She's doing it!!1!

Out of sacred duty, Ann is finally going full 1488

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Other urls found in this thread:

She's Ben Shapiro tier kike controlled oppositionm.

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I guess female incels are /ourguys/ after all

She is so sexy senpai.

I guess JIDF really don't know how to shill anymore because all they can do is namecall and spam threads about these e-celeb zionists.

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that's a pretty high level meta reply... 99% of boomers and cucks won't even get it


There is no doubt she knows. She retweeted Mike Enoch and other accounts that post "hate statistics"

Yea this is going to go way over the heads of normies and boomers. Pretty much only us and the kikes get it.


This has gotten so fucking embarassing. Eveyrone hates you people.

More like Jewish White Privilege.

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>anyone who dares to criticize my god emperor is controlled op, even the person who launched his campaign

She knows.

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I am a boomer and I get it.

Holy shit, the fucking egos you people possess are disgusting. Trump and the FORGOTTEN MEN AND WOMEN are the only people who truly supported our President. This cunt is just another loud mouth zionist trying to D&C the base from the inside. It's so fucking obvious.

(((White))) privilege.

You idiots really need to go look up what e-celeb even means, think you're getting it mixed up with the other random insults you make up for people you disagree with.

It's all they have

Ann Coulter is just another arrogant money hungry Jewish mouthpiece that lacks authenticity.

Trump has been in it for the kikes since the day after he was elected. She calls him out on it, and you call it: CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. L M A O. You lemmings truly deserve to fall off the cliff with cheetoh man.

>loud mouth zionist trying to D&C the base from the inside.

> Oppose mass immigration and war with Iran/Syria
> Zionist


Isn't she married to a nigger

No, she’s principled and speaks her mind without care to the consequences which is a rare commodity these days.

She has no principles. She complains about a wall and says it's all Trump's fault, but NEVER MENTIONS THE FACT OUR CONGRESS IS FULL OF FUCKING PEDOPHILE TRAITORS THAT ARE WORKING AGAINST THE PEOPLE.

It's that simple. Her goal is to redirect hate towards Trump from the republican base in order to D&C.

wonder how many victims of college brainwashing system will take this unironically

You’re an idiot. All you need to do is look at a Jew twitter account, a Jew Democrat senator, or a Jew media personality and see these fucks despise trump. Or look at Jewish donations, almost all of them went Hillary.

>This cunt is just another loud mouth zionist trying to D&C the base from the inside. It's so fucking obvious.

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I correct my self. #JewishPrivilege strikes again!

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Look at this total, controlled opposition, ZIONIST tweet!

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ok so what are Trumps principles?

Antisemitism is a zionist psy op.

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America First.

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Good on you Wayne

She is just completely in the jew's hand!

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I don’t even think she’s that smart desu. She’s the type of person that thinks a president is a dictator and can do anything. She’s an old, nagging coalburner and when you don’t think of her political views, she’s incredibly irritating

Thanks, Wayne !

I don’t get it is it because he’s Jewish so what she’s really saying is 1488

No. She's smart and she knows exactly what she's doing. She's a controlled opposition neocon zionist and she dated the ex husband of lynn Rothschild at one point.

I hate Trump not for anything he has said or done, but because of his followers.

No, she never married.

And here I thought it was leftist privilege.

Plus Cosby got away with it for years too.

I hate when right wingers abandon honesty to play this kind of shit.

One you're on the Trump train you don't get off because you understand what he's up against. One of the biggest things the last election exposed was who is truly for America and America First and who was a money hungry kike trying to ride the wave of this Presidency.

Funny how you refuse to answer why Trump won't cut aid to Israel but will with any other country.

The future looks bright.


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>Thanks, Wayne !
My pleasure brother.

The more the Zionist shill do this the easier it gets to call them out. By the way, I have a domain name we all should turn into our on conservative chan. "". what do you think of this idea?

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t. Moarpheus
This fucking shitskin faggot orc shills against every pro-white person.

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Not a boomer and don't get it

Ann is awesome
Her critics are full of shit

>It is two layers of meta behind two layers of normie
It is a win at any level.

B b but Jews aren't white. Jow Forums told me so.
>fellow white people

Trump makes literal jews look like THIS. But his critics are the controlled ones. HAHAHAHAHAH

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Bull fucking shit. On any particular day she just spews out whatever particular rhetoric will grant her the most attention. She's not even that intelligent or prepared when she speaks. Overrated.

Ann Coulter comes from old WASP money. Big money.

She has been redpilled on the JQ since birth, I guarantee it.

I agree but that’s pretty vague if your saying that tweet is supposed to be full 1488

They're not. Jews told you so.

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I don't like her. Kanye West is better.

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Nice one, Wayne !

Jews magically become "white" the moment one of them is in legal peril, just like the Jew who shot up the Jew school in Parkland.

Is he not white or something? How is this a 1488 tier reply

*claps in american*

Wayne, you should do a TedX TALK!!

ann says the truth, trump is ok on immigration but hes mostly a kike

We have to support her now BIG LEAGUE.
Like phonecall Twitter to complain if they ban her.

Sure, but all normies consider them white anyway. If she was really /ourgirl/ she'd say Jewish privilege. I don't see what the hype is about

He is (((white))).

Who is this retard? He doesn't get jokes?

Every day I'm convinced that more and more of Trump's supporters don't actually know what "kike" or "Zionist" mean and just hurl the labels back at whoever is calling Trump out

Do you smell that? Smells like burnt offerings.

>Wayne, you should do a TedX TALK!!
A lot of people tell me this. What subjects would you like me to talk about?

Thank you.

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Trump is the most successful first year President IN HISTORY. That's a fucking fact. Trump is a great metric for finding the true intentions of a person because he's a builder, trying to repair and take us to new heights. Anyone trying to strike him down is an enemy of the republic.

the government needs to stop the war on child rapists

child rape = brilliant works of art

local, state, and federal governments need to halt the war on families that reproduce by rape

stop killing my people

stop putting them in jail for reproducing

the cycle of life is not a crime


>Roastie Coulter

>The future looks bright.

Thank you.

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I'm doing it right. Did I say, Fuck Israel?

I forgot.

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wayne, please add a provision to your platform forbidding people with dual citizenship from taking office

If you aren't an american through and through, you don't have any place representing the people of america

That’s the joke.jpg

I love Ann.

She is a sassy fox.

They will because boomers are her parents.
And her parents knew full well back then what she was stating.

Wayne, I like the cut of your gib.

Where do you stand on the cannabis issue? Do you know that it cures cancer?

>dual citizenship from taking office
Not only do I agree, when I'm president, I'll have them removed from the office the hold. It's actually against the law.

Her is the fact. Jews are only 2% of USA population but hold positions of power in government leadership and management positions at 40%. Jews are over-represented in nearly all aspects of life, Hollywood, media, banking, law, medicine, etc...

I don't mind them working so hard to help us Christian and what I don't like is the double standard of laws for ((( zionists ))), I don't have a problem with jews that hate Zionists. I have three jews in my life now, step-grandpa, best friend, and landlord. I have had many Jewish girlfriends, even one while I was bidding, she's a Russian, not joking.

I don't like the fiat currency banking system. I like gold reserves.

I sold commodities for

You can't fake gold and there is only an Olympic size swimming pool of it.

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>tfw no young ann coulter gf

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>Where do you stand on the cannabis issue? Do you know that it cures cancer?

I grow and smoke weed for my own consumption.

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>Do you know that it cures cancer?
Yes, I have given a speech on it 10 years ago at Toastmasters. all the 140 alkaloids.

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Oh to be alive when women looked like women.

>Oh to be alive when women looked like women.

You're hanging out with the wrong crowd. Join Toastmasters. It's just hot women with masters degrees looking to make millions.

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Are you in contact with Kanye PR team?

I think you deserve to be president.

Wow beautiful dress and lovely girls.