Ban porn. You degenerates should be purged

Ban porn. You degenerates should be purged.

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not based

raid when?

Stop wathing porn, leaf user.

bump, totally agree. death to degenerates.

I think i went no-fap too long, mastered it and reached enlightenment. How do i break it to my wife that she's never getting boned again ? Cannot waste my holy spunk on mere mortals any longer.

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what is the line and who decides?

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stop watching it

>How do i break it to my wife that she's never getting boned again ?
Don't worry user, I'll help you out

we need to crusade

Fuck you glowing niggers

I am no longer watching porn, at all, i am free!

I was two months on nofap, at the end i was so aggressive that I almost attacked my neighbor, and then I turned on a fat woman from the gas station.
I will not repeat the shit again

These must be destroyed.

>You degenerates should be purged.
I agree. I haven't been able the find the man capable of it yet, though.

I never fapped at all, try again and you will stop doing it.

Yeah, you're not.
We need to fuck their board up.
That is also degenerate, faggot. Your wife is the only woman you should love.
The alpha males, such as myself. You are getting destroyed, degenerate. Pray to whatever God you see fit.
join us, brother. Let us destroy the unholy, hypersexual snakes
You'd like to, degenerate faggot.
Welcome to the team.
This energy must be used in a non degenerate fashion. Sorry, you failed. You must try again, or be damned
yes brother
I would gladly oblige, cretin.

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A mass replier definitely isn't capable of it.
Be well.

forget it
Thanks to this action, I got a sex herpes from the fat woman from the gas station

maximum 1 week nofap not more

i will jack off to teen titans. please ban it.

I would smash you like a flea.
You are weak, Muhammad.
You will be banned. Permanently.

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I am half celtic and half highland german
not mohammed

Sure thing, Abdul.

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>tfw fap and then feel gross
>swear off porn forever
>find myself jacking off again a day later
How do I stop?

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You have to be strong. You have to live your dreams. That requires you to do things. This requires raw will. You can stop. Forever. If you don't, you're a sub-human degenerate.

If everyone got the urge to lift instead of fap the world would be a better place.

>Broke my 4 day no fap streak today

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La creatura thinks he has authority on what it means to be white.

Go and shit on your flag and nuke yourself clapfag burgershit

>Ban porn.

What about tasteful nudes?

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>Ban porn.
I agree. Porn is like visual cocaine.

Except for the "feel gross" part, you're 100% normal.

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You'd feel gross too if you watched incest porn
I cant help it all the women are 1000x more attractive than the ones in other videos

Time to start again
-Shitskin degenerate.
Yeah, it's for degenerates.
Fuck off Kike

God dammit bump, degenerates need to feel ashamed.

waht the hell is wrong with you mutts, is this an unconscious wish of racial purity?
or are there so few real white women?
I really do not understand it

>Kraut talking about racial purity
Sorry, you had a chance, the jews won. Your country is mutt central now.

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I'm not attracted to anybody in my family despite people telling me how attractive my sister and cousins are
IDK I feel like the women they cast for the incest videos are just way hotter from reason

I haven't looked at porn for weeks.

Think I'm becoming asexual or something.

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This is shill bs. If you had, you'd have extreme sexual energy. Stop lying, Jew.

Look into the history of the first amendment, especially these 2 cases.
Porn was never considered freespeech fully until 1973. The 1st was always about political speech. Now we have the jewish situation where political speech is cracked down on, while porn is promoted as a right. It's the reverse of the original intent. The US was never libertarian with regard to obscene material. It was always highly regulated.
>Under the common law rule that prevailed before Roth, articulated most famously in the 1868 English case Regina v. Hicklin, any material that tended to "deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences" was deemed "obscene" and could be banned on that basis.
It will never go back to the way it was though, which is why this country is doomed, as it should be, and I will love to sit back and watch as everything disintegrates in the coming decades.

It must be banned. I am tired of the excuses, the false studies, the lies, the half assed solutions. Porn is disgusting, and people think it's normal.

Not lying. I still wank everyday, just don't look at porn.

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I will start again.
Pray for me, user.

>feels asexual
>wanks everyday

You don't need my prayer. All you need is your own free will. It's like growing your hair out. You just don't cut it.
I reccomend lifting 2-3 times a week, getting extended aerobic exercise 2-3 times a week, and low intensity movement (walking, light hiking, light biking etc.) every day. Read books you enjoy, work on creative projects and don't drink or do drugs. This is all important. If you aren't already, try following these guidelines.


fucking bump

What are your thoughts on drink and drugs? You say don't do it, do you mean forever? If so, then that would require developing will power, which is good.

I would save drinking for special occasions or just once in awhile. It is ultimately degenerate so never is ideal. Drugs, just never. Excessive drinking kills your health and feeds your other addictions. I rarely drink these days. Makes it much more enjoyable when you do. Fapping or porn = never.


Many people think (not always their fault, they are brainwashed) that drugs in moderation are good. How to convince them otherwise? Especially potheads, they are so convinced that weed is good.

Why stop? Just don't watch gay porn and you won't feel gross.

Honestly, you can't convince a lot of people. They are too addicted and brainwashed. And a lot of people need to come to the realization themselves and then you can encourage them. If it's a loved one, you need to have an intervention and do stuff with them so they don't feel like they need drugs.
The best persuasion is to show people they don't need drugs to have a good time. Life is great if you just forget about them and live a full and wholesome life.

Hey Moshe, fuck off.

Yeah, you can laad a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Drugs and porn are habitual, and breaking them requires willingness. Not many people are willing to kick their habits to drugs and porn.

laad = lead

Yeah, man it took me a while. Masturbated to porn for almost 7 years. Quitting has been nothing but a positive. For some reason, there are people so weak they can't even simply abstain from stuff that negatively affects them.

Anyways, gotta go. Stop fapping and watching porn. Start lifting, reading, and creating.

I know that feel all to well.

Tfw night terrors, anxiety, and thoughts of impending doom after fapping now.

My body is rejecting the poison.

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Hell yeah that shit is weird and gross and I'm tired of normies telling me I'm weird for not watching porn and fapping all the time. Jesus Christ everyone stopped learning skills and reaching for goals and started getting into degeneracy.

You cute op