Science and Technology were a fundamental mistake and as we progress forward will allow mass control of the population...

Science and Technology were a fundamental mistake and as we progress forward will allow mass control of the population. Control which goes beyond surveillance to the very essence of existence: choice. The elites seek to understand how you make decisions and to take away your ability to act in a way at odds with their goals(ex: see BRAIN initiative). The entire professions of Psychiatry and more broadly the field of Psychology has this as an end goal. The desire to "understand" the mind is simply a euphemism for the desire to control it. We see this done with animal experiments but rest assured it will be used on humans when it is perfected into more consistent outcomes. Even psychiatric drugs that currently exist seek to do this("anti-psychotic") but they are very rudimentary when compared to the end goal.

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>can't get his academia noticed without killing people


>Science and Technology were a fundamental mistake

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Hey leaf, he was well known before bombing. Stop attempting to slide the discussion.

In some ways it's kind of funny, modern politics is a distraction from reality, a façade to hide those who have real power and their plans. Hitler was the last leader to stand against them. This isn't to say Hitler was perfect or good, he wasn't but it is to say he was the last person to lead true resistance. I think this is why he is vilified.

These arguments about race and culture, at this point they don't matter. The elites don't care, I'm sure they know blacks are less intelligent or muslism are more violent but once their end game is implemented, everyone will be good slaves to them. This mass homognization is simply the first step.

Enlinghtment ideals were a mistake
Democracy was a mistake
Free market was s mistake
This is the end
Only an economic collapse can redime the human species

What were Ted's best points?

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One key part of the elites maintaining control is creating the appearance of choice while making sure you select their desired outcome.

"Freedom" isn't actually Freedom. This is why Hitler was so dangerous to their plans, he gave his people real choice instead of individualism which creates a façade of freedom while keeping the population subservient to the whims of the industrialists, bankers and marxists.

As our society has become more "free" we have continued to lose more and more power over it.

"Feedom" has simply faciliated the people tightening the noose themselves with aid of technology.

False. You raise some compelling points about the potential downsides of some types of technologies. But in general, advanced technologies and the social structures that sustain their creation are necessary for long term human survival, and therefore good. Humanity is entirely dependent of a stable biosphere and astronomical luck, but these cannot be guaranteed forever. Eventually some asteroid will come along and obliterate humanity. The only--ONLY--way to survive is to try to move into space. This will require the creation of intermediate technologies that carry their own risks, of course, but we have no choice. It's either space, or perish.

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No, I am correct. Fundementally humans lack the discipline and moral compass needed to both maintain themselves and become technologically advanced. Knowing this, destruction of society and if required, death is preferable to the alternative. The alternative being forced into part of some mass-collective which the elites have designed.

what sort of moral system is this, where no life is preferred to life? You're just trolling or haven't fully come to grips with the reality of existential risk. We must try to colonize space. There is no alternative. Technology may destroy us, but turning our back to it definitely will.

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I don't want to be part of some AI Brave New World either, but here's the problem: if you don't create technology, someone else will, and their tech will allow them to overpower you.

Therefore if you want to avoid AI Brave New World you HAVE to create technology to fight it at the very least. By just avoiding it you ensure the "evil" tech side wins by default.

There's no such thing as "let's just all agree to not create tech". That's not a thing. I've also noticed only white people proposing these "let's just all agree to have these same values." That doesn't work, stop proposing this.

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Which is why destruction of society is ultimately required, all society needed to maintain industrialization. If one were able to set society back thousands of years then the solution will be solved, at least for temporary.

The question is, how?

This is correct.

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Well you certainly won't succeed in that goal without tech, also you have to consider the moral implications of setting back society that far, the enormous death involved, all for preventing hypothetical scenario which hasn't happened yet. A bit extreme don't you think?

This would doom humanity to certain death and prevent us from spreading life throughout the galaxy

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I guarantee that if you could see all possibilities of the future of mankind, you'll find all of them would probably lead to the development of technology followed by decline.

I have feeling this is just the destined route. Build > Destroy > Repeat.

>This would doom humanity to certain death and prevent us from spreading life throughout the galaxy

Why do we want this? Why do we care?

Since we've mined much of the easy-to-find coal, oil and metals, rebuilding an advanced society might not be possible, depending on how catastrophic the disaster was

It's about valuing future lives. The potential number of future people is so great that the death of humanity would be very bad, morally. I suppose I should ask you: why *don't* you care about the far future? Is there some point at which you say people's lives don't matter? Your great grandkids? Their kids? Why do future lives stop mattering?

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I agree, technology will be required to destroy technology. My position may be extreme but I believe it is needed to safeguard what we are(individuals with free will) from the end goals of the sociopathic elite who seek to breakdown humanity(all life in fact) and enforce a form of materialism which they control.

Death is the preferred outcome.

>I suppose I should ask you: why *don't* you care about the far future?

Nothing I've seen or experienced in my life gives me any reason that I should care about humanity's perpetual existence. I certainly have no real stake in any of it. Part of it is "hurr heat death of the universe renders everything meaningless" but I also just don't think we deserve to be masters of time and space. We're just corrupt sinful evil monkeys.

meant to quote

you have a very dark worldview, and it's a little scary. Once synthetic biotechnology get better, people like you will probably kill billions of people, and that makes me sad. Life is good, user.

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It's bound to happen sooner or later if it hasn't already without our knowing.

The best example would be for how many centuries people tried using magic to control or influence others.

The educated and intelligent might have abandoned that notion long ago but I think we'll continue to try by other means far into the future.

It wasn't so long ago mk ultra happened and someone is going to try again with better technology and new knowledge.

>dude if I just lived on constant fear of starvation, lived in constant chronic pain and had the suffer half my children being stillborn and the other half that survive that dying before they reach 5 I'd be a lot happier, if only I lived in the time of my wise ancestors!

All the people whining about how hard modern life is should be forced to live in the wilderness for about a week so they can start crying and begging to be let back into le ebil civilization and learn some gratitude, that goes for all you fucking faggots on here who whine about how hard it is to get a girlfriend in 2018.

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Do you think people in the past were more free than we are today?

it depends on how you define 'free', but in general humans are better off on every measure of human wellbeing. Plus there are a lot more humans, which seems like a good thing if you value human life. So no, people in the past weren't more free.

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'we're just corrupt sinful evil monkeys'
Nihilism at it's best.
So monkey, why are monkeys not sinful when they commit every single in the book? They are observed to be cannibalistic, incestious, unclean, parasitic towards their environment.
If they sinful then you or a human must have come up with a concept of morality to be able to categorise them as such.
If monkeys are as 'sinful' as I suggest then they are a lesser being by your own measure which makes you more than just a monkey anything.

You don't deserve anything simply just for being. There is no example on this earth of God allowing a single organism which is simply allowed to be.
In all the great hero stories, the path is clear. Use your morality to decide what is right and wrong. Right the wrong and preserve the righteous.
Self awareness is a bitch but you don't have to be.

>You should train monkeys and use eugenics to the point where they are equal to man
>Then kys as you will actually be :just a monkey' irl

It's already happening, again look at psychatric drugs. This is just the start of what we will see in the future.