David Hogg contact info

David Hogg's home & mailing address:
7819 NW 112 Way
Parkland, FL 33076

If you wish to politely share your views with him, this is where to send your letters.

Attached: freekekistan.png (188x268, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


maybe i was wrong about you KEK flag posters. thanks a ton user. will share far and wide.


leave the poor kid alone

Bumping for interest.

In the time it took you to recover your senses and type s*ge this info ahs travelled 3 times around the world.

I already upvoted... sorry

How many pizzas have yall sent him?

lol enjoy your ban newfag

Nothing good will come of this

This will only serve to victimize him, and the left LOVES victims. The best thing to do in this case is nothing. Just let him (and that skinhead dyke) fade into obscurity where they belong.

Nope. Too much. The media made him a Target. And now you're casting the bait. You have fucked up. Just like Charlottesville, we know what will happen.

This isn't right. Don't get down in the dirt with them. We are too smart for that.

False flag incoming. It will be blamed on this planted, “Hurrrr here is Hogg’s address.” This has been done here before.

Attached: thatg.gif (529x220, 3.63M)








oh, are we doing SJW tactics now?

fight ideas, not individuals

"Kekistan" this 100% a plant

Literally who?

Yep. This isnt a good target. Starbucks is good. HWNDU was good because in public.

Kids home address: this is bait


Street view doesn't work. Odd

Why the fuck has this thread not been deleted.
If I wanted your home address, David, I would just look in the white pages.

Also, remember to sage slide threads.

Nice work centipede

Attached: 1525182076546.jpg (603x618, 74K)

He failed as an individual, so you gave him a mission. He failed the mission and now you want us to punish him?

False flag incoming. Pol is a board of peace. It goes in the options field

Fuck off nufags

Attached: 1412295965523.gif (320x240, 1.98M)

unironically tho only nubs say shit like newfag and kek

I bet some reporter made this thread so they can write an article about Jow Forums harassing Hogg.

Is he still a thing?

Are you him? Nothing would get you back in front of cameras quicker than Russian hackers mailing death threats...


Attached: 1522402435344.gif (645x773, 7K)

is he even relevant anymore

Fucking piece of shit.

1. Go there, stake the home. Catch the moment when he is leaving/arriving home.
2. Go up to him, flip him and say some obscene things to him
3. Record everything, put it on youtube and make a thread on Jow Forums.

Funny and harmless. You dont risk anything.

Thanks to OP, the Washington Post reporter, he probably will be soon.

>which reporter is this?

>Pic related is a product of THE students' meme factory

Attached: 1522867905074.jpg (500x548, 76K)

Its blatantly obvious. Not sure why this thread is still here though


you had me at kekistan

Attached: 31014.png (500x671, 541K)


If this is real... yikes...
Not that i agree with the silly bastard or anything. Just creepy how a person could obtain this well knoen persons address then post it. Im thinkibg your in deep shit if this is real and something bad happens.

>oh look someone posted a dox on hogg
>holy shit how's it still up
>posts indicate similar assumptions
mods are absolute faggots, and ff incoming

That's the real question.

Is one of our doit4free's a genuine msm faggot?

Thanks for taking one for the team, Opie. The ban was for a good cause.

See ya tomorrow Hogg

>inb4 someone swats david hogg and 4ch*n gets shutdown for good

Whoever actually lives in that house should be careful because he or she lives very close to miles and miles of wetlands where one could easily get lost or made lost.

This all day.

Attached: CovetousHandRubbing.gif (200x222, 1.08M)

>"1 post by this ID"
get fucked

Attached: OfficerTimmons.png (310x246, 104K)

And there's the false flag. Pack it up boys.

You've got to be Sub 80 IQ to believe this isn't a plant.

go back

Attached: The_Donald.png (320x240, 67K)

Wait, he lives in Parkland?

While we're at it, here's Jared Holt's (of Right-Wing Watch) address:

Jared L. Holt
2320 N. Capitol St NW
Washington, DC. 20002

Attached: RWW Shilling.png (3840x2160, 2.89M)

>That street view

- You fucking retard, those are line feeds, not spaces.
- I intentionally used a meme flag to trigger you.

Obvious CNN is obvious. They're trying to bait you into harassing Hogg back into the news.
Don't fall for it, dumbfucks.

what a jewy thing to say..