Does Kim John UN really deserve a fucking Nobel pol? He's a fat fuck living in a country of starving people, and he's been building nuclear weaponry, which risks war, AKA the exact opposite of what a Nobel Peace Prize winner should be fucking doing. I don't even know if Trump deserves it, (even if he has been doing some good work) because his diplomacy on the whole Korea issue was mostly insulting a warhead armed irrational leader on twitter. But Un definitely doesn't deserve it: he runs the shittiest country on earth because he's been so devoted to preparing for war. Is there any real reason to give it to him, other than as a fucked up kind of consolation prize for admitting he couldn't run his shithole any longer? Does Trump really deserve it? Is there anyone better? Should I really care about an award for peace won by fucking Obama?
Nobel Peace Prize
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Ending this war and approaching unification it's enough, it's a real huge achievement, considering he didn't started the war.
if he meets with Trump and takes a deal he should be honored
The Nobel Prize is supposed to be for whoever advanced peace the most that year; Jong Un leads a humanitarian shit show, and his only achievement is recognizing that he couldn't go on any longer. Why the fuck does he deserve a prize?
The war was already there when he was born, the prisons already full and the missiles already pointing at Seoul.
He might lose his position in this, this it's real peace, this it's how it looks like and he has done more than anyone.
I'm gonna laugh at this joke of an institution so hard when Un wins a peace prize and Trump doesn't.
That would be valid, but he's actively done warlike things like build up his nuclear reserve. I see it more as him caving into pressure from his people to finally let them get some foreign aid from the south and the Americans, rather than the conclusion of a campaign for peace. I literally can't think of anything peaceful that man has done before this year. He's not committed to peace, he was forced into it, and I don't think that deserves acknowledgement. He might get the award because the comittee's fucked, but I don't think you can should a man who has previously only committed further to war, and who hasn't done anything to support his starving people, an award for being a leader for peace. It's a slap in the face for North Koreans who are starving under a brutal regime, and for anyone who lived in fear of nuclear anihilation for the past few years
>Should I really care about an award for peace won by fucking Obama?
I know I don't.
Didn't he invited Dennis Rodman?
He's always making winks to the west and you can't deny that the nukes were 4D chess cause as soon as they were ready he went full peace.
It really doesnt matter to me who should get it.
Maybe if Kim gets it it will go to his head and he will be proud of being recognized as peaceful, and he will actually stay that way.
Korean propaganda says he nuked Japan and they urged for peace which he gracefully accepted.
>Like his country never lies to him.
My bad it was all trump.
I don't think that he's made many efforts to be peaceful. I can't remember many winks to the west other than Rodman, and that just seems more like him being weird than him trying to calm things down. Anyway, I don't know if the nukes are 4D chess; if he reunifies, he won't need them, and they didn't cause any kind of mutually assured destruction, since an invasion was already unlikely because of China's support of NK. I just see him, at best, as a realist, not a peacemaker.
America still desperate to come out of this not looking like a bullying asshat. Go check out how long NK has been under trade sanctions, try since the Korean war, then you might figure out why people are hungry and why even yank citizens are all massively as fat as Kim. Anyone who lived in fear of nuclear annihilation for several decades has mostly done so because dumb fat yanks roll about stirring trouble everywhere in places they know nothing about. I could lay more blame on "the West" but frankly, it was mostly just fat yanks playing world police.
I bet your obese-ass family eats more than six Korean families in a year.
He went to Disneyland, he had a steam account, he used tweeter...
His half brother got killed for trying to go to Disneyland Japan, it's nearly impossible to visit North Korea. Its the most closed off nation in the world, I don't know if these really count as attempts to westernize or just bare minimum concessions
Get out of here britfag, trying to make the fact that the Britian's done jack shit geopolitcally other than kick themselves out of the EU less embarassing by pretending that the US is somehow to blame for NK. Remember when they started the Korean War? Or how they recieve \foreign aid from China, or that they build up a fucking nuclear arsenal instead of feeding their people?
I like the graphics but it's not a very deep analysis.
His brother got killed and he still offered peace, those minimum concessions change the world, like Bin Salman lifting the women drivers ban.
His brother was killed by his regime, that's not a kindly gesture. I don't think those minimum concessions changed the world in any meaningful way either, though I'd be open to proof. I can't help but feel that if I was a North Korean, and after being basically kicked into the fucking dirt all my life, the dude who was responsible got a million bucks and a peace prize, I'd be pissed.
>Does Kim John UN really deserve a fucking Nobel pol?
They gave a nobel prize to some girl who realized that violence is bad after getting shot in the head, so why not?