Drew Maynard Cox is a 19year ole junkie who blames beating his 15 year old girlfriend on his drug problem. Below are pictures of him and the pictures of his 15 year old girlfriend after being beaten by him. He works for Roof - it - right, lives on 106 Suzanne avenue, and his number is 9042146456
Woman beater in Jacksonville fl
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take this cancer to /soc/
Stop posting this shit in Jow Forums
lol who fucking cares
NYPA faggot
Doxing is against the rules. Enjoy your well deserved ban.
19.... 15.... that's not illegal? Where are her fucking parents?
nypa faggot nobody cares some junkie bitch got tuned up.
Hello penis my old friend
what's her number? that's what Jow Forums needs to know.
we aren't your white knight army faggot
do something yourself or go lay in a road
did she really put a fucking snapchat filter on
I now care absolutely 0.
I give no fuck about a little slut getting what she deserves.
Nobody gives a shit
>15 year old dates a 19 year old loser that is a “roofer”
She deserved it
Not your personal army. Fuck off.
Heather O'Rourke 5 get Raped in the ass by you favorite hollywood charactere ...
351 S Studio Dr, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830, USA
Lol who gives a shit. Dumb bitch had it coming
who cares, i hope your mom dies in her sleep tonight gentile piss
Oh and tits time stamp state your business or BTFO
Not your personal army.
Funny. I thought about making a thread if it's okay to punch a cunt in the face. Not girlfriend or wife though.
beating women is good for them. its the only way they learn.
Not your personal army. The whore probably deserved it.
Post the dumb junkie bitch nudes and give five to Mr Cox for me. Retarded twat deserved it
Maximum cringe
fuck off cunt
gotta keep them bitches in line somehow
its a white young white guy ... typical clown BS....
mods move this to /b/
Sage, Fuck off faggot, Cunt probably deserved it
Ken Bone predicted this.
ASL???? SAUCE????
Mods come delete this shit
I wish I still had a facebook to post this
>be 15 year old girl
>hang out with a fucking junkie
>date him
>obviously it's because you WUB HIM!11!1! and HE'S A GREAT PERSON INSIDE!!!! and not because he can hook you up
those self harm marks say she probably likes it, so whatever
The only saving for those people is death.
I sent that number a text. Let's see what happens
Not your personal army nigger. Also, I used to live in Jacksonville.
15 year old is breeding age you moron. I knew a 14 year old who dated a 24 year old in highschool.
Not politics. Sage.
Unless you're the 15 year old girl, nobody here will care.
Not your personal army, you fucking faggot.
Person is self harming from the scars in the pic. NYPA
She should've done the dishes when he told her the first time.
No, 16 is the age of consent. And you would need a parents consent on top of that. 'He' is a fucking pedophile, just like your 24 y/o friend. No worries though frien, were making examples out of them.
who fucking cares go cry on reddit faggot
you cant prove she didnt deserve it
The phrase is "not your PERSONAL army", newfag.