
Why are inner city folks SJWs... but country folks are far-right and christian?

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Google "Mouse Utopia".



People move to the city for gibs

Because country bumpkins recognize how good life can be without niggers around.
SJWs dont know any other life

AKA: "Behavioral Sink"

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>nigger word
Its been culturally appropriated by niggers. But its a white word.
Hitler used it too dumb fuck.

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spotted the jew

Also the reason that violent crime is concentrated in areas of high urban density.

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Urban people are better educated.

Jow Forums BTFO

Fuck off

He's right, you know

No he's not, he's a libcuck

The United States involvement in WW1 was negligible. WW2, it was the Soviets that captured Berlin. 20 years after ww2 US got beat by a bunch of Vietnamese basket weavers. And then had two of their tallest towers knocked down. So much for champs.

Freeze peach

You misspelled "indoctrinated"

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Muh freeeeeeeeeeezepeaaaaaaach

Inner cities are convenient; makes people weak and easy prey.
Out in the sticks, you have every reason to be strong and responsible.

FOLKS is a word used by politicians, niggers, libs to pander to others.

Folks should be reserved for your parents

Muh Soggy Knees

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>be me
>be christian israel loving conservative chad
>go to college at 18 after graduation
>live in a frat with rich kids
>start wearing vineyard vines
>go on regular boat parties, sleep with sorority girls every week
>watch a morakiu video on youtube about "kikes" (dont even know what that word means)
>google word kike. I leave a retarded comment under morakius vid.
>watch more of his vids. He keeps mentioning Jow Forums and Jow Forums.
>i check out Jow Forums
>never been the same


City people voted blah rural retards blah

That would be so lovely but even country cities are over the population limit.

Look at the water. Sounds crazy , but if you pull up the water supply analysis they have made them impossible for almost anyone to understand. Atrazine turns frogs gay (it really does) and it is plentiful in city water supplies. Also, the more people, the more drugs people use that end back up in the water supply (think serotonin reuptake inhibitors). People who don't take drugs are affected.


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I am country and me and my family are not Christian. Christianity is hated in my parts. Fuck off cunt.

City people are all brainwashed by muh diversity.


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you dont even deserve a (you)

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should i post a picture of me pissing on a bible again?

>tfw you are standard citizenry sheep with hive mind

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Bwhaha. New Mexico is spic country. God damned wetbacks are fucking Catholic puke. KYS Pedro.

>a statement about education from decades ago still applies today

fake chart kys shill

giv broofs :DD

Ironically living in the downtown center of a major coastal shitlib city is what turned me into the evil white man I am today.

Familiarity breeds contempt.

hegemonic masculinity
is the dominant form of masculinity. The most dominant is heterosexual, but urban heterosexuality is changing as it is not masculine to abuse substances, drink, smoke, have a poor diet, and no exercise, which aligns with the ideology of healthy, strong body and autonomous decision making.

When the majority leads in one direction a minority breaks off and tries to redefine what is true masculinity, this is know as hybrid hegemonic masculinity, which tends to believe that the male body is indestructible and so to display dominance they will abuse drugs, tobacco, and alcohol to show power, which is fucking retarded, they refuse to seek help, which accounts for higher suicide rates and they are more prone to road traffic injuries. you can look at any set of statistics from western countries and see that this is a reoccurring pattern, for men and women, who live outside of major cities, in comparison to men and women, who live in major cities. rural men have the worst health risk behaviour, highest rates of premature death in almost all categories and have the lowest numbers of health professional visitations. there is also an intersect between a mans socioeconomic position but that is in comparison to the top earners and lowest earners within a remoteness or rural area. additionally, men that express hybrid hegemonic masculinity ideologies tend to have severe social isolation as a consequence of their behaviour, and this is believed to be the major difference between men and women, as women feel that it is socially OK to reach out for help from friends and relatives, men feel like they cant, like they are failures.

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Lol I've interacted with so many urban shitlibs in my time living in the big city. They may well be "educated" (invariably graphic design, social science of some sort, or law) but they're almost never well read, genuinely worldly, or possessing even a modicum of knowledge of art or history or philosophy. Even the ones that are well read are pseudo intellectuals at best, who've prioritized Zinn over Gibbon and Derrida over Aristotle.

>"Back to back world war champs"
>why do eurofags make fun of us? I bet they're jelly cus dey ain't rich!