Just explain to me why you think civilians should be able to own assault rifles. And don't give me any of that tyrannical government, tinfoil hatter bullshit.
The way I see it, there is no reason that anyone but the police or military should be able to own such weapons. Do gun owners really think that the founders, with all of their supposed wisdom, would be alright with any average idiot being able to have a weapon that can fire multiple clips in a matter of seconds and cause a massive amount of casualties?
Either way, the government has tanks, bombs, and drones and would destroy any attempt at overthrowing anything. So not only is there no historical reason to own a gun (all they had were muskets back then), there is also no real use for it to guard against "tyranny" when there has never been a tyrannical government and even if there were there would be no way to defeat it.
Reminder: Gun control is white disarmament. They want you defenseless and easily killed by hordes of niggers. Pay attention to South Africa. Never give up your firearms.
Brayden Williams
I should really go fishing with my grandpa this weekend