Tech companies are not hiring black people even though most of them own cellphones


Attached: phones.png (549x420, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>owning a phone
>implying that means you can even use the fucking thing let alone build/develop/support them

Toddlers have the highest ownership of diapers, why aren't diaper companies hiring more toddlers?

Owning a cell phone doesn't make you qualified to work at a tech company.
White men created and designed most modern tech, and chinks and poos do all the grunt work of building gizmos.
All other mud peoples are basically irrelevant except to extract profits.

>own a phone
>suddenly qualified to design software
Jesus fuck it's like your parents/relatives asking you for tech support just because you own a computer

black people can't even have a conversation on a phone without speakerphone

The fact that someone took the time to write this horseshit. Shows why they’re not working in these fields either.
>I like eating
>I should be hired as a chef

Most Blacks have STDs yet are underrepresented in medical research to cure STDs

Most Blacks have been incarcerated but most Guards aren’t black

Why isn’t there outrage about this?


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>I own a car
>this makes me capable of perfectly fulfilling the role in these jobs:
>f1 driver
>nascar driver
>police pursuit specialist
>stunt driver
>crash test dummy

mup da doo mo fug cuh bix nood gibs me dat job cracka

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Former waiter and bartender here, did 9 years in a major US city. You just described the attitude of every food critic and 'foodie'.

You're right user! All those racist companies like goolag should hire blacks!

This should explain everything to you. Cheers, m8.

Should dog food companies and dog toy manufacturers hire dogs to make their products?

Niggers have absolutely no idea how things are made. Things just end up in their possession and they roll with it. The question never even crosses their mind. They just associate the companies with the devices, and they want to be a part of it all. It doens't cross their mind what they can contribute to the company, they don't see business in that sense, they just know that they want what comes with making the devices.

check these digits for no niggers in America by 2100.

>Women not fucking betas despite pussy ownership

WASHINGTION (AP) - Women are among the top owners of vaginas but won't even consider fucking beta's even though there is a lack of Chads.

African Americans are among the top owners of cellphones? WTF does that even mean? Liberal politics! GTFO

Attached: white-love.jpg (356x478, 24K)

I own a Honda and those racist Japs have never once hired me to work in their car factories

This is my grandson. He is a computer wiz.


fake news!

Gladly checked sir, and great post I must say.

>high ownership rate
How many black people do tech companies own these days?

We waz tech giants n sheet

>African Americans are among the top owners
Who else is among the top owners? Whites? Asians? Mexicans?

Whoever wrote this must be an expert on toilet paper making because he/she is completely full of shit.

Source: That one kid who invented his own computer