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Bump. Also running to the store to buy cigs
Have another bump, I know fuck all I can do to help other than this.
is she in cuffs yet?
She deleted her Facebook I believe so maybe that's a good sign. I wonder if she has cashed in on that 7,000$ from GoFundMe yet.
This, not the one in the pic. Look closely.
>She deleted her Facebook
literally not even close to true
Who here has impeccable photoshop skills. I need you to cut out the Cadillac Escalade and put it on the back of the house perfectly lined up with the ground or I can use the ladder for measurements.
All she has to do is blame "alt right trolls" and she will immediately gain public sympathy no matter how retarded her plan was. People won't even bother to look into it. There will be no need once the troll bomb is dropped. It can litterally un-nig a niggers way out of any nigging they nig themselves into.
Dude. If the paint matches her height that's not what's gonna make the cops arrest her. Use the windows as a legend. Windows are normally pretty standard sizes. Stop trying to act like your some Q user or something. Fuck sakes mate. Her height should be on her arrest records, she looks like she's five foot six or so.
>Her height should be on her arrest records, she looks like she's five foot six or so.
derp, acting like you haven't already seen said records, and don't already know she's 5'6".
K will do. I was going to use the Escalade because it could give me a good idea on how high the spray paint went up.
From the pictures I have seen the top of the Escalade doesn’t look spray painted.
Oh yea to answer your question. It will get her convicted if you can prove the person who sprayed the house was 5’6. It’s called circumstantial evidence!
Good job user.
>Insurance fraud
Is there anything a nigger won't try to cheat and steal from?
>glossy paint used in the vandalism
>can of flat paint with different cap and artwork being used to claim this is the one used
how close are we to her rotting in prison?
>Looks at her grammar and spelling
Are most niggers this retarded?
>Are niggers retarded?
Is water wet?
nog 1: "nigga what you gon do now you got dat spray paintz left ova from making ya table blang?"
nog 2: "nigga i'm finnna make dat papuh by utilizationing whyte guilt."
nog 1: "sheeeeeeeeeeit"
Sorry I'm Lilly white and don't live anywhere near them.
Last thread was great
No, about 60% can be even worse.
This is the correct shade and it matches.
Is a dolphin's asshole water tight?
>based Angola
Oh my god I know how they did it archive and keep all the photos of the damage house cars you name it. I’m going to go to bed. But piecing all this together is going to be one fun job tomorrow. Later bros.
Been lurking the threads Bump.
This cunt needs to be taught a lesson
insurance companies are frauds by themselves and the white man invented the con business, calm your tits dude
well, it kind of matches
although, it could be cooking spray
>could be cooking spray
And you COULD be on to something if you weren’t obviously blind
She's dumb but I don't think she is nigger enough to grease her pans with Rustoleum.
thanks for bumping
here is a mid morning re-masterpiece
Awesome good shit user. Saved
have another bump op
thanks for baking
i'm going to start focusing effort into LV