Science and Technology were a fundamental mistake and as we progress forward will allow mass control of the population. Control which goes beyond surveillance to the very essence of existence: choice. The elites seek to understand how you make decisions and to take away your ability to act in a way at odds with their goals(ex: see BRAIN initiative). The entire professions of Psychiatry and more broadly the field of Psychology has this as an end goal. The desire to "understand" the mind is simply a euphemism for the desire to control it. We see this done with animal experiments but rest assured it will be used on humans when it is perfected into more consistent outcomes. Even psychiatric drugs that currently exist seek to do this("anti-psychotic") but they are very rudimentary when compared to the end goal.
Science and Technology were a fundamental mistake and as we progress forward will allow mass control of the population...
>can't get his academia noticed without killing people
>Science and Technology were a fundamental mistake
Hey leaf, he was well known before bombing. Stop attempting to slide the discussion.
In some ways it's kind of funny, modern politics is a distraction from reality, a façade to hide those who have real power and their plans. Hitler was the last leader to stand against them. This isn't to say Hitler was perfect or good, he wasn't but it is to say he was the last person to lead true resistance. I think this is why he is vilified.
These arguments about race and culture, at this point they don't matter. The elites don't care, I'm sure they know blacks are less intelligent or muslism are more violent but once their end game is implemented, everyone will be good slaves to them. This mass homognization is simply the first step.
Enlinghtment ideals were a mistake
Democracy was a mistake
Free market was s mistake
This is the end
Only an economic collapse can redime the human species
What were Ted's best points?
One key part of the elites maintaining control is creating the appearance of choice while making sure you select their desired outcome.
"Freedom" isn't actually Freedom. This is why Hitler was so dangerous to their plans, he gave his people real choice instead of individualism which creates a façade of freedom while keeping the population subservient to the whims of the industrialists, bankers and marxists.
As our society has become more "free" we have continued to lose more and more power over it.
"Feedom" has simply faciliated the people tightening the noose themselves with aid of technology.
False. You raise some compelling points about the potential downsides of some types of technologies. But in general, advanced technologies and the social structures that sustain their creation are necessary for long term human survival, and therefore good. Humanity is entirely dependent of a stable biosphere and astronomical luck, but these cannot be guaranteed forever. Eventually some asteroid will come along and obliterate humanity. The only--ONLY--way to survive is to try to move into space. This will require the creation of intermediate technologies that carry their own risks, of course, but we have no choice. It's either space, or perish.
No, I am correct. Fundementally humans lack the discipline and moral compass needed to both maintain themselves and become technologically advanced. Knowing this, destruction of society and if required, death is preferable to the alternative. The alternative being forced into part of some mass-collective which the elites have designed.