The absolute state of the United States of Basedmerica

>The absolute state of the United States of Basedmerica

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They'll have to grow something else then


He's still alive?

>Trump started the decades old trade war

More like the absolute state of kurt kikenwald

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he is celebrating
more onions for kurt onions boy
kurt now pro-Trump

That man is so incredibly wrong at such an uncanny rate, that I actually feel 100% assured that the midwest will not only be just fine, but will prosper like never before, just because Kurt said the opposite will happen.

It's just a few wealthy farmers whose business is based on heavy, heavy government subsidy.

no not the onions industry!

>Farmers only grow basedbeans
Yeah that's literally all they grow

>a few megafarm owners and their illegal alien workforce are going to take a hit
What exactly is the problem here?

We'll sell the basedbeans here to the left.

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Reminder for all newfags: write "onions" to bypass the word filter.

Thank you for your understanding, faggots.

Fuck they even shoah'd "s *zero* y". In that case, söy or s o y will suffice

Oh no, now they'll have to grow something other than basedbeans.
Ohh no, that sucks.

>China buys their basedbeans from Brazil and South America
>People who bought their onions from Brazil and South America now buy it from the US because they don't have tariffs and China drives up the price
Nothing changes.

You can't just magically conjure up 14 billion dollars per year of ssooyy beans... If we don't sell them to China, someone will be selling them to China, which means some other demand will go unfilled, which means the US will be filling it. It would take years if not decades for this impact to be fully realized, for prices to adjust, and for supply and demand to actually change.

>Kurt "I watch tentacle porn with my family" Eichenwald

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>Kurt Eichenwald being any expert in foreign policy
Top kek, the only thing he's an expert in is imported Japanese tentacle porm

Fpbp. LLet em' grow weed. Besides, isn't onions tough on the soil?


What will become of basedaboys?

Kikenwald just reached new memetic heights with this one, daym.

This filter is really dumb.


oh no! Everybody knows that you can only grow basedbeans in the us

wow that's like 7 TRUMP WALLS

> not doing this


fuck the basedboys and fuck basedbeans in general. useless cancer-feeding carbs that do nothing for a good diet. destroys the topsoil and prevents us from having good natural prairies for cattle.

This is going to put slight austerity on midwestern farmers.

It is going to kill Chinese lower class.


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>Murica has now surplus

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Everyone itt needs understand that Kurt is a child porn loving POS who is never correct.

C...cuz....cuz no one else will buy them? Like China was the only buyer?

BigSoy BTFO!!!!

All the basedbean farmers can just grow onions instead.

Less onions to chinks, more onions to american basedboys

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>farming a single crop
why are american farmers so retarded? grow something else

hoisted by your own petard, typical Aussie

>A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

or you could just stop saying you fucking faggot

Most farmers rotate crops.

Diversity is our greatest crop!


Also I've hearing Argentina is suffering from a bad harvest and Brazil output isn't enough to fullfil China needs

$14B BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Didn't Bezos and Zukerfag made that in a week?!? Wait until all future electronics will be made in NK and Japan once again instead of China and we'll see how they'll sing then

>Anarcho-capitalist flag
>Actually understands economics

My nigga.

The faggot mods fuckin gyped me. They must've added s 0 y to the filter recently

fuck s o y .... good on china

I honestly can't believe this retard expects anyone to take him seriously on this

>t. frustrated söyböy mod

Kurt could say everything was going to be fine and I would start thinking about finally going innawoods.

He is pretty delusional

Sounds like someone needs another seizure.

Does this mean food will be more affordable? Next fix housing prices, theyre absurdly inflated.

whats with the faggy filters on this website filtering out $oyboy. fucking stupid

Thread theme song


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So if I just don't use a space beforesoyboy then it goes through?

WITH A B??!?

This is good for farmers, it's obvious Kurt has no fucking idea how commodities work. Farmers will be getting paid irrespective of demand, companies have already "purchased" the beans even before they're planted. Not to mention there is crop insurance for a reason. There are mechanisms in place to ameliorate the affects of droughts and price fluctuation due to supply and demand in place.

tl;dr the people who bought basedbean commodities at a high price just got fucked not farmers. I guess this is why Kurt is out in force, the jewboys down on Wall Street just got owned hard.

sóyshit is gonna get cheaper then, fuck sóyboys

Basedboy is filtered? Testing

Is that why China instantly went towards allowing Tesla to fully own their future factory there?

We'll be selling it to North Korea here pretty soon, or trading for minerals are least. Fuck China. Fuck them, even if it hurts us, it hurts them ten times worse, again, FUCK CHINA.

Fucking lol, watch thesoyboy mods filter any word containing the word söy

Basedбoy becomes basedoy?

Kurt Buchenwald gassed the fuck out forever and ever



this. they're so powerful they are filtered here.

My lawn guy predicted this.

>Taking economic advice from Kikenwald

top fukken kek

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oh man they sure showed us with this $14b cut to our $15 trillion economy.

butthurt s.o.y. boy detected

This nigga is delusional. We make up the bulk of the S oy china imports. They can't just suddenly switch over. Not all climates are suitable for its growth. Also switching over means taking away from other crops that could be more profitable.
This fucks china, HARD. They import tons of food, they can't feed themselves.

How BTFO can one man be

>Everything is based on speculation now
We've circumvented supply and demand

We have the military hegemony to sell our basedbeans to whomever is no longer being sold basedbeans since they're being sold to China.


>14 billion
>US economy ~ 20 trillion


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Jow Forums — where you can post videos of nogs being burned alive and gruesome beheading videos but can’t type a benign word like söy. Fuck mods.

Nope. You can't stop the $oy you kike.

Was listening to a piece on the radio about this.
The conclusion of basedbean farmers is that since no one else can produce like america can, china will end up buying american basedbeans from other inporting countries.
They arent too worried.



>14 billion dollars of fucking estronaut fuel
Just grow something else.
Soibois can fuck off.

They still have the word filters up?
Thought they would have got bored of it by now.

What the fuck? Are the admins literal 12 year olds? That's such an annoying fucking thing.


Hello Kurt

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This. He will tweet out something like "i just sold all my stocks in basedbeans, if you were smart, you would too." Then two weeks later the price of basedbean futures will rise and he will cry that drumpf gave him a seizure.

>America will not have a reason to over produce this one stupid crop and shove it into processed crap that doesn't need it.
>Onions bean farmers are forbidden to grow anything else at all.

Is soya filtered?

Fuck I hate the Bong spelling.

why would ANYONE listen to this fuck?

The US is the largest producer of onions beans but there are other large producers to import from in South America

Sacrifices have to be made, the strong will adapt.

No, now they'll have a reason to put twice as much in everything. Kek.

>country buys onions form US, sells to China for profit
Fucking (((merchant))) strikes again

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I see you need another seizure dont ya, JEW

less onions is a good think kurt you stupid kike