Ok based bois, let’s get a good single mother hate thread going. Tell me all about how being raised by a piece of shit trash single mother led you to being the alt right incel trumpcucks that you are today. Bonus points if you’re half nigger.

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Other urls found in this thread:,15700023,15700122,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700173,15700186,15700189,15700201&usg=ALkJrhh-Gi7auffwwrmvkTuf0XDusNX-TQ

Op is a Mossad-tier Degenerate

Are you defending single motherhood, user? I’ve got some info graphics you should see, but I don’t have them right now because I’m phonepostiing

>defending single moms
Just cause Hitler was raised by a single mom doesn't make it good you Soviet rape doll

When I was in college, living alone, I called a single mom on tinder to my apartment, and she just got up there, and sucked my dick while I fingered her ass and sucked her tits.

What a great pair of tits that bitch have. Never saw her again.

Do you think this is all a joke?

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Single moms on the context of germany
>Contributing to the multiplication of THEIR people and contributing to the state.

single moms today
>cumsluts, who get banged up in parties while wasted in drugs and booze with the alfa niggas

posting a classic right here

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Another time, while on tinder, I got this girl on my home, and we fucked a lot. My dick is not that big, 5.5 inches, and her pussy was deep as fuck, so it wasn't great sex at all, as she was very loose and my dick didn't reach it tight at all...

Well, time passed, she got pregnant by a druggie Chad, now she is a single mom, hating her ex-degenerate fag. Guy already had two daughters on other marriage, he abandon this cumslut to get back with his other women. Now, he abandoned that one too, and is with another girl, who also have a kid. He don't work, he lives in his mom house.


>Tell me all about how being raised by a piece of shit trash single mother led you to being the alt right incel trumpcucks that you are today
The state should force people to have functional families

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Fan fucking tastic, good work

Wew. Was that real?

No I think it is a tragedy, but sometimes using humour when discussing serious topics can lighten the mood so I don’t get too blackpilled.

met a single mother on tinder, she came over and licked my ass.

It was cash

Hahaha small ass micro penis

are you retarded sir? Are you a member of ARCA?

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Single mothers are great, if you're a pedophile looking for a kid to molest. My wife was a single mom when we met, her daughter was about 30months old, hot little thing, I had to have her. While we were dating she gave me plenty of alone time with her, I was feeding that willing little toddler my dick every chance I had. It's great, like having a daughter but getting skip the baby phase.

My single mum raised me and my 2 brothers on welfare or single wage jobs. Prett6 rough, second hand clothes etc. I was extremely introverted and being a teen was shit. Extreme pussy worshiping beta. With no male role model. m not a pussy faggit though so i moved to Australia during the mining boom in 2011, got a job and kept it. Got in the gym since 18, learnt game from rsd. Now im 29 I've fucked about 80 girls, own a few investment properties and should be a millionaire in a few years. I only go to the gym a bit these days and surf a lot to stay lean.
Lifes good. Man up and take responsibility


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There was this girl, that was dating an 'nice guy'. All while, flerting hardcore with all guys she could, on whattsapp and facebook. And deleting the chat after it. I didn't fall for her, as I don't go with girls with partners ever. But my friends did, and banged the shit out of her, more than 3 guys. Well, the nice guy got her pregnant, and married her. After a while, he discovered that she was literally a whore and banging everyone around, and left her. Now she is raising her kid by herself, as it was noticed by DNA test that the cuck wasn't the father, and no one knows who the fuck is the father.

Cute ass, user

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I know you're probably memeing but if you aren't I need you to kill yourself.

I fucked around with and sort-of dated a single mother recently. It was just a sexual relationship but she was a good girl to me and I'm leaving the country soon so I figured fuck it I'll "date" this bitch til I leave.

Then I found out a week ago she's been slutting around with all kinds of other guys and it put a bad taste in my mouth. Hopefully it's not Chlamydia.

Stay away from single moms lads, even for for easy pussy.,15700023,15700122,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700173,15700186,15700189,15700201&usg=ALkJrhh-Gi7auffwwrmvkTuf0XDusNX-TQ

Google translate in English of the article from picture. If that news site is real it's real holy keks

How did you suck her tits while she sucked your dick?

He's probably 5'9

I fingered her ass while she sucked my dick, I didn't sucked her tits while she sucked my dick. I meant that I ALSO sucked her tits.

After a while, she was dating a beta fag. Thats what you get when you date roasties.

There was that super beta friend of mine, a pleaser all around, a legit nice guy.

Single moms would flock him, when he got a car and an apartment, that shit became like legit crazy. Lots of roasties with kids, all around, trying to get a chance at leeching him out.

He fucked some of them, but never really gave them a chance. After me and another guy started calling them out loud, as vicious and disgusting, one girl of the group started talking like that was hate speech, slut shaming and bigotry against single moms and shit... We just laughed it off, because we knew better.

And another girl, legit hot, just got divorced this 'nice guy, who did everything for her, everything in his power', started fucking and sucking around every male she could get her hands on. Some times, multiple males on one group. She fucked 3 guys on my group. She was stunningly beautiful, addicted to marihuana, but had saggy tits due to her kid having much milk. Her pussy was loose as plastic bag. My mediocre dick couldn't find any tight spot at all. Well... After a while, one of my 'friends', who didn't know this was a thot, got frenzied in love with her, because she really was beautiful. When he knew that I and other guys got laid with her, he got legit depressed, as he was obsessed with her.

She is now dating a trance DJ and posting pictures semi-naked there, and also pics with her kid. The father is nowhere to be found, he got depressed and risked suicide multiple times, as he lost guard of his kid, and was deeply in love with the thot.

Great. I'm sad now

Best pussy I ever had was a single mom with three kids

I can't explain it

In my experience, very loose pussi. Medium to big dicks required to feel the tight.

Wide enough for your dick and balls?

My dick is a very average 6.5"x6"

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Bigger than mine, I have to start jelqing n shiet
5.5 is average, but to a women, everything average is small and shitty

>Single. Smart. Southie

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>t. rabinowitz

Did she weight 92 lbs?

>be me
>raised by single mother
>joined U.S. Navy at 18
>served 8 years
>honorably discharged
>get married to qt wife
>have 2 children
>never have to work again cuz i invested in cryptocurrency at right time

really not that bad

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Dated a farm chick. Army vet, 3 kids from 2 baby daddies. Stayed 6 months because zero rent.

Single moms put out but aren't a long term solution. Too many variables that can lead to crazy after a kid. Especially one that isn't yours

dated a single mom for about 6 months. I used to get off seeing how many dildos I could fit in her pussy. I got up to 5 in there and a couple in her ass.

He still got his phallus wet in that event though.

5.5" here. That's like 2" to a roastie though. feelsbad.jpg

This has to be meme joking.

In the warroom we have a bot that makes thousands of threads and then another group just does a bunch of recaptchas all the time, goes quite quick.

Good on you man, life was rough but you got your things together there. Grew up with a kid like you in the same situation, he had a bad run in with the law when he was younger and we all thought he wouldn't end up going anywhere in life. Damn was we wrong.

>moved to australia
What are you, a chink?

Is that u? Holy fucking poo in loo

He did Gods work

Jow Forums never fails to let me down.

protip: date the mother and groom the daughter.

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5.5" here too, I've never had any problems. Sounds like you're either dating whores or you need to get Jow Forums

>obsessing over your dick size
Sounds like a cross between a nigger and a jew

This is the truest story ive ever read

he should kill himself anyway

There is a difference between a widower and single mom.

Yes user.

>raised by nuclear family
>military father, mom ran salon business part time
>father instilled a mindset of honor and hardwork
>mother instilled morals and manners
>still a fucking degenerate

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Seriously are u asian?


I once knew a single mother and now her kid and her worship Satan.

lmfao story time user

Funny you have that democrat label on you user, that man is the kind of person your party wants to vote for them and give free govt handouts. Fuck off you cumrag

When did tv start to copy reality?

Good read of the day

The state just has to stop incentivizing the destruction of families and the problem would sort itself out

Hello, I'm half n-word and I love my white mom.
>taught me to read at 4
>told me if i can read well i can do anything
>told me not to be a statistic
>told me to get money first and pussy will come later
>viciously fought off ghetto trash in my neighborhood growing up, all the blacks and mexicans respected her

Pretty based. Not without her problems. But she always keeps it 100.


>All the blacks and mexicans respected her

That's because she was fucking all of them, lol

Your mom is fucking trash, dude.

>her daughter was about 30months old
>30 months
you're a cunt if you talk like this


Jesus, I just looked it up and this is a real show.


Im from NZ.

It is true my friend. I am a tradesman in mining and waa earning 180k, bought some property in melbourne (live on perth) and thanks to the chinks the value has skyrocketed. Now i only work half the time i used to (17 weeks a year now) and halved my salary

>all the blacks and mexicans respected her
yea she was fucking all of them