Reminder that if you still believe in evolution you're retarded and need to grow up and stop believing in fairytales

Reminder that if you still believe in evolution you're retarded and need to grow up and stop believing in fairytales.

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Other urls found in this thread:–Urey_experiment

>>ITT - Science is hard, Fantasy is fun.

>our great grandpa is a rock

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Are you implying that the horribly dispropotioned creature on the left evolved from a chicken, or the opposite?


I've never believed in evolution. Or gravity. Or the sun.

we actually have no proof the sun exists other than geometric measurings of Earth's orbit

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Maybe if you got out of your parent's basement you could see that the sun is real you meme

This shit isn't how actual evolution worked. Birds evolved from birdlike dinosaurs in the late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, too, long before the T. rex, so... yeah.

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it's all fun and games playing pretend on Jow Forums until you remember this is what americans actually believe

When you come up with a better theory, the non-jewish sciences will consider the evidence that you provide. Because science evolves.

>I have an IQ of 140 and I think I have enough intelligence to understand the actions of a being with UNLIMITED IQ
Christians, everyone.

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>believe in evolution
No one who passed 8th grade science would ever say anything this retarded. Science is something that is accepted or rejected based on the merits and evidence.

Belief is irrational, like you believe in fairy tales or you believe in gods.

>we actually have no proof the sun exists
If you were huwhite, you might have gotten a sunburn once.

If you step off a tall bridge your non beliefs will protect you.

>haha i straw manned him and implied he wears a funny hat. that'll make him want to worship the corpse of a jew

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This is now a paleo-art thread.

Attached: Emily Willoughby (living) Dakotaraptor's Ornithomimus Dinner - 2015.jpg (1279x1600, 1.81M)

Attached: Emily Willoughby (living) Balaur bondoc is a Bird - 2015.jpg (2400x1932, 3.03M)

Attached: Emily Willoughby (living) The Velociraptor Hunting Dance - 2013.jpg (1800x1417, 1.8M)

Attached: Emily Willoughby (living) Eosinopteryx - 2013.jpg (1800x1284, 1.18M)

Attached: Emily Willoughby (living) Caudipteryx with Chicks - 2015.jpg (3634x2342, 3.15M)

Attached: Emily Willoughby (Living) Balaur Bondoc as Avialan -2015.jpg (2400x1278, 740K)

Attached: Emily Willoughby (Living) Liaoning Scene - 2011.jpg (2400x1462, 2.4M)

why are they all eating eachothers ass?

Attached: Emily Willoughby (Living) Microraptor Piscivory - 2012.jpg (1300x897, 814K)

You can literally watch bacteria evolve retard. The two aren't mutually exclusive

Attached: Emily Willoughby (Living) Microraptor Takeoff - 2012.jpg (1800x1381, 1.42M)

I kind of want to pet this.

Attached: Emily Willoughby (Living) The Silky Serikornis - 2015.jpg (3864x2800, 3.81M)

Attached: dinosaur pet guide - John Conway.jpg (1732x2598, 448K)

Attached: John Conway (living) Archaeopteryx lithographica.jpg (1936x2323, 539K)

Reminder that you don't have to be a retarded young earth creationist to be a good catholic or christian. If you occupy your time picking fights over whether or not dinosaur bones are real you aren't helping anyone accomplish anything

Attached: John Conway (living) Avimimus Portentosus.jpg (3000x1500, 466K)

Attached: John Conway (Living) Barosaurus, Diplodocus, and Dryosaurus.jpg (3248x1386, 346K)

Attached: John Conway (living) Guidraco Venator.jpg (2121x2121, 474K)

Attached: John Conway (living) Jinfengopteryx elegans.jpg (1280x720, 297K)

Attached: John Conway (Living) Khaan Mckennai.jpg (3000x1500, 295K)

BAVI tbhfamalam

Attached: John Conway (living) Sinovenator changii.jpg (1591x2828, 496K)

I don't want to live in a world where dinosaurs had feathers..

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Attached: John Conway (living) Tyrannosaurus Rex.jpg (2121x2121, 514K)

Attached: John Conway (living) Velociraptor Mongoliensis ii.jpg (1500x1500, 506K)

Attached: Pinacosaurus grangeri - John Conway.jpg (2828x1591, 572K)

Attached: saurolophus and tarbosaurus - John Conway.jpg (2828x1591, 347K)

>the arms just faded into the chest
no they're wings now, each wing has 5 digits with 3 finger bones in each just like you

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Attached: tarbosaurus and gallimimus - John Conway.jpg (1500x843, 371K)

Attached: the promised land - John Conway.jpg (2147x2096, 752K)

Attached: tiktaalik roseae - John Conway.jpg (3223x1397, 639K)

You're talking to the ultimate good goyim. The people who believe that a creature offering them the ability to think and reason and become BETTER and SMARTER is the devil and the being offering them the metaphysical equivalent of opium until they die, naked and shameless, is "God".

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Attached: toro - John Conway.jpg (1400x875, 346K)

Attached: Tupandactylus_imperator_by_jconway.jpg (990x540, 172K)

Umm sweetie, the control matrix covers nearly everything. Yes exposing evolution for the complete farce it is is very important. This shit is right on the level with the moon landings

Attached: woolungosaurus glendowerensis - John Conway.jpg (2828x1591, 432K)

Attached: yi-qi - John Conway.jpg (2291x1964, 776K)

>God creates a creature
>Decides to just kill them all for reasons
>Puts another creature in its place
Why would he do this? Fossils clearly indicate that something existed further in the past than we even existed.

Attached: Zhejiangopterus Linhaiensis - John Conway.jpg (1591x2828, 499K)

Viruses evolve into different viruses. Dogs evolve into different dogs. We have not witnessed scientifically the evolution of different species.

Attached: coelophysis bauri - John Conway.jpg (2828x1591, 438K)

If people believe T-Rex turned into chickens, they need to start themselves asking questions why evolution would favor an organism turning into r-select from K-select.
Alligators are good example of a dinosaur remnant. They're still fucking huge and lethal.

Attached: Mark Witton (living) A Group of Hornby Azhdarchoids Perform Guerrilla Raids on Shore-living Campania (2048x1152, 2.01M)

Attached: Mark Witton (Living) Bear-sized gorgonopsid Inostrancevia latifrons.jpg (1300x1600, 1.79M)

Attached: Mark Witton (Living) life restoration of the Early Jurassic rhamphorhynchine Dorygnathus banthensis (2362x1346, 3.36M)

Attached: Mark Witton (Living) Life restoration of the Early Jurassic species Dimorphodon macronyx with fully (2362x1350, 3.89M)

Attached: Mark Witton (Living) Pteranodon Witton - 2016.jpg (600x1200, 256K)

Attached: Mark Witton (living) Quetzalcoatlus.jpg (600x1050, 269K)

Evolution is alright
A-biogenesis is absolutely fucking retarded

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Attached: Mark Witton (Living) The undignified end to the life of a large (6m wingspan) azhdarchid: being squa (1260x888, 617K)

fuck, can you imagine being chased by that thing in the middle? a dog sized dinosaur with feathers and a beak/teeth hybrid. scary

the hell
why do you have all these just ready to go

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>haha I came up with a cool and snarky insult that will make him feel so stupid and backward that he will become a pseudo-intelletual atheist who believes chickens and strawberries come from the same ancestor and that universes can be created from magically exploding singularities.

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There's birds of prey that still yank goats off cliffs.
And roosters can be VERY nasty. Wild turkey are more useful a comparison though. Domestic chickens are a creation of man.

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Pseudo-science is fun

t. retard who doesn't know what the K-T mass extinction was

Evolution is real, degenerates. Noone believes in evolution, they accept the fact.

Even us Pajeets came up with a prototype of evolution.

>Matsya- Pisces
>Kurma- Amphibians
>Varaha- Mammals
>Narasimha- Missing Link
>Vaman- Homo erectus
>Parashuram- Hunter gatherer
>Rama and Balaram- Civilised man
>Buddha- Enlightened man
>Kalki- The next stage of evolution

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>A-biogenesis is absolutely fucking retarded–Urey_experiment

Note: the above experiment left out sulfur and phosphorus, as well as sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and other important elements in living organisms.

great poos worship Pokemon

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He evolutionary fags.... which is it?

1. All animals evolve and develop different traits, some faster, some stronger, some smarter. Australian Shepherd is smarter than a Pug.

2. All people are equally intelligent, even though Africans evolved separately for 40,000 years.

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Where did the chicken come from?
See pic related.

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So are we supposed to to believe that nogs are our equals too?

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>1. All animals evolve and develop different traits, some faster, some stronger, some smarter. Australian Shepherd is smarter than a Pug.

This, obviously? What, you think pro-evolution people here on Jow Forums think niggers are human? Oh lawl.

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Dog breeds haven't 'evolved' per se. They were just selectively bred by humans to have certain characteristics usually by mating mothers with their offspring. They aren't subspecies let alone their own species.

>evolution provides the perfect arguments as to why the races are biologically different and will never be equal, why there are only two genders and they're biologically different and will never be equal, why it's defective to be gay or trans, why gender roles are real and shouldn't be perverted, why hierarchies are real and shouldn't be perverted, why property rights are real and shouldn't be perverted, why it's ok for humans to kill animals, ect ect, blowing out every liberal argument with the facts of reality
>american "conservatives" throw all this out because their middle eastern book that's been mistranslated a dozen times and is ripping off other religions a dozen times said their jewish god made earth in 6 days

>Not using phylogenetic evidence

That's not gravity though.

>Can barely make it "work" in a controlled & monitored space
>Somehow rock juice birthed life by itself by accident
Agian, retarded

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Can’t be a race realist if you don’t believe in evolution

Holy shit, do you fucking idiots have anything new to "argue against" evolution with?

>Muh macro- vs microevolution
>Muh how did life come from rocks
>Muh who caused the big bang
>Muh whales have pelvises so they can give birth

Give it a fucking rest, homey.

>Evolution is real

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& I'm always reminded that people who don't accept evolution think it's analogous to a shitty morph program

>t. 50 iq mutt

When pseudo science becomes a cult - you are right back to religion.

You should never "accept" anything in science that cannot be tested over and over. It is just a theory. The word "theory" is right int he name "Theory of Evolution"

Ah, forgot one in my previous list

>Muh "it's only a theory"

Thanks, user!

>Carbon dating, radio-isotope dating all proven radically inconsistent
>hurr we can tell da age of da fossils by da dirt dey in
>yep we tell da age of da dirt by da age of da fossils

>variations and adaptations provable and true, nobody disputes this
>because birds on an island have differently shaped beaks to better suit their diets, that means that those birds came from a rock

>survival of da fittest so thas why a 50 foot tall badass carnivorous lizard became a 2 ft tall flightless bird that eats seeds

>yeah whales have 2 bones in dey forearm we call radius and ulna, we also have 2 bones in forearm we call radius and ulna!!! dat proves we be whales an sheit!! muh common ancestah!!!


>trillions and trillions of years ago a bunch of nothing surrounded by nothing got compressed by a force of nothing and spun really hard because of nothing so frictional heating on this tightly packed nothing became something and exploded. this has never happened before or since, we have no logical or scientific evidence of this so that explains the entirety of the universe. by the way all the nothing that exploded is still expanding and making new universes just really, really far away so you could never actually see it happening

it's funny to take 1000 logical jumps and faith-based conclusions and then mock people who only took 1 "logical jump" (which any of them can plainly see is not actually a logical jump once you pass)

>we all jus matter and chemicals dog das why morals are wrong
>but yeah those darn Christians sure are oppressive when dey won't let me (((teach))) their kids!!! I have no meaningful moral basis to be outraged at that but it makes me angry!!! >:((

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>Agian, retarded
Not really. First you have to understand, the early earth is nothing like modern earth, so don't think of it that way. It is a sterile place.
Then you have to consider, we're talking about 2.5-3 billion years of shit getting done. Very slowly, but it does happen. Please note: you cannot grasp how much time this is. Your brain does not have that ability. None of ours does.
You consider all these elements and molecules are here, interacting with one another, often in an electrical environment.

Under the laws of chemistry, abiogenesis is 100% logical. And chemistry > "God" unless you have some proof otherwise.

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You're a fucking moron man - fuck off. Why DONT MODS MOVE CHRISTIAN SHIT TO /x/ already? ALL RELIGIOUS SHIT!