Trump MOCKED by everyone

Bwahaha and you all thought Trump was getting a nobel peace prize.

The rest of the world laughs at you.

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his presidential run was mocked aswell

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He is still your president

So when's he getting it?

>The world laughs
That's just you and your friends.

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No one should win a noble price without a decent reason, that's why they're losing credibility

>haha, trump is such a clown. He doesn't stand a chance.

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Which is also a win since the prize looks more of a joke after south korea publicly thanking Trump for bringing the north to the table.

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Trump should tell the Nobel Prize foundation to "Shove the Nobel Prize up your ass!". Keep in mind the Nobel Prize was given to the drone kang himself that worthless nigger Obama.

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Just like he'll never be president? Or how he'll never get the nomination? Or how he'll never follow through on any of his campaign promises?

Trump should definitely win Nobel if North Korea actually abondoned its nukes. We are in the North Korean cycle of gibs. Whether Trump can break this cycle is the important issue.

I am totally mocked by spending 4 hours translating fucking text and whole hour to post it here, than my thead was archived and gone. This is my first and the last appearance on this stupid site.

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So long faggot.
See you tomorrow.

you guys do need a Trump type of president down there.

Obama got one for nothing, so it's worthless. The real peace prize is in Korea.


Also poor miserable bastard, at least he has attacked less than Obama.

2020 on lock. BEST TIMELINE.

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t. Donald John Trump

In other words fuck your shitty million dollars and fake awards

I wouldn't expect cnn to come at this story from any other angle.
They backed themselves so far into the anti Trump corner they've now lost all credibility. The president is instrumental in ending a 70 year old war, how is that anything but fantastic? So now cnn are left trying to find those few South Korean retards who oppose this. And there's not many of them.
I love this presidency, it's showing up the hypocrisy of so many media outlets.

Eat shit nigger.

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got reading problems kid?

Trump has won either way. The 2nd term will just be a show boat

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pipe down,'s just a cnn article.

Digits don't lie

Gettin real tired of these kikes

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He will never get a nobel prize because then future generations would have to look to two presidents who served back to back and were both awarded. They will look at Trump who ended the Korean war and denuclearized North Korea and then they will look at Obama who did nothing to get his award and later employed indiscriminate drone strikes to kill families and children.

the grandson of Tujillo (dominican dictator, massacred thousands of haitians ) is running for prez in 2020
>I pray the meme gods favor him

Wait was it?

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he got it for being black

Maybe Obama will let Trump look at his. Maybe Melania can take a pic next time she's over there. Tomorrow, NO, tonight.

the nobel peace prize is a joke. Just something communists give to each other to congratulate themselves for impressing one another.

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chick em... it will happen

>Trump mocked for thinking about running for the presidency
>Trump mocked for entering the race for the presidency
>Trump mocked for getting the republican nomination
>Trump mocked for going against Hillary
>Trump mocked on the debates
>Ladies and gentlemen your 45th President Donald J Trump!

Trump getting the nobel peace prize would be a fucking disaster for those trying to have him forced out of office. Watch CNN double down on this as we approach the nomination date.

Was he the first black person to never murder anyone?

And the Left be like........

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cheque'd and correct.


>Retards lie about Trumps involvement and then mock him based on the obvious lies.

The Trump curse will strike the world then.


If Obama can get one just for breathing air and being black then Trump surely should get one considering the string of events that put north and south Koreas in talks. What will be so hilarious to me, if this ends well, is the fact after all the political posturing and sanctions all it took was someone calling Kim jong un out on his bs on Twitter.

>They make fun of how the acceptance speech might go because the possibility of him getting it is already seen as a given

Hilarious, but not for the reasons they intended.

Didn't Obama get one just for being black?

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>Trump supporters nominate Trump for the nobel peace prize and his acceptance speech is already being imitated
They really do just make shit up, don't theym

Reminder that Obama got one for being black

I always remember that time the CNN reporter ate human brains with Aghori cannibals in India and then they chased him around and pelted him with rocks

this. they made it a joke on October 9, 2009.

I hope Trump sends Dennis Rodman to accept the award and give the acceptance speech.

peace is the prize

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Obama got one for not being Bush with the general jerkoff expectation that he'd live up to the memes for libs.

he should have John Bolton go pick it up for him

He got one for funding ISIS, who enslaved children in Libya and Syria


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He got the Nobel Prize in 2009, and would have had to have been nominated no more than 11 days before he took office. Unless you're going to try to say that he funded them during his Senate term or campaign then that's fallacious.

The truth is far more embarrassing, that in the delusional high of his win the Nobel Committee decided to give him an award for what they thought he would do, only to be made to eat shit.

He will promise a wall.

>President Trump gets the Nobel Peace Prize
>outrage by the left saying that the Nobel Peace Prize is a scam and should not matter
>trickles down to the point where Nobel peace prize is considered useless
>invalidates Obama's Nobel peace prize
>Trump becomes the last winner of the Nobel Peace Prize as the system comes undone
5d chess

In all fairness O'Bomber didn't order drone strikes against children, he ordered drone strikes against wedding parties where children were attending.

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All he has to do is continue escalating war efforts for Israel and the Kikes will give him a "peace prize" like Obama.

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The man who funded ISIS with US taxpayer money in Libya and Syria and got children enslaved as a result, in addition to all the butchery of men women and children in general, was awarded a peace prize

fpbp OP fucking rekt.

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>trump supporters nominate...

Not really, the president of South Korea did. What is their argument even?

It was a joke long before that.

>the nobel peace prize for bringing the peace to korea

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Nobel prize is a joke.
What exactly did obama do to get one?

>trump brings peace to korean peninsula
>obama reheats racial strife in America

Again, you're saying this in past tense as if he did this during his time as Senator.

Do you have evidence that he was significantly more responsible for this than any other politician?

I fucking hate Obama but it sounds to me like you're trying to attribute his later first and early second term accomplishments to an award he won days into his first term, which doesn't make sense to me, unless you're saying the Committee wanted him to do it in which case that's some neat tinfoil.

The South Korean President is obviously a deplorable.

After him being received Noble Prize only enabling him to launch a broader war. It's just another jew tricks. Obama had done it and it only made him feeling like a hero to remain the same agenda from previous ones.

You need a Wall between you and Haiti.

>he doesn't know he's here forever yet

“T-trump will never win t-the Nobel Prize”, said the increasingly nervous man as he sipped his onions milk from a straw.

Shit has been a joke since Obama won it. Nobel peace prize in a twist of irony will be only be given to people who commit white genocide.

>Do you have evidence that he was significantly more responsible for this than any other politician?

So many hands were on the knife that funded ISIS and enslaved children. How can you blame the president of the USA dude?

The next liberal to get elected president is going to get perpetual trolling.

Like Obama shouldn't be mocked even more? This world is so bipolar it's hilarious

If only there was an ethnonationalist state with an ethnic supremacist religion who bombed the USS Liberty and did 9/11, who was more to blame than Obama for the enslavement of children in the middle east

>Trump wins Nobel peace prize
>W-we were making fun of him with it

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>CNN's dumb cunt bla bla
>source: CNN

Yeah like Israel and Saudi Arabia two of the closest allies to the US. It also helps to skip the middle man and get accidental air drops of weapons caches and American HUMVs.

Your excuse is weak as fuck. If I walked into a room with a dead body and some fucker told me "Well I only shot the guy 6 times but Jamal and Tyron shot him 2 times." That shit isn't just going to fly as a pass for innocents.

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The news would surely alert us all to this evil threat

And against the sons of people he executed illegally.


Tabloids aren't news.

that's true.

Did anyone else notice CNN’s source for this article is CNN?

It's Pavlovian conditioning to turn the truth around against Trump. Which is already easy after the media's relentless campaign to condition TDS into everyone left of say Rand Paul. The truth is that the leftist advocacy organization called the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has repeatedly embarrassed itself in recent years, the most significant of which would be Obama's undeserved NPP, followed by what will seemingly likely be Trump's role in ending the conflict in Korea and eventual reunification. If the NPPC awards anything it will almost certainly be to Moon Jae-In, while they loudly and falsely deny Trump had anything to do with it.

I'm running circles around you here man. Lets agree that Israel and Obama are to blame for the ISIS caliphate, and work together to remove this pure evil from the world.

>Get nominated
>Become President
>Make peace with North Korea
>Get the nobel prize
Am I missing anything else?

>The rest of the world laughs at you.
As they should

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if sk/nk actually shakes out okay, he deserves one, unlike obama who got one for literally nothing

You're damn right Pinochet. Let those fucking kikes know.

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>trump doesn't deserve the peace prize because some no name cnn reporter said so

>The next liberal to get elected president is going to get perpetual trolling.
They have no idea what they "normalized". They think they are resisting by being trolls. They have no concept of what will happen to them in the 30s when they finally get another liberal in office.

>looks more of a joke after south korea publicly thanking Trump for bringing the north to the table.
what kind of retard logic are you smoking

do you even read news lmao

What the absolute fuck?

Are you special?

This. Pray for meme god plss.