Pajeets BTFO

Fucking Meme Magic at it again, folks.

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I call bull shit... poos dont have toilets!

Poo in the loo

The sad thing is, he was caught but no one will care since no one actually uses the toilets. They all shit / piss out the windows.

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>be indian
>get poo'd

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Poos don’t use them, so the assumption would be the water is clean.

Just because there are always a few slowpokes in each thread who ask what the fuck...

Poo To The Loo is a real campaign, it exists independently of any and all internet memes, UNICEF created it.

In India, people shit in the streets and wherever, their government had programs to bring indoor plumbing to places in India without it, but they prefer to shit outside in the street.

This is not a joke, this is real, hundreds of millions of Indians are literally less sophisticated in their scat management then many other kinds of mammals that at least bury their waste...and it falls to foreigners to try to teach them how to not fill their streets with their own shit.

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why is there so much poo in india?


that song is catchy as fuck

>Indians would use a bathroom for anything other than making tea
This is news?

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>train station bathrooms
Quite possibly the cleanest room in the entire station.

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The Jew fears the poo

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>1) Synonym for India

>Make it smell like home
>Wonder why the fuck it isn't working, and act surprised.

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makes sense.

Remember poos don't use toilets, they worship it. or even THAT one, used as kitchenware.

You poo in the loo, not brew in the loo.


I don't see the problem with that. Indian toilets are probably the cleanest in the world.

Those toilets were probably sparkling clean anyway.

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REEEEEE. We can't catch a break!

You're just as bad.

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the toilets govt built for them free are being used as kithen and storage as nobody was using them even after govt offered 'poopy for roopy'

The normal indians do have that.

The other couple billion worship toilets, but dont use em.


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So, not like they use the toilets. Probably cleaner than their floors.

That's impressive, if the Jews made it for Palestine you know they made it way worse then it needed to be.

Pee in tea

on a tangent, why is it specifically germans that are into scat pron?

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remains unused, hobos shoot drugs there

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this genius actually moved into a govt built toilet

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nice little grocery shop right into the free toilet

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wiminz turn toilet into storage and turn neighbors field into toilet

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Happy birthday to shit!
kek gotta love them indians


Indian here. I regret nothing. You do know it's much more healthy to poop outside rather than on a smelly disease-infested toiled used by thousands of people before you.
Not to mention that the natural defecation squat is good for your back and pelvis.


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Fly the wagon wheel Pajit!

Poo !

You're so at peace with this that you're willing to ingest faeces through food and drink due to such a relaxed atmosphere that modern hygiene practically spited?

>the slav

lost so hard fuck lool

how many rupee
for poo pee
in my brewed tea?

Now you've got me thinking the toilet water in india is pretty safe to drink

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Pretty good

I know you’re RPing as a poo shill for the 40 keks but I dont really care. Fuck pooloos

A level of banter rarely seen in leafland/10

Basically Enemanem

She poo he poo and we poo
I poo you poo and they poo
Be poo be poo no loo poo

Ohh ohh she do she poo

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poo, ra, ma, fa, so, la, tea, poo

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