American Lawyer Mark Levin

Constitutional Lawyer Mark Levin demands you cannot Indict a sitting President. (period). Take it all the way to the Supreme Court, “if it takes six months or six years” separation of the Executive Branch Of Government from prosecution.

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He needs to move to Israel and shut the fuck up.

Mr. Uber patriot.

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How many more Jews are we going to see during the Trump presidency?

"He is Jewish."

lol, funny coming from a filthy leftist JEW that was NeverTrump during the entire election.

What's getting indicted for? The fuck is this kike on about m8


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This is wholesome when you want to play "spot the merchant" with your children. Dehumanize the kikes early, so that they may do what no one yet could.


Does Levin have dual citizenship, USA/Israel?

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The name Levin was obviously the first sign, you don't need wiki for that

Fuck that kike. He's Israeli first. He's got a menorah so far up his ass, his tongue burns.

His point is even IF mueller tried to, he cant.

he's fine, unironically think he's one of the good ones.

he was a never trumper that sucked netanyahu's dick so far down his throat he was shitting out cum.

>the president is above the law

You people are disgusting.

that's just not true

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Mark Levin is awful.

you goys just don't appreciate what he's saying, that doesn't mean he's not working towards our interest.

The only jew I can think of that is worth listening to is Michael Savage.

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He's a billionaire, btw

through his son though right?