TV & Poz

>start watching TV show with extremely interesting plot synopsis
>about a surgeon in the early 1900's
>begin watching and within a single episode, about a quarter of the screen time is dedicated to some misunderstood black surgeon who can do no wrong
>all of the white people are scumbags, but black doctor is intelligent, patient, strong, and just generally has no character flaws
>situation is constantly presented as racist white assholes vs. intelligent white progressives who recognize that race is only skin deep
I feel that this kind of thing is shoehorned into virtually everything nowadays. Am I crazy for seeing it everywhere, or is it really just impossible to find a TV show like this where half of the plot hasn't been turned into a strawman of some modern political debate?

I mean, for one thing, the entire situation is just fantastical on its face... but even if it weren't, it's as though the writers just stuffed modern basedboy opinions into a time period wherein they would be basically completely incomprehensible.

Are there any TV shows that don't have this problem?

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Yeah, that show had potential but wasn't very good. The young doctors notebook is a better show.

Started a book with interesting blurb
turned out to be about all the evils white men and women did to black women in the slavery era. All the white men want to fuck or fall in love with black women, who then get knocked up and white women hate them for it.

Every tv show must have 3 things

1. Homosex

2. Male genital mutilation or deridement

3. Benevolent Jewish character and/or Holocaust / Jewish suffering reference.

I challenge anyone to find a show that doesn't

The worst part is trying to explain why I take issue with this to friends and loved ones. Their reaction is always, "lol, why do you care? just watch the TV show, user"

he has flaws. keep watching

What are his flaws, user?

I haven't watched TV in ten years. Publishing is just as infected though. Reading only older books from now on.

Wtf Thai bro?
Avatar last airbender doesn't have those.

you forgot:
>mary sue female character that beats white male
>a black or any non white mary sue character

>about a quarter of the screen time is dedicated to some misunderstood black surgeon who can do no wrong

Doesn't he screw up with some of his patients, using less than ideal practices, until what's-his-name intercedes? (I don't remember the plot details exactly, and didn't watch past season 2.)

That said, I hear what you're saying. They lay it on pretty thick on the racial front. Otoh, I do find the character and his historic circumstances (the crude medical practices he uses in his rather filthy "clinic") somewhat intriguing.

Ozark was pretty good. I was on the bubble the first couple episodes, but after ep 3, it really caught fire and delivered the goods. It had an unfortunate fag subplot, but I don't recall any Jewish characters.

>Am I crazy for seeing it everywhere, or is it really just impossible to find a TV show like this where half of the plot hasn't been turned into a strawman of some modern political debate?

You're not crazy. I really liked the concept of The Knick, but the SJW racial propaganda got INSANE about half way through the first season.

People of that era were intensely racist. It's a fact, and I hate shows that whitewash the past and try to pretend otherwise.

The nig

I think they understood the very real racial differences that do exist whether we acknowledge them or not, and they simply didn't pussyfoot around them. The ideas espoused on the show wouldn't have even crossed the minds of the characters IRL, it's just absurd on its face.

>but the SJW racial propaganda got INSANE about half way through the first season
Damn, I was sick of it by the third episode. Does it really get that much worse?

>BASED black surgeon
>STRONG female nurses
It's 2018!

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I suppose it's possible that the black doctor could have been one of the 0.01% of 'groids who were brilliant enough to get educated in that time period, but the fact that he was the ONE character who was both a brilliant surgeon AND an upstanding citizen only trying to do good in the world was too much to take. It's supposed to be a show about flawed geniuses. Having the black doctor be the one genius with absolutely no flaws in an era where 99% of blacks couldn't even read was clearly a political decision.

He just keeps getting more and more screen time, and every time he's on screen you're beaten over the head about what a good and amazing person he while all the horrible things that the white folks are doing is constantly shoved in your face. It goes from being annoying to just being absurd.

tfw I have no patience for this stuff anymore and considered it absurd in the very first episode

That doesn't sound like a very accurate assessment of the show, considering the black guy's actual character is that he's actually an angry equally ignorant dick who hides behind the facade of being a higher grade of human to prove a point to himself.

He intentionally starts fist fights with people in bars several times and is just as flawed as the rest of the cast.

but yeah okay niggers whatever

>He intentionally starts fist fights with people in bars several times
>just as flawed as the rest of the cast
pick one

this is whats great about collecting old horror/exploitation movies, no SJW bullshit

you're also ignoring the whole "race is only skin deep" and white people's racism is unwarranted narrative

>angry about being looked down on because of his skin color and sometimes picks fights as an outlet for his frustration
>degenerate drug addicts who use human beings like guinea pigs and kill women and children in operating theaters while high as balls

I mean, I guess it proves he can be a chad, but for instance he beats up an old neighbor for instance once said old negro starts talking shit about his uppity attitude.
He's just kind of an angry cunt who wants a white woman who doesn't want him.
Thats not to say racism isn't a big part of the show, but it was also a big part of the times, and the black doctor is actually inspired by a real surgeon from the time period and shit.

SJW shit invading shows bothers me, it never felt like it was happening in this though, even the strong female character of the show was down to earth.
The funniest fucking thing is that the final episode of the show has the black doctor picking a fight with the racist doctor, losing, and then the racist doctor goes to fucking Germany to get into Eugenics science.

Also (((Soderbergh))) is a great director.

>Are there any TV shows that don't have this problem?

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The situations are not comparable at all. His actions are borderline while everyone else on the show is cracked out and murdering hookers in alleyways, ranting about niggers, etc. And that's not the only point, either—it's not just about his relatively upstanding character, it's about the absurdity of the situation in general

But more than that, I don't need yet another fucking show to show me the racial struggle of a black character, Jesus fucking Christ

>while everyone else on the show is cracked out and murdering hookers in alleyways
Only Clive Owen's character, sans murder. Young doctor is fine, nurse is pretty normal with daddy issues, racist doctor is just racist.
And the main POV isn't even the black guy, its a show with multiple forms of struggles, quit being a pissbaby about one of many POVs, making imaginary enemies isn't going to help the actual fight.

This show is pretty good. Not a single nig to be found. Its a Netflix dig tho and season 3 is set to be released soon so we'll see.

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>A Young Doctors Notebook
My fucking nigga.
I really wish it was continuing, an under rated gem.

One of many POVs which exists only in some low-T writer's fantasy land and was shoehorned in despite the producers touting the show's historical accuracy herp derp

>nuns giving back alley abortions
>black market cadavers
>crackheads abound

like uh hey man just like ignore the fact that magical negro and his racial struggle takes up 20% of the screen time, it's completely reasonable and normal, why do you even notice it?

I know black market cadavers were a thing in the 1800s but was it still happening in the 1900s?


Maybe its just me but if I were being paid to do a job I'd check my facts to make sure I did it right. Then again maybe that's why I'm unemployed.


Historical Accuracy went out the window immediately when the show started, I don't think it was ever touted as that, just a Period Piece.
Besides the point though.
Also he's barely even important in the second season, senpai.

I started watching Westworld the other day. Same thing. Mary Sues galore, cartoonishly evil white men, brave wahmen leading revolution. Most of it didn't start until the second season, though, and I think that's become more common for HBO in particular - do a first season with limited agenda, and then, once you have your audience, fill the following seasons with agenda and pozzed propaganda. It's like clockwork at this point.

>and I think that's become more common for HBO in particular - do a first season with limited agenda, and then, once you have your audience, fill the following seasons with agenda and pozzed propaganda
I have noticed the same thing

They did this with Lost In Space and the cuck father and black daughter

LITERALLY no reason to have a black girl in the show other then to be progressive.Heard the show sucks anyway...good fuck them

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Ultimately, it's somewhat freeing knowing that 99% of modern entertainment is pozz'd. It means that I get to explore a whole bunch of older stuff. Bonus points if it's "discredited" by modern culture, like "Birth of a Nation." Also, it let's me go back to shows that I enjoyed from, hell, just 10 or so years ago, like Rome. Rome definitely had its degeneracy, but it served a purpose. It's not Game of Thrones with sex for sex's sake. It's there for a reason.

Of course, that kind of stuff just primed audiences for "sex for sex's sake."

I find it kind of alienating, it makes it hard to enjoy popular/new things with normies

Yeah... yeah I try to ignore that. I only started watching Westworld because my normie brother recommended it. Thankfully, my fiancee isn't pozzed, so I have her to watch stuff with. But yes. It's incredibly alienating. My "friends" from school and work? Their eyes glaze over when I start laying down criticism on the latest soulless entertainment that they "just love so much!!!

Season 1 of Westworld was enjoyable for the most part. Interesting concept. Everything went to shit when they gave the Negress prostitute Mary Sue status.

Regarding Jow Forums concepts, I totally agree, that's where it really started. I have other critiques against the show, but none of them have to do with being pozzed or not. But yeah, once the negress madame became infallible, more and more "progressive" shit just kept being piled on.