Pure white blood ancestry
Has christian background
High IQ, college educated on a usefull degree
Wants to have children.
Where are the top-tier white woman located now?
Not in Spain, where the average person allegedly has 4-20% Northern African admixture.
Is it in Bavaia, northern germany or any of the nordic countries?, I want to bleach my heritage with the best of the best
White women are just above nigger. Asian girls are top-tier.
protected inside their parents' compound under armed guard at all times and already betrothed to some princeling
Fuck off mutt we are full
Women and college education do not mix
kys you idiot, the best you can do is just end your life. Look at fucking demographics of countries instead of asking Jow Forums you fucking burger cretin that can't even spell Bavaria correctly, also Bavaria isn't Nordic, it's predominately Celtic grrrrrrr angry emoji