

You also gotta wonder what kind of neighborhood it's in. I'm, of course, too lazy to look it up myself.

I do nigger.

true but most of the college faggots will leave the area after graduation

Have you ever been to Vermillion, or indeed anyone where in South Dakota? I believe about ten years ago there was literally 1500 black people in the entire state. We have more Natives than anything else.
Tornadoes aren't exactly common in SD, they pop up from time to time but you don't have them piling through trailer parks every few days like down south.

I’m from the midwest. It’s soul-crushingly boring and depressing. I know I’m getting Jewed living in Weschester in NY but there’s so much more things to do.

White college town.

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Probably a 90% black one

It's been winter for 7 months.

I live in seattle and it's a shithole, really damn boring and degenerate

rural ohio kicks the shit out of seattle

Yeah, black "people" don't exist in South Dakota.

Too many feather niggers though.

Holy shit that whole house for 100k?

The Dakota's become Hoth during the winter.

Bitten by a dog with a rabid tooth

no jobs.

20 bedrooms

is this real life? wtf! that would cost like $10,000,000 where I live

looking at the sunset and watching movies every night is only entertaining for the first 3 weeks.

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>pa is much more comfy
Pa has its share of bullshit weather, including tornados, gigantic hail, Late afternoon thunderstorms and the occasional 20"+ snow event.

It is a well rounded but not normally excessive place to live for weather.

t: Innawoods PA user.

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Philadelphia is literally a black ethnostate.

mother fuck never stopping cock sucking wind!

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There's roughly 200 black people in Vermillion, you couldn't get a 90% black neighborhood even if every single one of them lived on the same block. Fucking idiots seem to forget that a lot of the midwest isn't a shithole like the coasts.

There are jobs, user. Best part is they are real jobs, not nigger-tier HR diversity jobs. You can succeed here with a degree in something useful, a good trade, or if you're savvy enough to find a niche just a HS diploma. And it's not just technical Midwest, just stay away from the East, West, or South.
>tfw I own my own farm, forest, and creek for much less than what most fags in cities pay for a shitty condo and am quite comfy w/ an Aryan waifu and 3 beautiful kids, not a nigger or spic in sight.

Imagine the upkeep costs for a home like that, though.

Yeah pretty much everyone in the midwest has a 20 bedroom house as standard.

>population 10,000

nice place and all, but work probably isn't very abundant for outsiders

Damn the old Sigma Nu House is for sale

kek that reminds me. my dads side of the family is from South Dakota, German pig farmer immigrants back in the 1800s. My great grandmother whos coming up on her 100th birthday didn't see a black person until the family moved to California in her teens.

Shiiiiiet, I can have a lot of nigglets in that house

probably not

Let's all do a Patreon or Kickstarter or something and make "The Jow ForumsPad". We can all move there, get jobs or make companies, do remote stuff (I'm sure a lot of us are IT dweebs), and churn out memes and information to take our country back.

(See what I did there? "Pad"=house. But also frogs/Pepe/lilypad? Get it?)

It used to be an old frat house imagine how many rapes occurred there

Because it sucks having a 30 acre compound with all the fresh air and toys you could ever want...

I get it lol

Paddock is Scots for frog - from Macbeth

that kind of history only adds to the value

>letting your family trap you on a littoral island
Muh dude, get off that socialist shit hole as soon as possible. Join real america, and leave the land of pumbers making 6 figures and still being poor.

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shhh don't tell the normies about south dakota. we don't need fucking hipster liberals shitting up the place. the native americans do enough of that by themselves.

Fuck off, we're full

I do tho. I'm trying to catch a 30lb northern right now.

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OP you a student at USD?

>Implying any self respecting European would move to Jewmerica
No thanks, fatty.

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You wont regret it.

>Late afternoon thunderstorms and the occasional 20"+ snow event.
sounds comfy as fuck lad

Forgot to change your memeflag

That's literally what it looks like where I live. In the winter, when the crops are gone, all that is left is a flat dirt colored landscape. You can see for miles. It's emotionally destructive...

Mobridge SD reporting in, btw

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Yeah, this frat house in a shitty neighborhood looks amazing.

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>emotionally destructive to look at farmland in snow for a few months
kek our ancestors left everything behind to sail on shitty wooden ships for months just to reach some land they've never seen before and you're being a little bitch about some snow

You act as if this is a bad thing amid these shitlords.
>proven rape mansion
This place is probably off the market due to this thread alone.

>it's an op touts cheap houses but has never bought a house episode

these never get old

Going through it with a blacklight would probably look like a Jackson Pollack painting.

Yes, but what are the mandatory government taxes on this property per year? In the US you can never truly own property because you have to pay the government for owning it and if you fail it will be taken away. So its basically like renting but at a lower rate.

you assume i want to own anything and feel accomplishment for once in my life

i intend to rent my entire life, never win the lottery and be a loser


>not being able to repair and modify your own house to raise property values to push the undesirables out
user, this is urban warfare 101

Can't. I own a home here and have a good job.

I was just stating an observation passing no judgement

>true but most of the college faggots will leave the area after graduation
Only to be replaced by more... Do you not understand how that works?

I don't understand how people say there is nothing to do. Besides all of the outdoor activities you would have trouble doing in the city you can just drive 30 mins to the nearest major city and do everything you would do in one of the "exciting" states to live. I make an exception for the extremely flat farming states like north Dakota which do seem boring, but south Dakota isn't that bad. The badlands are nice

I have 20 acres in the midwest with a small house and I pay $210 a year in property taxes. Just dont be a nigger and move to a state with personal property taxes and buy 4 boats and 2 Lamborghinis.

Staring at a featureless blank canvas, under a gray sky for almost half the year makes you miss beauty. Especially when you've had a taste of the mountains.
I unironically have seasonal depression.

the US needs to copy what the Euros do and separate fields with forest and hedgerows

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Do you not have property taxes there? They probably aren't bad in that area.

They're getting real sloppy lately. Not that they've ever been very good.

Don't come to Norther Illinois, it's a haven for spics and niggers.

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K Bro

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you need water to grow trees, Anonymous. Not much extra water to be had on the high plains

You're going to need to ask the chinese on that one since they own like 60% of our fucking agriculture.

Wouldn't happen unfortunately. Farmers want big open space uninterrupted by fence rows so they can squeeze more acreage out and move their equipment around easier.

Fence rows are disappearing in Indiana actually, everyone is ripping them out.

Can you secure a similar job elsewhere and sell your house or rent it?

I get your situation but if it's killing you inside you have to do something.

You a fellow Colorado user?

Which Midwest State would be good for a pilot to live in?
>t. pilot in training

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Probably because the thing hasnt had work done to the inside since 1935 and will take 250k to make livable on top of trying to find a job with enough income to pay for that in a town that small

Southern IL, Iowa, Nebraska.

When I worked 2nd shift I'd get off around midnight or 1am and drive through a landscape like in that picture. It was really comfy to me though. I wouldn't see another car for the whole drive sometimes. Or other times just a lonely semi truck. Made me feel like I was the only one in the world. Kind of makes your problems feel far far away.

because south dakota is COLD as FUCK.

Most traffic goes through Chicago so I'd imagine there unless you are trying to say you can live anywhere you want as long as it has an international airport. Chicago wouldn't be anyone's choice though.

>american farmers

they can't move the mexicans around in a corral or something?

american farmers are the real problem with the immigration in this country, they refuse to modernize and instead use beanpower to do anything

>Dirt makes me depressed

Nothing beats Rapid City and the Black Hills.

Midwest Masterrace here.

Don't move here you fucking Coastal Assholes. We want to keep the Midwest nice.

fucking this
"le based midwest" meme is total bullshit. This place has completely fallen from what it once was. I see more spics and niggers when I walk outside than white people. Whatever yo do, DO NOT MOVE TO THE MIDWEST

>isn't a shithole like the coasts.
There is one beautiful non shitty coast in the US. Alabama Gulf Coast. I haven't seen a black person in going on 12 months. It's 99.7% Caucasian and I think the 0.3% is just so we don't get looked at.