Its over

everything 100% fitting except not virgin.

what kinda bullshit is this poo

Attached: 1525250646822.png (1644x1370, 112K)

>that picture
W-what the fuck DELETE THIS


90% of young people feel like this, the society crushes us, there's nothing we can do that matters or at least that's what we feel, or what (((they))) are trying to make us feel.

that’s me, even with the photo besides unhealthy obsessions and media

Delet pls

>it's always the beta's fault
gas all roasties, and start over with their daughters

Not a virgin, not suicidal, and have good hair, but otherwise 100% true.

This image describes like 90% of the millenial generation.


Almost like its meant to resonate with a bunch of people.

it might as well just say:

thats me except i was bullied cause im a manlet and I am most certainly ugly

Attached: endit.png (633x758, 237K)

This is scary accurate.

Attached: 1522580191993.png (231x228, 80K)

>Undiagnosed mental illness virgin
>Diagnosed mental illness chad
This has to happen.

d-delet dis

Attached: 1507080063037.jpg (640x628, 69K)

what's the point of this picture?
like yeah, that's me, congratulations for identifying a type of person
i don't get it

>a bunch of super vague statements
this applies to most young people today

so basically autistic people? got it.

laughing at all these anons saying "that's me, except..."

hint: it's everybody, except for a few things. most of these things everyone can relate to. the only ones specific to their target are the lines "almost no friends" and possibly the "fucked up retarded hair"

this is a cia profiling of pol isnt it?

Attached: jSngk6u[1].png (536x483, 450K)

not a virgin
my haircut is stylish

but the rest is spot on
is this supposed to describe 90% of us millenials?

don't fall for this horoscope tier bullshit.

>abnormally large eyes
>retarded hair
>almost no friends but wasnt bullied cause looked good
how is that vague and fitting for 90% of people you slack jawed faggots.

reeeeeeeeeee am i shizoid?????

But seriously
>Inappropriate strange things
Who decides what is appropriate and strange?
>Unhealthy obsessions with various things
Who decides what is healthy?
>Consumes median non-stop
Applicable to 146% of 1st world population.
>Fantasizes about what they want to have
Show me a person who doesnt do that.
This is one of most bullshit pics I've seen in a while, pic that spawned virgin/chad meme made so much more sense.

You forgot “autistic”

>abnormally large eyes

Yes, and now they know you're a paranoid schizophrenic.

Attached: 1518288118074.png (372x351, 117K)

It’s just a basic psychological profile for a covert narcissist.

Jokes on you I've already been diagnosed. Depression and anxiety

damn that's a rare one
aka the low t curse


Also I'm not a virgin, have been with attractive women both short and long term but always fuck it up because of PIC RELATED

it only counts if you've been diagnosed with something real, like BPD

>Oy vey goy you're depressed about your life!
>Grab those pills and take them daily lest you risk to become non-compliant to (((system))) from thinking too much about why things are bad!
I hope you dont consume any of the medication they prescribe you.

I actually did for a while, was having serious suicidal thoughts. I haven't take them for a while, mostly because I don't want to return to the psychiatrist.

This is scary vague

Quack ass doctors don't want to "help" you for your sake. They want to "help" you enough so that you keep playing along with the insane status quo.
It's the society that's insane.

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If you feel really bad, introduce some physical activity of any sort in your life and spend time close to nature, at least I can say that this improved my mood a lot. Depression is caused by modern bugman lifestyle, people almost never heard about it until industrial age came.

I've found that having a routine and following it helps a lot, physical activity is also important. But, I know someday in the future I will feel really depressed. I've come to accept that I will probably end up killing myself someday in the future.

nigger i even look like op pic related.

..the Catholics?

Lmao damn not bad

It's very obvious that the media has chosen to align on this particular topic and manufacture a story.

This entire incel thing is a scam to get young intelligent, but socially underdeveloped people on psychotropic drugs. "mental illness" is a control mechanism. Going to a mental health professional is like making a deal with the devil. Never take antidepressents, never take mood altering drugs. They make you crazy and are almost always a downward spiral. These drugs don't work they just make you crazier. Almost every recent mass shooter was on some kind of psychotropic drug.

They have been using these drugs as a weapon against spiritually perceptive people for a long time, now they are expanding coverage to target people who apprehend and are upset with how broken society is.

NEVER take these drugs.

Vague feelings/traits 99% of people have or had at one point in there life. In all fields gentlemen.

Smoke weed instead lol

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this. the world is become an unnatural place- of course a natural man or woman feels out of place

I believe everybody like this should meet up and talk about the state of things.

Too bad women are too busy trying to be equal except in their favor. Instead if they helped people like us in OP's pic, holy shit the world would change.

>lives in a different reality
>day dreams

I believe it's also can causing females to get a completely opposite understanding about that word and associate it with people like us. First sign they get they will avoid like the plague

>i like being anxious
>my potential is shit anyway
>i like watching tv nonstop
>i know whats wrong with me and me and my demons have never been closer
>better to go on my own terms
>dont like what i say i dont care
>imaginary land is better than real life
>my hairs hidden under a hat anyway
>so im pretty user?...
>all the better to see you with
>again imaginations better than reality
>i dont want friends
>i like collecting shit
Try harder to insult me its not working

if you fall for this shit you're the same people who fall for the people who tell you they can talk to your dead relatives.

These are generalizations that almost everyone experiences
>wasted potential
>nonstop media
>can't understand what's wrong
>inappropriate things
>bad hair occasionally
>average looks
>thinks their facial features are weird
>has hopes/dreams
>few people maintain close relationships with their school mates and bullying is nearly stomped out in the west

>I like being anxious
nigga what

Yup whoever posted this is ((they)), this is what they wanted and it's what they want everyone to hate. Society today hates these men who aren't bad people but they don't meet an unreasonable level of expectation.

I sort of get what hes saying, youre so used to it that when theres nothing to do you feel bad that youre not doing something that can get done.

Don't mistake normalcy for happiness user

the left can't may may

I really don't like how close this got

Aside from the eye thing it's almost spot on

You're a virgin in spirit, user. You can even become a born-again virgin.

Attached: pol's arsenal.jpg (3264x2448, 1.61M)

I like being myself and if myself is a nervous wreck then so be it, no one can love you if you dont love yourself
>be happy with who you are

what if i argued that mental illness virgins only obsess about not getting laid because pop culture is constantly pushing sex as personal validation? in an era when having sex is not presented a constant desirable state they'd just obsess about jesus or steam engines or whatever