Alright everyone

Alright everyone

Attached: maxresdefault (10).jpg (1280x720, 125K)

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no racemixing



Kill niggers. Peace out

Big news in the tech world today as—**spoon rattles around coffee mug**

-Well, that's about it. Peace out.

who cares?!

what I found mindblowing is that he was married to that woman

pic related is his former wife

Attached: Styx married this.png (851x477, 528K)

'the legacy media'

It's quite funny, actually.

God fucking speed!!


Attached: Meteor.jpg (1024x576, 316K)

Attached: Rageaholic.jpg (900x900, 140K)

Leave Styx alone. He a good boi. He dindu nuffin

Styx is the kind of guy that needs a sandwich, but is hung like a mule

Attached: Styx.jpg (450x600, 47K)

What a bitch
He ridiculed a man whose daughter got murdered by a migrant to push his agenda
Also he's very often dishonest, at least a few months ago when I used to watch his videos regularly


He literally married her to keep her from getting deported. He explained it in one video.

Attached: DO_NOT_WANT2.jpg (604x453, 196K)

I didn't see where he ridiculed the father, the guy is a complete cuck, i don't see why anybody watches him, all he offers is basic bitch libertarian talking points.

The real reason I watch is for headlines I missed, banter, and the Fallout/gardening videos.