Why are lonely, unattractive men suddenly being demonized so hard by the left...

Why are lonely, unattractive men suddenly being demonized so hard by the left? Since when does being unsuccessful in the dating market suddenly make you a violent, hateful misogynist?

These men have experienced rejection their whole lives. I thought the left was supposed to be the champion of the poor and downtrodden?

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feminism is literally a war on men, this is just one more stage of it.

To trick and shame them into finding mates and kill MGTOW for good.

>Why are lonely, unattractive men suddenly being demonized so hard by the left?
Because they assume they're pushovers like basedlings.
> Since when does being unsuccessful in the dating market suddenly make you a violent, hateful misogynist?
It's about having a scapegoat and a way to silence dissenters. Those disconnected from the dating world are often disconnected from society and thus are more likely to critique it and offer legitimate external criticism. The sort that cannot easily or at all be seen by an insider.
> I thought the left was supposed to be the champion of the poor and downtrodden?
You unironically believed that shit? Oh sweetie...

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Is this 1127BC again?

>You unironically believed that shit? Oh sweetie...

Of course not. That was tongue-in-cheek.

It's a war on both men and women. Nobody comes out unharmed.

I'm talking specifically about this "incel" shit that the left has latched onto the last few days and I'm seeing everywhere now.

Feminism is the Jewish war on the nuclear family. Divided the goyim fall, my friend.

>Left: Bring your kids to our LGBT gay pride parade!!!
>Left: Men who are "lonely, unattractive" and not having sex are literal terrorist!!!

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That's because that stupid leaf truck'd of peace some people and brought attention to Jow Forums again, only instead of /b/ or Jow Forums they learned about Jow Forums this time.

They're forcing toxic masculinity from these guys. It's pure evil what they are trying to do.

Fucking evil

Nothing it's worst in our current politic frame than entitlement, they assume that denouncing the fact that you are not having sex means that you are acting entitled, as they probably aren't having sex either.

The first step it's acceptance.

If you're not fucking broads then they have no control over oyu
They're even trying to lump MGTOW into all this which proves they really only want to control men.

>I thought the left was supposed to be the champion of the poor and downtrodden?

The left has only ever been about power, "champion of the poor and downtrodden" is just a reliable means of having a large group of supporters, but when they're not needed they're cut loose.

Eg: Syriza in Greece looking to legalize 800,000 migrants into being Greeks.

Yah, but not when incels sperge out, blaming their disfunction on others and a few of them commit acts of violence towards specific groups. If your an incel, then that means biology dealt you a cruel hand. Sorry, but it sucks to be you.

>I thought the left was supposed to be the champion of the poor and downtrodden?

You did? Why on earth would you think that?

Bros, it was sarcasm. I know what the left is really about.

yeah, it's just more of drive a wedge between woman and man. race and race. parent and child.

Because they aren't lining up to marry the moldy roast beef that slides off the wall at the far side of the cock carousel anymore. All of the industry's designed and built to grind desperate middle class white men into shekels fall apart if they don't sign their lives away. Think of all of those poor starving divorce lawyers who can't afford their summer house other Hamptons because incells are refusing to sign up to be free range slaves for the judicial system.

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Incels are incapable of signing up..


idk where it ends. but it's not looking good.

its all the people that have seen these awful terror attacks

every time its motivated by say religious extremism. every time they have to look on the tv and see that. now they can look at this supposed member of incel and any others as violent criminals any they wont feel guilty for pointing out a motive. they might feel theyre doing some good. i dont know desu senpai

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People grooming their children to be queers is pretty fucking awful. Its not funny or cute. We're on this relentless march to the collapse of Western Society. The little budding queer sums it up in the photo.

It's kinda fucked up when women look at you with disgust. I used to be an attractive teenager, getting all kinds of pussy, but when you get to be an older gentleman, they don't have the interest you would be used too.

every credo has to feed on something to survive.
even vegans have to eat. those poor fruits and vegetables.


>be unlucky with the opposite sex your whole life
>be unattractive and socially ostracized
>get depressed
>don't focus on school
>get a shitty job
>constantly have low self esteem and want to kill yourself
>your only sources of pleasure in life are video games and porn, and they want to take even those small shreds of joy away from you

Then just when you think things couldn't possibly get bleaker, you are now constantly reminded of the truth you already know.

Tolerant liberals showing their true colors yet again.

>I thought the left was supposed to be the champion of the poor and downtrodden?
No, just niggers.

>tfw started using dating websites a few years ago had a bunch of black girls msg me on dating websites, ignored all of them as I'm not willing to racemix and I was certain a white girl would be interested in me, fast forward to present day and no luck with any, could have probably had a black gf now if I replied to those who msg'd me
Did I fuck up bros?

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How the fuck can you perpetuate this bullshit advocating support for rosties you stupid fucking piece of shit. Get off this board and fuck off back to nine gag you come guzzling bitch. Yeah they’re a dudes that aren’t getting pussy in the past majority of them are white. If you can’t see this divide and conquer tactic your goddamn moron and should fucking kill yourself

idk, were they cute?

Fuck you kike shill.

#notallvirgins when?

I'm not attracted to black women at all, to me there are no cute/ugly ones, I just immediately breathed a sigh of disappointment when I saw their pic and that they were black

The kikes have shifted into Phase 2. They went from pushing cuck shit and interracial shit and now are just saying "Fuck it. Fuck all white men. I hope you die." This is the level of subtlety they are at now. aka non-existent.

I don't know what their endgame is though. Nothing good can possibly come from this.

The "nazis" narrative failed badly, so they are labeling their detractors incels now.

(OP) #
It’s a word being pushed by leftists and feminists to insult men who choose not to fuck or give the time of day to roasties. Basically word for, “lol virgin” and “I would never fuck you and your little dick” that beat up slags use to make themselves feel better after riding the Chad cock carousel and coming up empty when looking to settle down.

>he fell for the "tolerant" left meme

Being unsuccessful in the dating market doesn't make you a violent hateful misogynist. Basing your entire fucking existence around the fact you can't get laid because of those fucking cunts and chads and thinking you deserve pussy because you're a white dude tends to look bad, though, and that's what people actually mean when they say 'incel'

idk, some cute one, you might have to throw the ole denzel on them.


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>why do women hate lonely, unattractive men huuurrr

btw are you seriously calling super-wealthy corporate americans 'left'? hilarity

>Why are lonely, unattractive men suddenly being demonized so hard by the left?

Because lonely, unattractive men are computer savy. That is the kind of people who they fear more than anyone else, hence """hacking""" can get you 5 times the prison time of a rape.

It's going to get retarded soon though, as in if some guy annoys a woman in the workplace she will, without even knowing him or his circumstances call him "incel weirdo" then everyone else will think he's one because now other girls are saying it

A few reasons I'd guess.
One is that once they've accepted their condition, they have no power over them anymore. Because the left's main weapon is shaming and harassment. And few things are as vexing to one's ego than having one's sexual worth questioned (it being a biological imperative and all). When you have no sexual worth, then it's not gonna work (unless you're still pretending otherwise). Since they can't control them, they're mostly a liability.
Also because their condition exposes one truth that they want to hide: that men and women are biologically different. The same situation does not exist with women (to a comparable extent) because of biological differences affecting sexual selection.
And they can't virtue signal by being "accepting" of them because they're too ridiculed already. It's best to try to associate them with their enemies instead. And it shows to others among their ranks how ridiculed they will be if they step out of line (because a lot them aren't doing all that well with women either (women disproportionately date "up", so it affects *most* men to some extent), so it scares them).
And because feminism isn't about helping low status men in any way. Low status men had it way too good at the expense of women. These men are all entitled.
And because it really is their problem. Liberal ideology has created a surplus of men who cannot have a family and who will have very little stake in society. One could still be liberal and admit that lower birth rates, more broken families and lots of disenfranchised men was a predictable consequence of feminism. But they'd rather hate than admit fault. Right now their "solution" to this is mass immigration, so the hate is helpful.
>feminism is literally a war on men
A war on beta men really. Feminism was immensely beneficial to alphas.
And it's all based on a picture of a facebook post. No way to verify it. It *really* looked like some memester did it.

No I didn't.

They want to control the narrative bc it completely destroys their world view. Read any article mentioning incels and replace "celibate" with "oppressed" and "misogyny" with "communism". This coupled with the fact that they have always used sex as the gateway to degeneracy and it explains everything.

This. Its a war on the monogamous structured society that Europeans thrived in for generations. First they indoctrinated girls that only the best men would do, then they indoctrinated males that you have to be sweet and kind to get a women. What you get is only a small segment of men being attractive to women which completely destroys any contentment in a monogamous marriages.

Because the vast majority of those lonely unattractive men who make it a point of their identity end up hateful misogynists. That's the entire point behind every aspect of the "manosphere". We're on Jow Forums, don't even try to deny it.

>These men have experienced rejection their whole lives

Also the funny thing is almost all these guys are like Elliot who have never even tried once to ask a girl and it's all a coping mechanism to not even try.


Because society is collapsing. People are bored and want another war.


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If only the ones who snap would actually go after the people causing this.

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You're right about the asking a girl out thing, rejection is shit but after that you can at least know you've tried, which is slightly better than never having done so to begin with, though when those rejections start tallying up to the hundreds people will obviously stop trying

The world is overpopulated and machines are coming for your jobs. Ugly men aren't wanted by anyone, even ugly women reject them.

incels think women who are way out of their league should just show up in their nasty fucking bedrooms to watch some naruto and the world is unfair because they don't

shit is falling down. its a game of musical chairs and whichever group is left standing will get culled. fortunately the more shit devolves the more high iq white men are advantaged assuming they have some level of tribalism still intact in their brainwashed brains. can't wait for mad max lads.

>Syriza in Greece looking to legalize 800,000 migrants into being Greeks

Link about this? Fucking shit if true.


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your entire civilization is going to crash and you're going to be brutally executed by "incels". You'll die screaming, congratulations

Because they STILL can't accept that Hillary lost 12397179123975 years later.

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agreed, it's time to trim the fat

incels are too scared to even talk to girls, there will be no beta uprising

because of the truck attack "incel" is the new media buzzword of the week that they use to describe anyone they don't like. They do this every month with a new buzzword. Last month it was "alt-right", this month it's "incel". Don't worry, next month all the media and normalfags will forget that "incel" is a thing and move onto the next buzzword. Welcome to the media age, short memories and an abundance of information yet a drought of value

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>What is sarcasm
Learn to greentext, faggot.

It's not an uprising, it's routine massacres and you will be in one

Go ahead and do the math on the results of one "incel virgin" not breeding versus that same incel virgin massacring upwards of 100 people in 10 minutes. Here I'll work it out for you, it equals a total net loss in a functioning society - the incel destroys infinitely more than you could ever hope to produce. This is where you're going, and you deserve nothing, you are entitled to shit and you and all of your friends & family will not receive protection. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

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Because they white

Just don't "date" them. Use a condom (and make sure you don't leave it behind).

this shit is hilarious

Yeah it really is hilarious, isn't it?

the irony is that I bet there are more incels on the left than their are on the right

You know, if we got gay with each other we wouldn't be lonely anymore. I've never had an actual penis in the arse but I've had a bunch of cookware up there and it feels great.


how many wizardchan tabs you got up
maybe if you just b urself stacy will rub your mantits and watch mlp with you

Most of humanity is worthless mobile flesh. A few spree killers wandering about thinning out the herd is highly desirable. If they have morals and select intelligently, that's even better.

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>be a cuck that considers honestly why raging narcissitic sluts take everything for granted, make shit wives and divorce at sky high rates
white knight detected

Because with the advent of social media, and a government 'safety net' women think they no longer have any need for the bottom 80% of men. They need them to pay the taxes that support them in reality, but they don't 'see' this need. They'd honestly rather that portion just fucked off and died.

It's pretty much what it sounds like. Granted, many of those that will get citizenship have been in greece for years already.

It's a blatant ploy to ensure votes for the next elections, most greeks have checked out, 800k people amounts to 1/10 of our population, you get the drift.

lonely, unattractive men save money, and become successful, which the left hates. The only ones who do not become successful in america are the impulsive, over-socialized, followers, i.e. the left.

When you believe that women are good, it follows that women's sexuality is inherently good. Since women's' sexuality is inherently good, women would never reward evil people with sex. So if you are getting laid, you are good. If you aren't it's because the arbiters of morality: vaginas, have judged you evil.

successful men and incels are very very rarely the same thing

>Why are lonely, unattractive men suddenly being demonized so hard by the left?

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Fuck you the vagina isn't infallible.

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The liberals are literally, unironically fighting to exterminate the human race.

If we win, they die.

If they win, EVERYBODY dies.

Of course not, but human beings inherently view women more positively than men so it's not all that surprising that people think this way.

>I've never had an actual penis in the arse but I've had a bunch of cookware up there and it feels great.

Don't let this guy cook a meal for you.

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Most incels aren't even egregiously ugly or anything, they're just damaged. You don't end up that fucked up overnight, they got hurt bad when they were young. As for who's fault it is, the blame is somewhere in the middle. Nonetheless, a healthy society would not abandon its males, it would do something to help them recover.

>Those disconnected from the dating world are often disconnected from society and thus are more likely to critique it and offer legitimate external criticism
This is what they truly fear. Because the biological imperative to reproduce is so powerful, they can keep most people complacent with the promise of sexual gratification. However, when one is no longer prioritizing copulation, the things they can observe about human behavior and society at large create problems for those in power.

It is strange that you mention it. Perhaps my inner self has shown through in a way that women don't want to mess with me.

>blame entitlement owe etc.
Epic memes

It's always amusing to me that moden women think they're now emancipated from men now that they no longer have to rely on a man for income yet the bottom 80% of men are the ones holding this rotten structure propped up.

there will always be a slave class

sorry BONG, i prefer to keep to myself instead of wasting my 1 life trying to please any one of the millions of roasties i've encountered. i only had 1 real chance at love and fucked it up. no roastie will ever be like her

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You people have to realise that the top 5% best looking and successful males are being worshipped by 90% of the women, and they're not trading down in a day and age where they can become engineers and make their own $200k.

>yfw you realise the left is just an adult, world wide, female clique
>yfw any group of unrestrained women just act and speak out of instinct
>yfw any group of women inevitably get male orbiters

>yfw humanity is this simple

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No, you did the right thing. Don't let any faggots here tell you otherwise. Even if you die a virgin, you can die proud knowing you never stooped to the level of an animal.

Because (((they))) recognised the demographic behind Jow Forums and the sperglords responsible for their decline. They never took us seriously, but this is proof we're hitting them hard, and they're hitting us right back where it hurts - our virginity.

Stay strong.

It is to solidify their place in the meat market as a valuable product. The legitimacy of sexual relations with low value men reduces the value of pussy as a whole on the market. The collective hatred of this group ensures that pussy is a product which is only available to a select clientele, artificially increasing the value of pussy across the board. Think of it like pussy price fixing. The issue is that this is not a sustainable business move in the long term, as the supply of pussy is much greater than the market of men the pussy is trying to be sold to. Furthermore those who fit the bill looking to buy pussy are capable of buying many. There will be large scale issues with pussies who are not of sufficient quality and feel left out in this situation of oversupply. Add in the rise of sex bots, me too, and the future legalization of prostitution and pussy will lose a substantial amount of value whist leaving men options which take care of their urges. This is why you should invest heavily in companies which produce pharmaceutical antidepressants, because women are going to be extremely fucked in the long term.

remember those early dreams of graduating and starting out at 60k? remember?

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